Steel Flint nodded. "Excellent. It looks like most departments will be participating. The bowling league won't be officially starting up until about a week but tonight a few employees will be practicing, in case you're interested."
Snowy was highly appreciative of the lack of Hostility in Steel Flint today. Maybe he just knew too many ponies that were good at holding grudges. "I suppose I should find out if I'm any good at it. Where is the venue?"
The cucarockas eagerly gobbled up the candies Maplejack offered. Misty Monsoon noticed that the grey stallion's pale pink mane was fairly unkempt. It could certainly stand a brushing. However, she also noticed that the harmonica that was precariously balanced on his hoof had an engraved image of a tulip with stars circling as if it was dizzy--the same insignia that was on the business cards Rhapsody found and passed around during the trip to Nightmare Heights.
"I don't have the address memorized but it's written down and all department heads have the address so at the very least, Dusty will have a copy. Was there anything else either of you needed from me?"
"okay yeah." Maple said, as she walked back over to the bugs and counted out 2 more candies for each each, she kinda felt bad for the ones the three of them had knocked out, so she kept a few in her bag to leave by them when they reached them.
Static looked around. "Last I saw, she was going in this direction," he said, indicating. "Maybe you could get a better look up in the air? Otherwise I guess we just keep heading towards town. Who knows, maybe she's there already."
Misty flew below the treetops with her "passenger," looking for Static where she'd seen him last. And there, she found him again.
She noticed few things simultaneously. Static was surrounded by cucarockas, but wasn't attempting to fight them. They weren't attempting to fight him either; they appeared to be eating something...? A few yards away was another Static. And Maplejack was with him.
She had a brief moment of confusion, hovering in place for a split-second before the lightbulb went on in her head. "Oh, haha! Must be an illusion. She veered off to the side to avoid being seen by the cucarockas, following an arcing path through the trees to where the real Static and Maple were.
"Heya! I got this guy out of the way before the bugs could grab him," she says as she flies up, preparing to set the stallion down on the ground. "He doesn't seem to like flying so maybe we should walk back with him?"
"I don't believe so, ma'am - thank you. But I should definitely be along tonight for the bowling practice." Amber nodded as she spoke and began to continue down the hallway. "Mr. Skies, it occurs to me that I didn't have a very close look at this first combination box. Do you recall whether the symbols were an exact match between the two, or does this one have a different set?"
Static raised an eyebrow as Misty came back with the stallion.
[He didn't like flying so she brought him back to the scene of battle? Instead of just walking him back to town herself?]
[Hey, this works out better. Now we can deal with him together.]
[First thing's first!]
"GET THAT HARMONICA AWAY FROM HIM!!!! Don't let him play that harmonica. It's what's making the cucarocka's hostile."