[IC] Equestrian Radio Show's Adventure Variety Hour: Explorers of STOMP


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static - Misty

"We're moving supplies at the moment. It's best to make sure the city has what it needs in case of emergencies. This is the last set of boxes before we move on. Otherwise, how have things been with you Misty?" Brisk Iron asked.

Tour team

The teachers quickly discussed among themselves before agreeing to Maplejack's proposal. Upon walking outside, everyp! ony was caught by the sight of the massive dig area. Not just a few sand pits, it looked like the majority of the grassy areas in the back of the Keep had been dug up and roped off into sections. Even Latte Windfall and Cinnamon Jackpot seemed amazed at this. Bottle Wary stood by the table with the plastic buckets for the dig and happily waved to the group.


Static resumes pushing boxes while listening in on Misty and Brisk Iron's conversation?

[Can it even be called eaves dropping when they both know I'm right there?]

[Yes...yes it can. You're such a rude little punk, aren't you?]


[I'm just messing with ya! Nah! You're good.]

[I seriously need to find a shrink to help get rid of some of these voices.]

"Oh... everything's going well, I guess? I've been pretty busy with the night job... but it's fun," she says as she assists with the last few boxes.


Static - Misty

Just then, a deep purple unicorn mare with a pastel yellow mane entered the room through a rectangular portal. Misty Monsoon recognized this as Resolving Door. "Rats, I missed! Oh, hey Misty and Misty's friends! Which warehouse is this?"

"Alright, slightly littler ponies, since we've already divided into our groups, Let's make this easier for Bottle Wary and rotate through in shifts... Team leaders, teachers and 'Keepers' ..." *tehehehe* "... please help them pass out the buckets and shovels."


Static stops pushing for a moment to meet Misty's friend. "Oh, hello Misty's friend. I'm Static. This is Warehouse 15. Which one were you looking for?"

Misty greets Resolving Door with a smile. "Heyyyy! Nice to see you again!" She nods in assent to Static's comment.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static - Misty

"Awww, I really missed Splash's warehouse. Was looking to see if Bottle Wary was free," Resolving Door said, then waved back at Misty Monsoon. "Mr. Wary is currently on the clock so he wouldn't be available for a few hours. However, if you're free, the help here would be appreciated." "Sure thing! Heeeyyy...you must be that! museum lady Splash talks so much about. I'll make sure to work extra hard." Resolving Door attmepted to push a box and noticeably struggled. Then her horn lit up and she pushed it with her magic. "It's okay if we talk while we work, right? I've been wondering...what is up with saxophones? I mean, who makes something with that many buttons? It doesn't seem very earth pony friendly."

Tour team

As the teachers and older ponies helped with passing out equipment, Twinkle Glitter looked up at Wanderlust with big, innocent eyes and said, "May I have a bigger shovel, please?" Meanwhile, Plateau Precious asked Night Cap, "Is this what you and your friends were doing in the Heights?"

Elsewhere, Cinnamon Jackpot asked Scarlet Spectrum a similar but different question. "Your dad does this kind of stuff, right?"

Static double checked and saw that he was indeed the only earth pony in this group. He then dramatically looked at his two front hooves, scratched his head and grined. "I feel like I've just been issued a challenge!"

Static - Misty

Resolving Door seemed confused. "A challenge? How? I mean, I sure can't play a saxophone.


You have a saxophone? Wow, that's cool!"

"Hah! Me, a saxophone? No! It's just, you know, as the only earth pony here, I kinda felt honor bound to tease you at least a little. I can play a mean guitar when I've got the mind though, Mr...? Sorry...never did catch your name?"


"What's a saxophone anyway? Is it like a big piano?"

Static raises an eyebrow at Misty. "Oh, sweety! You've got to go to a music store sometime. We have such sights to show you!"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static - Misty

Resolving Door paused. "Why would your guitar be mean? ... Ooohhh...figure of speech. Well that sounds cool."


"I didn't know, I merely guessed. As far as your question of trust, who's heard of a dragon who isn't a rampaging monster? Or...I guess more to the point, who's heard of a marine biologist blind enough to use dynamite on a coal reef? I say this to you, Rhapsody: You're more than just a fan of Princess Luna, correct? Some might say that that one who risked bringing such suffering to the world can't be trusted. A monster worthy of fearful holidays and legends. 'Completely irredeemable.' But that's not true, is it? I don't think an individual should be blamed for the actions of an entire group, nor should they permanently be blamed for the past when they're trying to change. I would think that a pony who holds Luna in such high regard would be open to forgiving others instead of dismissing the possibility of change.

I need to go but please think about this."
Splash Flaunt began to get up but then said, "Oh, and it's a variety of cookies in the bag. Just hoped it would make the last bit of your hospital stay better."

Rhapsody huffs softly as she listens. "One flaw in that, Princess Luna was good before she fell, she helped protect us. She wasn't always seen as a monster. My family has tried to preserve that image of her and not just let ponies remember her as the monster she became. " She replies but shakes her head. "Other then that... You are right. I'm not sure I can completely trust her yet... but Luna fell becuase she felt everything she did was being ignored, being overlooked... I should try and prevent such a thing from happening with others, if I can..."

"Thanks for the visit."


Splash Flaunt nodded. "You're welcome. Get some rest." She then quietly left the room.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Tour team

As the teachers and older ponies helped with passing out equipment, Twinkle Glitter looked up at Wanderlust with big, innocent eyes and said, "May I have a bigger shovel, please?" Meanwhile, Plateau Precious asked Night Cap, "Is this what you and your friends were doing in the Heights?"

Wanderlust looks deep into those big eyes. "That depends entirely on how big of a shovel you want." He says with a smile.

"You won't see my touring the world any time soon, but it's a fun thing to do whenever I have time."

Static - Misty

"Awww, I really missed Splash's warehouse. Was looking to see if Bottle Wary was free," Resolving Door said, then waved back at Misty Monsoon. "Mr. Wary is currently on the clock so he wouldn't be available for a few hours. However, if you're free, the help here would be appreciated." "Sure thing! Heeeyyy...you must be that! museum lady Splash talks so much about. I'll make sure to work extra hard." Resolving Door attmepted to push a box and noticeably struggled. Then her horn lit up and she pushed it with her magic. "It's okay if we talk while we work, right? I've been wondering...what is up with saxophones? I mean, who makes something with that many buttons? It doesn't seem very earth pony friendly."

Tour team

As the teachers and older ponies helped with passing out equipment, Twinkle Glitter looked up at Wanderlust with big, innocent eyes and said, "May I have a bigger shovel, please?" Meanwhile, Plateau Precious asked Night Cap, "Is this what you and your friends were doing in the Heights?"

Elsewhere, Cinnamon Jackpot asked Scarlet Spectrum a similar but different question. "Your dad does this kind of stuff, right?"

Staring at the surprisingly large dig site prepared for the children, Scarlet whistled. Then answered Cinnamon Jackpot without thinking.

"Oh yes, all the ti--wait, you know who my dad is?"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static - Misty

With multiple hooves at work, the group swiftly finished moving the boxes. Brisk Iron said, "With that completed, it's now time for us to head to Warehouse Number Seven."

Tour team

While most of the foals excitedly set about getting their shovels and buckets, Twinkle Glitter held her forehooves out as wide as she could. "This big!"

Meanwhile, Cinnamon Jackpot calmly replied, "Our parents make sure we know what important and influential ponies look like. If you're Scarlet Spectrum, then your dad is Emerald Endeavour and your mom is Diamond Dazzler. And then Ms. Sard is..." Latte Windfall elbowed him. "Oh, nevermind. Anyway, are we supposed to get a specific set of shovels and buckets or are any of them okay?"

"All of the tools should be equally okay, but if you think something isn't working right for you - don't be afraid to let us know, we certainly want you to have the most enjoyable time!" Maple smiles and then wonders if the gardening supply shed would have a shovel ...hoofspan wide?

Static didn't say anything. But he wondered why poor Ready Quill was stuck on transcribing duty in order to free him up for pushing around boxes. He understood he was an earthpony with earthpony strength. But the Keep hadn't already put together agroup for this so they wouldn't have to pull from other departments?

Still, he said nothing. He got a cup of coffee on his way out for luck and drank it on the way to warehouse 7.

While most of the foals excitedly set about getting their shovels and buckets, Twinkle Glitter held her forehooves out as wide as she could. "This big!"

Wanderlust evaluates the situation very seriously, then claps his hooves together. "I've got it!" He grabs a pair of plastic shovels, and twists the handles off. Then he connects the two shovels end to end. "Twinkle Glitter, I present to you: The double shovel."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static - Misty

Moving away from the canal, the group headed out onto the beach. As the sand crunched under hoof, they soon saw Warehouse Number Seven once they passed some large billboards. The warehouse itself was massive. Built with large stone blocks that likely took many workers to lift, it was held together with the highest quality mortar. It had a fairly pleasant wave design and a bright '7' painted on it that was likely fairly visible in murky weather. Once Brisk Iron pushed open the large door, the group found the place...almost spotless. Equipment and supplies were well organized. Brisk Iron seemed confused. "I thought...wasn't our assistance needed?" A lifeguard ran up to her and said, "Oh wow, you're here sooner than expected. Originally we did need help but since we knew you were coming, and you do so much for the city, so we pushed extra hard so you wouldn't need to do any work! Aren't you proud?" Brisk Iron was taken aback for a bit, then regained composure and said, "Thank you. Glad to to know everything is being maintained."

She then turned to Static Signal and Misty Monsoon and said, *sigh* "Well, I guess we have free time. Did you have anything you wanted to talk about before I head back to the Keep?"

Tour team

Twinkle Glitter looked at the double shovel, then asked Wanderlust, "May I use two buckets?"

Meanwhile, Savant Sard happily trotted up to Maplejack and asked, "How are things going so far? There's so many surprises in store for them."

'Oh everypony is really excited ... the nets falling was strange- do you know what that was about?" Maple askes after a quick hug.

Tour team

Savant Sard's eyes went wide and her monocle almost popped out. "Oh my! Nets? Certainly not my idea. Did somepony set off part of security?"

"Perhaps... I'm not sure, we've got a bit of a herd here. tehehehe." Maple smiles and then shrugs.

"All the little ones seem to have found it a lot of fun, since the nets were designed for big ponies -it only caught the adults."

Tour team

"It's good nopony got hurt but I guess we'll need to let the Chief Director know there's holes in the security system. Um, no pun intended."

"I'm not sure how many foals would want to steal from us... maybe by the snack bar." Maple whispers the last two words, hopefully not too many of the kids heard her.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Twinkle Glitter looked at the double shovel, then asked Wanderlust, "May I use two buckets?"

Wanderlust beams. "Absolutely."

Tour team

Twinkle Glitter happily ran off. She attempted to scoop with the shovel sideways so she could scoop into both buckets at the same time.

At the same time, Symphony could feel a bit of a tingle in her horn. When the nets dropped, she had unsuccesfully attempted to use her magic to catch it in time. Since then, it had been feeling odd. It didn't hurt and was probably nothing.


Static scratches his head and without even realize he's speaking out loud..."Dazzling...Night Cap...last will and testament...kinda curious about any update on Rhapsody, but that's neither here nor there..." *sigh* "I can't think of anything."

Static pauses a bit and takes a look behind to the river. He closed his eyes contemplatively as a gust of wind brought the scent of salt water wafting past him.

[Hasn't even been that long.]

He clutches Anchors pendent next to him. Of all the pendents he wears out in the field, this was the only one that didn't leave him even when he was back home.

[Just want to see her, tell her about everything that's happened. Just want to...be with her. Just hold her.]

He gave a deep sigh and muttered. "Wonder where I can get a ring."

Static - Misty

"While I'm not sure off the top of my head, I do know that Savant Sard would certainly know. Jewelers are in her family."

Static blinks and turns to face Brisk Iron. "I said that out loud?" Static takes another look to the river with a "heh." "Thanks. I'll have to make sure and ask her."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders

With a half-laugh]half-sigh, Scarlet smiled.

"Sharp kids.

As for tools. I think can pretty much pick whichever want--"


"--or make a custom one," hes said, smile broadening.


"The nets didn't seem very well-planned. Although less 'frantic trap making' and more 'random distraction'. It does seem like somethings going on,"

"Yes. The Chief needs to know."



He goes back to quietly filming.

With a knowing smirk, Scarlets says.

2color+#ff0000]"Somepony will tell the Chief when there's time Night Cap, don't worry.

For now, let's get you tooling up and digging, right?

Just remember, if you find something, swap to finer tools. When digging for old bones or rare artefacts, you don't want to rush in and break them before you find them.[/color] This last he said in a slightly louder voice, somit carried to all the foals in the room.

Static - Misty

Brisk Iron paused and then asked, "I probably shouldn't be nosy but I'm curious to what the ring is for."

Tour team

With that, the twins collected their tools. Most of the foals were ecstatic over the dig as they dug in random spots. The twins were very methodically digging small scoops and neatly stacking their piles of soil. Symphony's horn was still ! tingling but otherwise everything was fine.

Meanwhile, Night Cap felt a small tug and a random foal asked,
"What type of camera is that? I think my daddy might want one."

Static clutched Anchor's medallion again, taking a deep breath as he turned from the ocean view back to Brisk. "Before she left, we were still at the 'think about it' stage of...things. And honestly, I've just...I haven't been able to think about anything else." Static showed Brisk Iron the medallion. "She saved my life in Louisianeigh. In the library, when the whole world was upside down and all sense was gone...she gave me something to focus on. She saved my life. She...she's seen me at my worst and somehow still wants to be with me. I mean, I don't know what all she's thought about on her expedition, if maybe she feels the same. But me? I know...I just...it can't be anypony else."

"Mister Spectrum is right little ones, if you think you've found anything, please raise a hoof and we'll swap you some different equipment." Maple's feathers hold up a few random sizes of tiny brushes and what honestly could have been dentistry torture tools ...if your fears were so inclined. tiny picks and files and spades and one even had a tongue depressor.

maple looked over at that last feather and huffed... then carefully put it back in her saddlebag before anypony noticed the raspberry popsicle stain on the top end of it.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static - Misty

Brisk Iron gave Static Signal a big hug. "Congratulations. Glad to know things are going so well with the two of you."

Tour team

Latte Windfall raised a hoof. "I think we found something. May we have a brush?" This set most of the other foals into a frenzy of excitement as they much more frantically began to search with a few others starting to find things. A few ran back and forth and one crashed into Symphony. "Sorry, ma'am." A single bolt of magic shot out of Symphony's horn and straight up into the sky...

Static blushes a bit. "Thanks! But it feels kinda awkward accepting congratulations before I've even been able to ask her." He takes a deep breath and straightens up. "I'm going to be a nervous wreck...more so that usual."

[Definitely want to get more done on that boat.]

Static - Misty

Out of the corner of his eye, Static Signal spotted an iridescent flash from the direction of the museum. However, much more closely a pegasus crashed into the sand in front of them. "Are you alright?!?" "One moment *gasp* Chief Director just *wheeze* need to catch my breath. Urgent message."

"Oh, good golly gosh!" Maple starts handing out the brushes she had at hoof

Static turned his attention to the flash over at the museum.

[That's odd. Not sure Ms. Iron saw it. I wonder if we should be worr...]

*plop goes the pegasus.

Startled, Static takes a couple steps back. "Mother of Luna!" His alarm turns to pity as the pegasus rises out of the crash. "Yikes! That kinda landing's gonna get sand into places you can't get it out of!"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static - Misty

"Just what is so urgent?" "Steel Flint sent me to find you. At the Keep, there's somepony who would like to speak with you--a mare by the name of Grape Vine."

"Oh, wow... Grape Vine? Here?"

Static couldn't help but grin. "Ms. Vine, eh? Been a while. I wonder what she's been up to."

Scarlet smiled a Latte.

"Fast work. Good job you two."

Collecting a selection of brushes himself, Scarlet started doling out too. Then he saw the bolt of light. Moving to Symphony and keeping his voice low, Scarlet asked.

"Symphony, are you alright?"

Static - Misty

"Looks like it's time to head back. And it you probably need a rest," Brisk Iron then said to the pegasus. "Oh! I can do that," Resolving Door said. She opened a portal and then after she and the pegasus stepped through, it closed.


Well, I guess that means we're walking."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static takes his unicorn pendant out of his bag of holding and hold it up with a grin. "There's still others from the team still at the Keep, right?" He sighs and puts the pendant away. "Nah! That would be mean. Besides, I could always use the exercise, so I'm told."

Static - Misty

"Attempting to teleport through the Keep walls is generally not a good idea anyway. Worst case scenario, I could carry you if you were too tired."

Static shakes his head. "Nah! I got my caffeine fix. Day's still young and so am I!" He lowers his voice slightly. "Plus I'm not overly fond of being carried."

Latte Windfall raised a hoof. "I think we found something. May we have a brush?" This set most of the other foals into a frenzy of excitement as they much more frantically began to search with a few others starting to find things. A few ran back and forth and one crashed into Symphony. "Sorry, ma'am." A single bolt of magic shot out of Symphony's horn and straight up into the sky...

Scarlet smiled a Latte.

"Fast work. Good job you two."

Collecting a selection of brushes himself, Scarlet started doling out too. Then he saw the bolt of light. Moving to Symphony and keeping his voice low, Scarlet asked.

"Symphony, are you alright?"

Symphony hadn't quiet been feeling right for awhile, it was mostly her horn feeling strange... but even though it's mostly been minor it still concerned her. So when the foal bumped into her and it went off prematurely, she gasps and blinks looking to the bolt of magic as it flits upwards. She almost doesn't notice Scarlet when he comes over. "Oh um... I'm... I'm not really sure..."

Maple wasn't exactly snooping... it's not like she was close enough to accidentally overhear what they were saying to each other... Cadence forbid - but if she happened to occasionally look up and notice every now and again ...well that was certainly okay and hardly meant she was being a nosy busybody... nope, not even a little bit.

Still - Scarlet and Symphony were super cute together... the way she was so seemingly out of sorts and the way he would rush to her aid.... "So Romantic" Maple tried to keep the words in her mouth - but they were lost to the winds almost as quickly as they had appeared in her mind.

when some of the foals looked her way... she added quickly "... er um, no what's the word... Aromatic.." Breathing deeply maple continued with "The freshly turned earth, the excitement of maybe finding something super importantly historical ... To think Children one day you could visit us here and take the tour and see your own names next to epic display cabinets containing impossibly valuable and powerful mystical items... or even something historically important to ponykind, like the long lost legendary golden spike." Maple paused to breathe. "No pony knows what happened to it... it was said to have gone missing shortly after it was used at the joining ceremony between the Great Eastern Equestrian Railway company line and the Wide Western rail consortium into the Trans-equestrian Locomotive Domestic Rail Corporation."

As the foals quickly lost interest in her rambles... maple sighed in relief, her super-secret definitely not matchmaking mission was still well and truly covert and undetected.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Scarlet cocked his head at Night Cap.

2color=#ff0000]"I think the camera's for the kids and the digs, not for us Night Cap."[/color]

Static - Misty

As they walked, Brisk Iron said, "I'm glad that the number of guests have increased over the past year. Both for the number of ponies learning and for how that improves our ability to do more expeditions."

Tour team

The twins seemed pretty interested in Maplejack's story, then returned to their digging when she was done. Though her story seemed to have done its job as the foals returned to their digging.

"It is nice to see ponies actually in the theatre seats," Static said in a agreement. "More ponies watching means better documentaries means more ponies in the seats."

[Certainly better than coming in every day and wondering why I bother turning on the projector.]



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static - Misty

"Speaking of better documentaries, I'm glad you've taken an interest in that. I guess I'm used to long paperwork that I tend to not always think of the entertainment value. It would go to explain how the Magizoic Mountain movies became so popular despite some things in them straining credibility."

Night Cap turns the camera to Symphony. What a rare opportunity. If only they always had a camera on whenever they encounter weirdness.

"Talk to me, Symph. How are you feeling?"

Symphony looks over to Night Cap as he addresses her. "I-I'm feeling fine... I think... um... J-just my horn's been feeling kinda itchy for a bit... Which Is kinda unusual, more so when tactile feedback set it off..."


Wanderlust was worried about Symphony, but he knew that too many ponies crowding around her wouldn't help her composure one bit. And besides, someone had to help Maple keep an eye on The Horde.


"The camera is here to film the kids and the tour, Night Cap. Unless you're volunteering to do the editing?

I'll, just be over here. I hope you feel better soon Symphony. Call me if you need me."

With a small smile, Scarlet backed off and turned to help Wanderlust with The Horde. :)

Tour team

A few hooves went up as excited foals began finding even more things. Twinkle Glitter ran over to Wanderlust carrying a shiny curved rock with her magic. "Is this some sort of ancient boomerang?" She tossed it and it went a whole two feet before hitting the ground.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static chuckles a bit.

["Straining credibility?"]

"That's...putting it mildly. Still, it starts a conversation in any case. Heh! I don't remember if I told you, but Night Cap and I found another reel by the same director. More of an outtake reel that nopony was meant to see. Then one of the outtakes that definitely nopony was supposed to see accidentally made it into a Daring Do documentary. Not sure if you'd remember the one that was pulled last minute before it could be seen? Let's just say...I know why the director pulled it. A lot of money was lost on that venture. Poor guy lost his career over it, unfortunately. Kinda wish I knew whatever happened to him."

Tour team

A few hooves went up as excited foals began finding even more things. Twinkle Glitter ran over to Wanderlust carrying a shiny curved rock with her magic. "Is this some sort of ancient boomerang?" She tossed it and it went a whole two feet before hitting the ground.

"Whoa!" Wanderlust quickly snatched the rock up with his own magic before it landed. "You have to take better care of your findings! Treat it like your favorite toy." He gives it an appraising glance. "After all, it is my favorite toy."


Tour team

"But...my favorite toy is the bouncy ball my big brother gave me. I'm supposed to throw it." Twinkle Glitter seemed confused at Wanderlust's comment. Looking over the rock carefully, his expert opinion managed to deduce that the most logical assumption would be that the rock...was a rock. However, he did remember it being mentioned that Savant Sard donated part of her own collection for the dig.


Static - Misty

"Speaking of better documentaries, I'm glad you've taken an interest in that. I guess I'm used to long paperwork that I tend to not always think of the entertainment value. It would go to explain how the Magizoic Mountain movies became so popular despite some things in them straining credibility."

Static was silent for a moment. "Magizoic, Magizoic...Oh! That was one of Ocean Bay's films wasn't i! t? Yeah, I'm sure there's some documentaries that are a bit...much. But in any case, they generate conversation. You know there's actually a fairly new documentary trying to connect seaponies to hippogryphs? I wonder what Anchors would think about that one!"

Static - Misty

"Ha! Documentaries they are not!" Brisk Iron paused to regain composure. "That was probably rude of me. They're action movies and admittedly make no pretense about anything else. Still, I afford Ocean Bay some level of respect since she made it big of her own ability. She's also one of our biggest donors. Maybe the second biggest after the royal court. I just...can't watch them without seeing all the things that are incorrect in them.

As far as that new documentary, it might be something to look into. Granted, it's possible that entirely different types exist. New discoveries are made constantly. Still, it may be worth showing it to her once she gets back."

Tour team

Just then, a beige unicorn filly in a white vest walked out to the dig area looking somewhat lost. Maplejack and Night Cap recognized her as Needelle from Petrichor Falls.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static stopped in his tracks as the memories flutter through his head.

Four thugs one filly...hardly seems fair. "Hey, leave her alone!" I become the center of attention. Two of them move to flank while the remaining two grin and turn to face me head on. "Big mistake, gramps."

They called me gramps. I'm snort as I roll my eyes. I'm barely older than they are! "Get out of here." I call out to the mare. She bolts. They don't stop her. I smile as they close in on me. They don't have a clue. I grew up with street fights like this.

The first one comes at me from the left. I sidestep, directing him to run right into his friend who was flanking to my right. I charge in, ramming them both into the wall. I feel energized as they crumple to the ground. I'm in the zone. Already two are down for the count.

I face the remaining two. They both come at me. The one on the right kicks me hard. I can feel a rib snap. The one on the left clocks me in the jaw. I'm okay with that. I hit him right back, only harder.

It turns out to be a big mistake as I can feel the bone in my hoof crunching from the hit. The other pony's out cold, but my fist is now useless.

Too late I see more ponies gathering into the alleyway. It doesn't take long before I'm on the ground. I'm not making it out of there. Oh well! At least the mare's safe.

Static flinches and shakes out of it. "How...how did you find out it was me? That night Ocean Bay got mugged. How did you know it was me? I mean...I sure didn't know it was her."

Scarlet cocked his head at Night Cap.

"I think the camera's for the kids and the digs, not for us Night Cap."

"Editing, Scarlet."

Symphony looks over to Night Cap as he addresses her. "I-I'm feeling fine... I think... um... J-just my horn's been feeling kinda itchy for a bit... Which Is kinda unusual, more so when tactile feedback set it off..."

Horns can itch?

"How long has this been going on?"

"Oh... Um.... Not long... Just... Just since the net incident..." She replies as she looks tries not to look at or focus on the camera that the earth pony has focused on her. He was trying to be nice, she thinks, since the others do have more pressing concerns with the foals.

Static - Misty

"Ocean Bay told me about Sea Bay almost getting robbed." Brisk Iron said. "It not so coincidentally lined up with a questionable arrest of one of my Manehattan employees and some pretty simple searching confirmed it to be you. From there, I saw from your records that you had potential that wasn't being fostered and a change was in order. From where I'm standing, it seems like it turned out to be a good decision."

Static seemed thoughtful, almost distant as he replied. "Never know what the full consequences may be for any given action," he says. It's unclear if he's talking to Brisk Iron or just the general air around him.

[Much like the position Dazzling's putting herself in.]

He focuses again on Brisk. "Thank you. I dread to think who I would've become if I'd stayed there."

Tour team

"But...my favorite toy is the bouncy ball my big brother gave me. I'm supposed to throw it." Twinkle Glitter seemed confused at Wanderlust's comment. Looking over the rock carefully, his expert opinion managed to deduce that the most logical assumption would be that the rock...was a rock. However, he did remember it being mentioned that Savant Sard donated part of her own collection for the dig.


Wanerlust pursed his lips, thinking. "Well...Think of it as your friend's favorite toy. And they're lending it to you. So you have to take extra good care of it. Okay?"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Tour team

Twinkle Glitter nodded. "Oooohhh...like a really nice doll. But...they really shouldn't have buried it if they like it so much."

Static - Misty

"And all the other ponies who used to work there like Maple and Plaid. It's why I haven't reopened it. Or at least, not yet."

Wanderlust's eyes dance, and he grins wide. "They didn't bury it; time did." He very carefully sets the rock down on the dirt and kicks some soil over it. "Over time, wind and rain and hoofbeats shifted the ground around it until it sank beneath the surface, waiting to be found...by you." He hopes he can convince Twinkle Glitter to give the rock back to Savant Sard when this is over...

Tour team

"It sounds like time was being mean if it hid it." Twinkle Glitter pondered for a moment. "I wonder who it belongs to."

"Something is definitely up today. Has your horn ever been affected like this before?"

While Scarlet flip-flopped on what to do, he called over to Latte and Cinnamon.

2color=#ff0000]"Found anything interesting?"[/color]

"Oh Needelle, Welcome. please come and join the group. I'm sorry we started already - I had no idea you were coming today, I've been taking a break from the tours so I hadn't seen the schedule for today." Maple waved her over and then softly nudged her new friend from this morning with a wing tip.

"Would you mind introducing yourself to my other friend, She's come all the way from Petrichor Falls and it would likely make her feel better if she knew some of you."

Maple smiled down at the boy and then pointed toward the little filly over yonder. "She's really nice...I'll watch your spot so nopony sneaks over and finds a dinosaur before you get back."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"I've never been to Manehattan... is it really as big as everypony says it is? Callabuston is pretty big compared to where I used to live. And Petrichor Falls was a big place too... So I don't know if I'm imagining Manehattan right. Maybe I need a bigger imagination?"

Tour team

"It sounds like time was being mean if it hid it." Twinkle Glitter pondered for a moment. "I wonder who it belongs to."

Wanderlust knows an opportunity when he sees one. "Hm..." He scrutinizes the rock. "My finely honed archaeology senses are telling me that this belongs to Savant Sard, of the Geology Department, collector of all manner of fascinating specimens!"


"It's...pretty big. Combine Caballuston and Petrichor...double it and you're getting close. I only worked in the city. I actually lived on the outskirts near the slums. Actually living in the city...the rent's insane!"

"Oh, wow! That sounds amazingly big. I totally have to see it someday!"

"I sometimes visit on weekends. Bus rides get kinda boring all alone. If you want to come along some time, I could show you around. Though I imagine you'd probably prefer Maple's sights?"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Ah, that would be... hrm. Maybe we could..." Misty's train of thought seems to go off the rails a bit. "Well... then... ah, I'll probably end up there sooner or later. But, thanks for the offer!"

Static grinned to see Misty so flustered. "We could always double-date: you and Maple, me and Anchors."

Tour team

Needelle replied to Maplejack, "Oh, being here is very last minute. Boss Vine needed to be here urgently and my dad asked if he could bring me along to visit the museum. Your museum is very nice. A Ms. Flint suggested that I join you with your activity and so I did." She then turned to introduce herself. "Hello everypony, my name is Needelle." The other foals weren't trying to ignore her out of rudeness, they couldn't hear her over their own enthusiasm. However, Latte Windfall and Cinnamon Jackpot waved her over and showed where they were digging.

Latte Windfall then replied to Scarlet Spectrum,
"We found a few coins but I think we found something else. Something big."

Meanwhile, Twinkle Glitter said, "Geology Department doesn't sound very ancient." However, one sound that was heard was a whistling noise and then there was a bright iridescent flash!

Static - Misty

As the group entered the Keep, Brisk Iron removed her bandanna and adjusted her mane. "Now to see what Grape Vine wants."

Static glanced between where Brisk Iron was headed and the documents department. "Uh...I realize I should make my way back to the documents department before too long. But would it be okay if I tagged along for just a little bit? I haven't seen Ms. Vine since our trip to Petrichor."

"Something is definitely up today. Has your horn ever been affected like this before?"

While Scarlet flip-flopped on what to do, he called over to Latte and Cinnamon.

"Found anything interesting?"

Horns can itch?

"How long has this been going on?"

"Oh... Um.... Not long... Just... Just since the net incident..." She replies as she looks tries not to look at or focus on the camera that the earth pony has focused on her. He was trying to be nice, she thinks, since the others do have more pressing concerns with the foals.

"I think-"

Tour team

Latte Windfall then replied to Scarlet Spectrum, "We found a few coins but I think we found something else. Something big."


"If this is unusual, see me in my office later."

With that, he carries the camera over to see what it is the foals have found. Be it part of the plan or an actual accidental discovery, this needs to be on camera.

However, one sound that was heard was a whistling noise and then there was a bright iridescent flash!

And it's a good thing he has the camera, because now he can't open his eyes at all.

Must not... sneeze... on the foals!

Symphony shakes her head to Scarlet. "N-No... Not that I recall at least..." She replies and looks over to Night Cap and blinks. "You have an office?" She asks as he heads off to film the coins, relaxing some now that the camera is off of her, and then there is that flash. "O-Oh dear... I-I hope this isn't my fault..." She states as she clenchs her eyes shut, her mind instantly linking the bolt of magic and this flash...



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Tour team

Plateau Precious flew over and asked Night Cap, "What just happened, Mister Night Cap?" He then heard voices he couldn't see:
"His name is Mister Night Cap?"
"Mister Night Cap, what happened?"
"Did you get it on camera?"
"Is the camera heavy?"
"If you can carry that camera, why couldn't you help Fire Lady?"
"I bet my big sister can carry more than you can!"
"We found something, will you film it?"
"Do you know how to make waffles?"

In that moment, Mister Night Cap, Symphony, Maplejack, Scarlet Spectrum, and Wanderlust realized that half of the foals were now invisible!

"oh boy." Maple mutters.

Static - Misty

Brisk Iron replied to Static Signal, "Well, you were cleared for at least the whole morning so with us finishing early, there's no problem with you following along."

Scarlet staggered back at the bright flash. Eyes closed tight, he shook his head vigoriously, then slowly blink his way back to being able to see....

Half the foals he had seen before.

"Ah, er.

We have a problem, don't we?

Ok kids, nopony move!"

Static smiled. When he first heard the mission briefing of going to Petrichor, his first thoughts were to not take his wallet...or anything else valuable for that matter. Petrichor did have a reputation after all. But when he actually met Grape Vine, she actually impressed him. It was a shame he wouldn't be able to show her what he'd been able to do with her pesto pasta recipe with Cabulluston's produce.

"I actually haven't heard from her since our trip to Petrichor. I guess you'd know better than me. How have things been going for her and the city?"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Wanderlust momentarily hugs Twinkle Glitter to his side again, and when that doesn't fix things he starts scanning around for magic traces...


Static - Misty

"I've been quite fine, thank you." Grape Vine walked up with the Mauvenine Four surrounding her at four corners. Brisk Iron said, "It's probably best that we talk in my office." After Brisk Iron escorted them, she asked, "And what do we owe this visit?" "I'm here for the other half of the Wand of Doubled Doubling, of course."

Tour team

Most, but not all, of the foals stopped upon Scarlet's order. The invisible Twinkle Glitter almost didn't but Wanderlust quickly kept her in place. As far as Wanderlust could tell, whatever that had happened was instant instead of an actively maintained spell. He could faintly sense where some of the invisible foals were but only when nearby. Needelle looked around for the nearest adult and in spotting Symphony, she raised her hoof and asked, "Is this normal for field trips in this town?"

Meanwhile, Maplejack could not find any paint in the supply closet. She did see some multicolored sticky notes, though.

Symphony looks to Needelle. "Oh... I'm uh... I'm not really sure... I'm kinda new in town myself..." She replies looking around to the foals, still hoping this wasn't her fault some how, but she figured she might have a way to figure it out. She closes her eyes for a moment to focus as her horn starts to glow and she tries to dispel the invisibility.


Maple uses her impressive speed to make it back in time to see Symphony start her magic... at least if what she was doing didn't work Maple could use the balloons and sticky notes as makeshift floating name tags on a string.

Static remained quiet as he judged Brisk Irons reaction. He didn't want to speak out of turn. But he did hope that Brisk Iron would decide to Grape Vine the wand. After all, she was an ally to the Keep. She also had the other half of the wand. So it only seemed fitting that she should have the sister wand.

But he wasn't about to speak over Brisk Iron. Hopefully she'd hand over the wand and all would go smoothly. If not, hopefully there would be a diplomatic way to rise to Grape Vines defense.

The ball was in Brisk Iron's court.


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