[IC] Equestrian Radio Show's Adventure Variety Hour: Explorers of STOMP


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Scarlet head snapped around. Eyes narrowing as he scanned the ground for any recent, foal-sized hoofprints. Listening intently, he hoped tha wherever the foals were the echoes of the cries didn't distort the direction of their cries too much.


"It's fine, really! Like I said, I'm doing much better today. You don't have to worry about me!" Misty says, a little bit flustered. Quickly calming herself, she added, "If it's not too much bother... I'd like to sit here with you just a little while longer."

Maple's rump hits the sand, and she scoots closer to Misty. Extending a wing over the other pony's back.

"Okay Misty, Just let me know if you get too cold."

Rhapsody perks her ears and looks around at the mention of foals, going on to high alert.


Night Cap and Static Signal could tell the foals were farther inside and that the volume was likely amplified by echoes. Scarlet Spectrum and Rhapsody could further tell that while there was a path was in front of them, the sound bouncing meant it wasn't a straight shot forward. Scarlet Spectrum noticed very faint foal sized hoof prints with one set of adult sized prints and Rhapsody could hear the sound echoing from what seemed to be the right water wall so they should be able to get there fast if they moved swiftly.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
The moon rose high as Misty and Maple sat together.

"Thank you, Princess Luna ...such a beautiful big moon tonight, this is the best dream I've ever had." Heh... Static likely wouldn't believe it if he'd been standing here and heard her say that himself.

"Looks like we've several foals and at least adult somewhere in here," Scarlet said aa he pointed at the fainthoofprints leading off from the temple entrance.

'Unfortunately, they're far enough in that it won't be a straight run to get to them. Rhapsody, have you got anything?"

Static followed close behind Scarlet, having to stop himself several times from overtaking the leader. As much as he wanted to get there, he had to remind himself that Scarlet was the one that knew the way.

[Been wanting a good fight.]

[...Yeeeah, really gotta get there fast to save the foals.]

[Need a good fight.]

[Need to save the foals.]

[Gonna kick some mules!]

[Night Cap's a heckuva guy!]

"This way!" Anchors Away shouted as she dove through the right water wall. Winding through a few corridors, the group soon came to a dead end room. On the far wall they could see several foals huddled in the corner as an earth pony mare defensively stood in front of them. Scarlet Spectrum sneezed. Hearing a hiss above them, the STOMP team saw two long, cylindrical creatures covered in feathers dangling from cracks in the ceiling. They weren't advancing towards the foals but also weren't retreating. The mare shouted, "Stay back kids, they're feather boas!"


Static's ears pin back and eyes grow large. "Aww cripes! Those things poisonous?"

[You said you wanted a fight.]

[Snakes weren't exactly what I had in mind.]

"They aren't poisonous but sometimes they can get really big," the mare said. The snakes spotted the mice, dropped down from the ceiling, and started to slither in that direction. However, they stopped as they spotted the STOMP team. Their tongues flicked in and out and they hissed.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static got out of the way as best he could. "They're all yours!" he says, waving the snakes on. C'mon, guys. Let 'em pass. I have an idea for when they realize they've been fooled and come on back. But first, let's give them some space and ourselves some time."

"Oh no, not 'atchoo' snakes ag--tchoo--ain!"

Seeing the foals and the mare, Scarlet tried to control his sneezing and figure out what to do. Then a gang of rats turned up, and promptly turned tail. On the verge of asking what was going on, Scarlet caught Statics eye and reconsidered.

"Nice 'Atchoo' move Sta--!"

The Feather Boas caught sight of the STOMP team.

"--'sigh' ah crumbs. It almost worked," Scarlet said with a rueful smile.

Pulling out his ropes, Scarlet mentally weighed his chances of being able to lasso the two Snakes. Tying them up long enough for the trapped ponies to reach the exit.


Winding up, Scarlet hurled the rope line forward, aiming to snare both snakes in one noose.

Static went wide eyed with surprise! "Ponyfeathered fool! All we had to do was get out of the way!" Static gave a fearful glance at the snakes to prepare for whatever happens if he missed.

Static noted Night Cap getting out of the way.

[Thank Luna somepony has a lick of sense!]

[Too bad Maple isn't here with her whammy powers.]

With a quick toss, Scarlet Spectrum managed to lasso both snakes at the same time. However, they hissed in protest.

As the moon rose and began to fall, Maple snuggled closer and closer to Misty... before when she thought she was just a bad Pegasus, she had wondered if normal pegasus ponies subconsciously used their innate weather crafting magics to keep the damp away... Now that she knew she wasn't even a bad Pegasus ...she was sure of it.

However, at some point after the last scootch for warmth Maple had fallen asleep. When her eye's fluttered open briefly in the dream world, it was not Misty Monsoon who was snuggled close beside her, and who's wing she was under the blanket of.

"Hush now little one." Princess Luna's horn touched Maple's and the little changeling's eyes closed again... deep in sleep.

"Much of your anguish I would take away if I could small Maple... Your family was correct that much of these events hinge on my past actions -and for that I am indeed sorry. Know that many changes are ahead for you, and some may yet still be seen as bad -those I would change too. Yet you have found yourself, through your own efforts and through the aid of friends you have gathered on your journey... and while you have learned much of your truths, never doubt who you are inside your heart. Your friends will be here to help in that as mine were for me." "But for now- Dream well my little pony, the Moon Princess guards you from nightmares this night and onward."

The Princess is good to her word and Maple sleeps soundly under her watchful eye. Her changeling magic spilling over her body as she begins to snore... Luna chuckles softly as the *foomp* of Maple's tail and mane expand under her wing.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static stood there stunned. "Oh...kay...so...it worked."

[Still a stupid risk to take when the situation was already taken care of.]

"Still a stupid risk to take when the situation was already taken care of."

Static carefully walks around to help Scarlet keep the snakes restrained. Last thing they need is for him to accidentally turn loose of the rope in a sneezing fit.

"Everypony out!"


Suitably chagrinned at Statics reaction to his lasso throw, even if it had worked. Scarlet gratefully accepted the earth ponies assistance as he sneezed again.

"You were 'Tchoo' thinking that the who'choo'le time' weren't you?"

Smiling to take any sting out of his words, Scarlet added.

"i will admit it though. I am a ponyfeathered 'ATCHOO' fool.

I just don't react well to 'choo' snakes."

Good thing he can'read your thoughts and see that even you weren't dure trying to rope the snakes was a good idea...



"I guess we all have our weaknesses."

[I warned you about reading my mind.]

While Scarlet's mother may have never done anything so tawdry, there wasn't a stallion alive post foalhood who hadn't had the exact same image in their head that he now threw at Scarlet.

[Weren't even sure it would work? You totally deserved that!]

The mare and children quickly rushed out. "Thank you. They usually hide a puzzle piece in here so my students made sure to enter the temple. *sigh* We try to check monthly to make sure nothing makes a nest in here but I guess they missed a room."

Static nods as the group makes it out. He then lpoke down at the snakes. If this is a popular place for foals to go, we probably don't want to release these here." Static pulls out a small box and opens the lid. "Here, put them in here. I'll release them outside somewhere."




Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static facehoofed. "Why do you say these things?"

[I'm surrounded by idiots!]

"At least one!" Static threw back at him. "Or maybe they didn't miss it. You know how much can happen in a month?" Static secured the box holding the snakes and turned back to Scarlet. "So shall we get out of here? Maybe check some of the other paths? There may still be a puzzle piece in here somewhere...or other wildlife that would be better if we ran into it instead of some kids."


For a few seconds, Scarlet didn't react, trying to focus on helping Static get the Feather Boas into the box and reclaim his lasso, without sneezing so hard he felt like his head would explode.

That done...


All thoughts were blown away as his internal screaming went from shock, to embarrassment, to terror, to anger, to a kind of pained black humour. Giving Static a pained smile (actually a grimace but still), Scarlet vigorously shook his head, then spoke softly.

"I... really... don't think... i deserved... That!

Ok... maybe a little, but still. I want some brain bleach."

You have no idea how many colts i know for a fact have had similar images in their lovesick little heads. At least co,ing from you i can laugh about it.



Here. Have a thought of Abchors and Luna under the Moonlight! ;)

Giving Static a good-natured whack upside the head with his wing, Scarlet got back to business.

"Agreed. lets get back to the entrance and pick a route to explore."

"Oh, you deserved it alright,"
Static said, smirk not abating.

Static facehooved and ducked in to whisper to Scarlet. "Don't show uncertainty just as soon as you're given a leadership role. Your more ambitious 'followers' will eat you alive!"

[And the kicker is, Scarlet will never know we have him wrapped around our hoof.]

[Uhh, we were talking about Night Cap or Rhapsody...right?]

[I'll be team lead in no time.]

[Uh...I'm not sure I like this new side of you.]

[Hey, I'd never! do this to Rhapsody. She's confident in her leadership. Scarlet...not so much. He doesn't even want to lead.]

[I'm not sure that mutiny is the ans...]

[Else watch his hesitancy with his role get all of us killed.]


[We've so got this!]


After you, Mon Capitan!/color]

One of the colts shouted, "Hey, they can't be in here too. We were here first!" The teacher replied with, "It would be different if they were taking a puzzle piece from you. There's plenty of temple for everypony."
"We could take 'em!" the colt said as he puffed out his chest.
"That's not being very nice to the guests. Also, no you can't."
"Oh yeah?" He attempted an intense staredown. She looked at him with a fairly even toned expression. It lasted but a brief few seconds until he and the entire class obediently sat in place quietly. She chuckled and looked at the STOMP team. "Sometimes the little ones have such energy."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Or maybe we can just make sure there aren't any more dangerous creatures lurking about and then leave to look somewhere else and not poach on the foals fun?" Static said nearing exhasperation. "C'mon, Night. We've got a job to do."

"We are here to explore, not to race around looking for swag. Lets make sure this place is safe and leave it the foals who got here first,"
Scarlet said in a calm and even tone.

Backtracking a bit, the STOMP team reached an intersection and began searching more of the temple for safety. Upon reaching a central intersection, the foals quieted down. "They usually get like that here." Looking around, the STOMP team noticed long worn writing in a large circle on the floor of the room.

"Well now this is interesting!"
Static takes out his equipment and starts documenting the writing: video, still pictures, note pad. He never was a linguist, but every once in a while he surprised himself with little tidbits of information he gleaned from those documentaries.


"Hey, Scarlet! You've worked with puzzles with ancient writings before. What do you make of this?"

Scarlet smiled as he saw the circle of writing.


Please, for the love of the Princessess. Don't be a gateway to some harbinger of doom!

Maybe just something really interesting. Please?

With a flap of his wings, Scarlet rose up so he could hover over the circle and examine the language. His mind carefully compared the letters, words and symbols, to those he had studied and seen for himself on previous occasions.




Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Scarlet Spectrum and Static Signal quickly realized that while the fading obscured things, the letters weren't foreign at all. In fact, Static Signal also realized that while he couldn't piece together the magical incantation itself, he could quite clearly make out coordinates roughly equal to the nearby river. There were also leftover claw marks from something large.

Static looked at the circle from different angles. Too bad he couldn't get the perspective Scarlet could from way up there. "Wow! I...I can actually read some of this. I mean, I can't make out all of it but this looks like an incantation. These right here? These are coordinates to the...river...out...side..." Static's eyes popped open in recognition. "Sweet Luna!"

The words came out as little more than a breath as Static straightened up, lowered his camera and began looking around the chamber in absolute awe. "Guys! I think this is it. I thing this is the chamber where our predecessors battled the Coal Caiman. This...this is the portal Textbook created and the chief's father and Apritrot lured the Coal Caimen to in order to send it to the river outside. This is it! Our predecessors stood here...right here!

Static cast a brief glance of suspicion and even a little bit of irritation Night Caps way.

[I hope that means he's interested in preserving the sight for future generations and for all ponies to see.]

[Are you bucking kidding me? You've seen how he's been this trip! He probably wants to merchandise the Tartarus out of this place and be the one taking the admission prices!]

[He has been in rare ultra Night Capian form today.]

[Gonna drop him off a cliff. I am honestly going to drop him off a cliff.]

[Maybe now would be a time to chill out and remind ourselves of his good side?]

[Grumble grumble.]

From his vantage point, Scarlet could almost picture the scene of the proto-STOMP luring their adversary into the magic circle and dumping it into the nearby river.

"Spec-tacular! A real bit of team history. The Chief should really come see this before we go home. The Coal Caiman..."

Then he caught Night Caps words. Sighing, he floated back down to a standing position and shook his head at the Earth pony.

"No, i don't think so Night Cap. If the townsponies haven't done so up to now. I think its best left as is. It is an important site to them and to us, not the general public. Remember too that our team is a mainly covert thing. We preserve and safeguard the history and artefacts of Equestria.

Would you really want to turn this place into a tourist trap?"

Dusty Winds seemed particularly awed by the summoning circle. After doing a little more searching to determine the safety of the temple, they left the class and went out to do their own search. After coming up short...and discovering that the class did find another puzzle piece in the temple...they returned to find Canopy Joy and Astute Fact arguing.

After saving the foals from the snakes and standing in the aura of history that came with the summoning circle where the STOMP predecessors stood, Static couldn't feel too disappointed about the puzzle pieces.

Though he was a bit concerned about what Canopy and Astute were arguing about. Of course he didn't want to just barge into a conversation that didn't concern him. So he tried to discern exactly what they were arguing about.




Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
While still trying to catch the argument between Canopy and Astute, Static still caught Night Caps stink eye and shot one back in return. "Don't give me that look, Night. Saving lives always comes before big shiny things or winning competitions. You don't like those priorities, feel free to take it up with the Chief."

Static walked away from Night Cap and towards Canopy and Astute in a blatant "not open for discussion" manner, and only hated himself a little for it.

[That was almost Rhapsodyish!]

[Hmph! Maybe she was right about him from the beginning.]

It was quick to figure out that they were arguing about the celebration. However, it wasn't about the Puzzle Hunt and rather about the storytelling event. "It defames our history to have such falsehoods exaggerating the past each year!" Astute Fact said. Meanwhile, Canopy Joy replied with, "Oh really? You just want the heroes of our past neglected instead of being given the honor they rightfully deserve!"

"Is it possible to honor them without exaggeration? I don't that I've done much for the history books...yet. But if I ever did, I think I'd rather have the truth remembered over the legend. Static turned to Astute specifically. "What parts specifically do you find to be exaggerated?"

"Everything!" "You would say that!"

"If I may..." Brisk Iron calmly interjected, "It seems like you both have the same end goal of preserving your culture and simply have different views of how to go about it. I think you both have merit but...I think this might be better explained with a demonstration of sorts. I want the two of you to read this..." She pulled out a sheet of paper. "Static, please tell them about the mission to recover the Magnetic Meteorite of Might."

Scarlet had stayed mostly silent during Canopy and Astutes 'disagreement', while he thought of how beet to diplomatically interject. Only to have Static beat him to the punch.

"The Triple-M? Interesting," he murmured quietly to himself.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static looked confused for a second.

[Magnetic Meteorite of Might?]

[I think she means that kickball painted with gravity paint that you and Rhapsody found on that training mission?]

"Oh right! The meteorite..."

[Maybe don't tell them that it was a training mission and that it was really just a kick ball covered in paint?]

[I don't know how she's wanting me to spin this.]

[Two ponies in conflict trying to reach a common goal?]

"It was...pretty interesting. I mean, the mission itself may sound like another archeological hunt. But ! the thing about it is, Rhapsody and I did not get along well at the time...at...all. I don't think we could be in the same room with each other without...well...yeah, we didn't like each other.

"So of course when we were put on the same team...team of two by the way...just me and her...I was thinking that it had to be the most ill-concieved grouping ever.
No offense, Ms. Iron

"But through out the course of the mission, it became necessary for her to fly me into hard to reach places (I was terrified of heights at the time...not an insignificant point of fact)...and I had to act as a lightning rod to guide an electric storm away from her.

"Basically, as much as we couldn't stand each other at the time, we had to put our lives in each other's hooves. And...well, we got it. We retrieved the..."
Static had to grin here, "meteorite.

"I mean...we still see things in vastly different ways. We still disagree...a lot. But I think we have a measure of respect for each other now. I trust her. And while I can't speak for her, I consider her a...friend. Never-woulda-thought-it! But...yeah!"

Static looked back to Brisk Iron. "Was...that the point you were looking for...or...should I tell them about some of the traps and mechanisms or...was that right?"

"Well...what did the two of you pick up from what you read?" "It seemed like a big adventure..." "...but it didn't have the same heart as what Static said?" Brisk Iron nodded. "Multiple viewpoints can reveal different things. Written works can present certain facts while oral stories can convey emotion. Both can be accurate, grossly false, or slightly bend things. Back home, some of the stories of the town's founding are told different ways but also documented." "You know Astute, perhaps you should try leading the Storytelling this year. I'll also try to start helping with the documents more."

After a meal and a moment for Brisk Iron to explore the temple by herself, the Storytelling commenced. Astute Fact seemed to be getting into the spirit of it. "The Coal Caiman was hot on their trail but the mighty Apritrot kicked it so hard it exploded! But you can't keep a fiendish crocodillian down so easily so the rocky parts reformed and it kept coming!" Maybe a bit too into it. However, everypony seemed to enjoy it...though Brisk Iron's eyes tended to go wide at a few parts.

Static raised an eyebrow as he leaned over and whispered to Night Cap. "I think I must've missed that part in the journal reading."

[I mean, sure, Apritrot kicked out some teeth...maybe. But...]

[She...was the one who didn't want any exaggerations...right?]

"That...seemed to be a bit too much. But I'm sure you'll work it out. We'll be leaving soon but before we go, I have one question. Whatever happened to the Coal Caiman? I know it was teleported to the river but not what happened after that." "I thought you would know. I hoped to ask about that." "Hmm."

"You don't remember the...wow! I...heh!

[How does that brain of yours work, Night?]

[We do go through a lot of documents in a day.]

[Yeah...but...special STOMP meeting in the chiefs office? Journey of the chiefs father? Where does he think he's been all day?]



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Scarlet restricted himself to a knowing smile as the memory of Night Cap sprawled form from the morning came to mind. While the grey dreamwalker might have his flaws, Scarlet still knew a good colt when he saw one.

An egomaniac with delusions of grandeur and a almost frighteningly overconfident belief in his own powers.

But a good colt nonetheless.

"You may want to work on the level of exaggeration. Before we go, there's one final thing. My father's journal never directly named named your village." "At that time it didn't truly have a name but later it came to be named Hope Wilds."

After the trip home, the STOMP team settled in to rest. A new day dawned with various possibilities.


Maple enters the Keep, anxious about where this day will take her. Moving quickly to her stand, she doesn't make eye contact with anypony.

Maple feels a brush of feathers on her shoulder. Misty gives her a knowing smile. "I'm here for you. You don't have to rush it, but... I believe in you. You can do this."

"Have I told you yet today how much I..." Maple's eyes start tearing up as she looks over at Misty standing next to her. The rest of the words though, just wouldn't come out past the knot of emotions threatening to burst the damn in her heart. This one Pony, more than any other she'd met -made her feel like herself, that standing here now, she wasn't pretending to be MapleJack... that she maybe even never really was pretending to be her... that she was herself, and that was okay.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"I'm not scheduled for a tour today." Maple says as she turns to look at the stand.
"Maybe there's going to be a stomp meeting? Do you think we should go find Chief Director Brisk Iron? ...if there isn't a meeting planned she'd be the one to talk to first I think."

"That's a good idea, definitely," Misty says, nodding in agreement. "I can help you break it to the Chief Director, and she can help you break it to the rest of the team... of course I'll still help with that too."

"I'm so grateful that I know you, Misty." Maple's wingtips dry away the last of her tears and the two head to the chief's office and Maple Knocks on the door after some last few seconds of deep breathing.

In her usual authoritative but calm voice, Brisk Iron replied to the knocking with, "Come in."

Maple opens the door and moves into the office, looking once again to Misty as the other Pegasus follows her in.

"Good Morning Chief Director. I saw that I wasn't scheduled for a tour today, and I was wondering if there were plans for a Stomp meeting this morning. ..."
Maple futzed with her hoof for a second before again meeting Brisk Iron's eyes.

"Also, I am here to receive any disciplinary action, um... that you feel I deserve for my recent un-requested absence."
Maple dropped her head, and looked at the floor before continuing.

"There is one more thing, but I would request that if I'm going to be fired from the keep, and dismissed from the stomp team... please wait until after we take down whatever this thing is that hurt Misty... Because ... I need to be there when it's stomped."

Maple visibly vibrated with rage, teeth clenched tightly together as she finished her last sentence.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Misty smiles a very wide, nervous smile. "Please don't fire Maple."

Brisk Iron adjusted her glasses. "Not showing up for work may possibly institute a warning but I don't see that resulting in a firing. Especially with the feeling that the absence was due to some sort of emergency. The nature of the absence will determine the response.

As far as anything dealing with the Snow Shark, that may be a ways off. I want to make sure we're ready so that the finality of the situation isn't a situation where we don't make it back.

I didn't have any plans for a meeting announced but I did want to speak with the others if I had a chance. Why do you ask?"

"I learned who I really was while I was away helping Mr. Skies, as for why you may want to call a meeting... it might just be better to show you."

Maple takes a side step away from Misty, after giving her friend the smallest wisp of a smile and shrug... Blue-green fire raced along her body. Perhaps it was fortunate Brisk Iron was already sitting when they entered.

There was a long silence. Then Brisk Iron responded with, "That...was unexpected. It will take some getting used to but I guess that leads into an answer for your question. If you aren't changing the content of your character, I don't see why you still wouldn't be welcome here."

"Haha! Isn't that great, Maple? I knew she wouldn't fire you."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders

Maple sat down ..well more of a collapse as her hind legs gave out. The magic rippling back over her... returning her to her ... self.

"I can only say thank you Chief Director Brisk Iron, and that I have no plans to do anything of the sort." Maple got up and gave Misty the biggest hug she could.

"If you would like a full report I will write one up as soon as possible ma'am, but if you wouldn't mind calling the rest of the team together when it's convenient ... I don't think my heart can take doing this one at a time anymore." Maple let go of Misty and put her face as stern as she could -what with how happy she was not to be fired...

"I'm sure you're well aware of some of the issues our team has with trust and teamwork, so I'd like to tell everypony else all at once and get this out of the way."

"Valid point. Very well, I'll request for a meeting during lunch."

During lunch, the STOMP team and the department heads were called to a meeting in Brisk Iron's office. "Something of importance recently came to my attention and I feel all here should be informed." She then nodded to Maplejack.

Standing by Maple's side, Misty smiles and gives her a sideways glance (or what appears to be a sideways glance, anyway).

After Brisk Iron's signal Maple stood up on shaky legs, however after a shared look with Misty - She moved boldly to stand on her seat. Making her Eye level with most of the other Stomp members and Department heads - though the other Pegasus and Unicorns varied.

"I apologize for requesting the Cheif Director call this meeting, but I felt it important to share this with everyone. Recently I traveled North with Mr. Skies on a mission of a personal nature - and while I'll not speak to that as it is his business, the trip also proved extremely important to me -which neither of us expected."

Maple moved up onto the meeting table and stood in the middle and began turning slowly to look at each face in turn.

"Most of you know I came to work here after working at the Manehatten branch, many of you also know that before that I'd spent a lot of time on the road trying to discover who I was and how I ended up with amnesia and only this locket offering any clues."

Maple opened the small clasp and looked at her mother and sister "As it turns out, much of what I hoped was true wasn't -not really... and the worst of what I feared might be true, so far hasn't been." "You are all very important to me, and I want to be completely honest with all of you... please don't hate me."

Standing in the middle of the table, Maple drops her disguise. Her soft fluffy mane and tail replaced by long slick-looking tresses of blue-green, the slightly tubby white fur and feathers become a skinny hard black exoskeleton and shimmering bug-wings... and above her sullen emerald eyes, she's crowned by a long notched horn.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static sprang up from his chair so fast that it loudly clattered to the ground several feet behind him.

His ears pinned back, ready to take on this intruder in their midst.

But that only lasted for a split second as he relaxed and hostility was replaced with genuine curiosity.

He walked up to the Changling standing before him and studied her from all angles.


Curiosity changed back to uncertainty as he squinted as though trying to solve a puzzle.

His face then became even and serious, his words measured. "The Night we all went to the wrestling match, something was slipped into your saddlebag. I know you found it because I saw it on your night stand in Petrichor. What was it?"

Static's suspicion completely melted away into a warm smile. A warm smile that then slowly melted into a mischievous grin.

Snowy appeared from thin air and whispered to Maple. "We're gonna have a lot of fun you and I."

Snowy then melted into Tradewind, who melted into Anchors Away, who melted into Amaroq (though a very much smaller version of her) who then melted into Maple. "I think we can handle a changling," he said with a hug. He then glanced over at Brisk Iron. "Any word on any new Bushwooly employees, be sure to let me know. I'd love to meet them!"

Maple waved her hoof in front of Static's face....

"Did something hit you on the head too Mr. Signal?"

Maple waved her hoof in front of Static's face....

"Did something hit you on the head too Mr. Signal?"

Static grinned. "Certainly feels like it! Goodness! You never seem to have any small secrets, do you?"

"I hope I don't have ANY more secrets."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Rhapsody looks up the the group and then over to Static, and in a surprisingly calm voice asks him "So you're just gonna accept this on account of a journal? How do you know she's not a plant that's been in our midst since that night? Or if she hasn't maybe she's watched and studied. How hard is it to just take a journal and read from it? Its not like it doesn't have all sorts of information in it that one could learn about us." Rhapsody says and shakes her head. "Of course there's always the fact that maybe there never was a Maple to begin with and we've just all been d! upped this entire time."

"Maple is Maple. I just know it. No matter what she looks like, she's definitely herself!" Misty says in response to Rhapsody.

"Maple is Maple. I just know it. No matter what she looks like, she's definitely herself!" Misty says in response to Rhapsody.

"She is at the very least the same creature you met, you mean, unless you can offer me proof that is not blinded by what feelings you may or may not have for Maple if she was ever really real to begin with."

Static shook his head at Rhapsody's words. He understood her hesitation. But he knew better. "Maple was the only one who knew about that journal.

"I've read and seen reports on Changlings. They can infiltrate sure. It's what they do. But their impersonations only hold up so well for so long under the scrutiny of those who knew the original best. So if she's only been with us for as long as the wrestling event, that's still long enough we would have known something wasn't right about her.

"And if she was around since the very beginning...since Manehatten."
Static scoffed and shook his head again. "I may not have been the most sociable of ponies in Manehatten, but I do pay attention. Too many small acts of kindness done when she thought she was alone, too many emotions I've seen in her eyes you just can't fake."

And here he got really serious. "And too many times she risked her lives to save our skins when...if she really meant us harm...all she had to do would have been to do nothing. Baromets? She could have left us to die and nopony would've known the better. She came running back into what could only be thought of at the time as certain death.

"That doesn't sound like the behavior of somepony who wants us dead."

As Static talks, Misty takes on a bit of a bashful look. "Um... about those feelings... those are the proof." she finally replies to Rhapsody.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Maple looked at Rhapsody with a lop-sided tilt to her head as if she was examining the other pegasus.

"I've had horrible nightmares for as long as I can remember Rhapsody, it was my brain trying to undo the amnesia... Not once has your Beloved Princess Luna saved me from these terrors... until last night."

Magic fire surrounds Maple and she grows much bigger.

"I've never actually even seen her before up close in real life, the statues we have here are wonderful but they aren't very accurate to how she actually looks, they can't really get the mane right."

Maple shifts back to her normal shape... "I know you have doubts Rhapsody, you're very good at your job -but you're the least quick to trust pony I've ever met... and if I wanted to hurt you even a little... the night at the bar when you left with your new friend... would have been a Capital time for Miss Spark to come back to visit."

Maple hoped Rhapsody could see in her eyes how much it hurt to say that to her. "I think I did a fairly good job with Luna just now after only part of a dream... I hope you believe me that I'd never do something like that to you ... You helped me learn how to fly Rhapsody..."

It was only then that the soft words from Misty filtered to the front of her mind... and maple Smiled back over her shoulder, "You didn't know it that night at the bar... but even though you weren't really wanting to talk to me about it... you inspired me to do the bravest thing I've ever done... well you and the cider."

Maple laughed then... it was a good laugh, Rhapsody -she knew would be a tough sell, and even though she had no idea if she had proven herself ..herself, to her friend... she actually made herself feel much better about the entire situation. flying back to her seat from the center of the table, maple stopped along the way and gave Misty a soft kiss on the nose.

"Thank you again Rhapsody, thinking about that night reminded me what a beautiful dancer Misty is."

Static regards Night Cap. "You okay there, Night? You're looking kinda fidgety...I mean...more so than usual."


Maple gives Night Cap the Whammy eyes

The night before, Snowy had been his own little ball of anxiety, ready to protect and argue for Maple against any doubts. But by morning he had accepted that he couldn't go around butting heads with every pony that looked at her wrong, let alone other members of STOMP. Maple could take care of herself, and seeing Misty at her side had only strengthened his conviction to sit in his chair in the back corner and let the two of them play this out with everypony else.

Though he looked a bit sour when Static conjured him out of nowhere. And he had to choke down a laugh at Maple's suggestions for shape-shifting shenanigans. He was almost embarrassed he hadn't though of it himself! At least he had an excuse. Though it was probably better that he hadn't considered it...

He didn't really know what to do with Night Cap this time around, though he still felt indebted to him. "Remember to breathe." Was all the advice he could offer.


Rhapsody huffs as she looks to Static, her tone remaingin equally serious as she counters his main point. "Yes, I'm very sure the changeling would just love if her main source of food just up and died to some random encounter. We die? She's got to start all over again, its more in her benefit to try and keep us alive as long as we believe she's who we think she is. Of course now that's all changed."


She then looks over to Misty "Yes, I am sure she does a very good job of making you think that while using you as a battery."


Finally the black mare turns her attention to 'Maple'. "If she had tried, would you have accepted it? Maple is very anti-Princess... of course now it would makes sense as to why." She scoffs and further doesn't bat an eye at the change into Princess Luna. "Yes, I know. I've met and talked to her a few times." She simply remarks.

She watches as 'Maple' shift back to the small pegasus form. "Yes, and if you ARE Maple, you'd know why." Maple had been the only one she'd told that story too so far... of course, Rhapsody being the skeptic that she is, probably wouldn't even accept knowing that as proof, since there is the possibility you could have been an infiltrator from the start. However, if Maple was trying to elicit emotion for the larger pegasus... well she manages when she make her comment about Amber. One could see near literal fire dance in her eyes at the idea as she slams her hooves down... chances are the floor might need to repaired after the meeting now. "And then you would cease to be!" She says harshly.

She settles down with a huff and remains silent, though still seems rather livid. There is a strong chance suggesting the idea with Amber... might have hurt 'Maple'u more then anything else she says to her can help.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static sighs. Just from previous experience trying to argue with Raphsody, he knew he wasn't going to convince her any time soon. Still, for the benefit of any others in the room that may still have doubts, he couldn't help just one last plea. "When's the last time you risked your life for a small fraction of a food source. She has the entire city of Caballuston. She also didn't have to tell us she's a changling. If she's trying to infiltrate us to harm us, why reveal that?"

Misty gets a kiss. "Wah-" Her cheeks turn rosy, made all the more apparent by the contrast with her blue coat.

When she finally gets ahold of herself again, she addresses Rhapsody's comment. "I-It's not something that can be faked. You have to know... if you have somepony you love, who loves you back... maybe it's a family member, or a best friend, or even a special somepony... the feeling you get when you love them and they love you back... you just know when it's genuine. You can feel it! And if you need any other proof that I'm not under any sort of magic spell... then... you can have all the unicorns in the Keep probe my head, just to make sure."

now it was Maple's turn again to blush. Though the heated glare from Rhapsody was oddly cooling her down... she must have went the wrong direction with her last approach.

Scarlet remained throughout the back and forth between "Maple" and the rest of STOMP. Her revelation had shocked him as much as anypony, but he was too conflicted to work out a response yet. While her attitude and personality seemed very much Maple, he could not help but be skeptical as he had not known her for as long as the others. He did not have the deep emotional ties of friendship like Static or Misty. Yet he could not be aa distrustful as Rhapsody.

"Perhaps because your 'Nightmares' were memories and not dreams. Perhaps because of your aversion to the Princessess. Or maybe its simply the fact that Luna is one pony. And one pony, no matter how magical or powerful, cannot be everywhere at once...," he mused.

Then he heard her 'Amber' comment and had to suppress a scowl. Rhapsody had not been in the best of moods that night as it was, but reminding her of than night and how "Maple" could have been meaner and interrupted as 'Amber' rather than simply (in his opinion) barging in, was not a good idea. The black pegasus fiery response was thus, sadly, inevitable.

On the verge of speaking, Scarlet was distracted by Night Cap odd turn of phrase. Scarlets brow furrowed as he rolled the words around his head. Positive words yes, but sounding less like friendly encouragement and more like an endorsement. Weird.

Clearing his throat, Scarlet tried again.

"The dilemma then, is this. Does what you are, change who you are? Because if it doesn't, then the Maple we know is always who you were."

"That has been the single greatest fear I've ever had." Maple says, turning to Scarlet. "I've spent years now wondering if the quest I was on to regain my lost memories was going to end up with me being a pony I wouldn't even like. ... turns out I didn't think of a worser outcome."

"Rhapsody's right about one thing... I've never been a fan of the Princesses, what little memory I've ever been able to recall prior to this week had been a jumbled mess of them firing magic beams at my home and thinking they hurt my mom." ... Maple sighs as she looks down at her hooves.

"I don't think the Princesses will mind as long as it doesn't leave this room... and it would have gone into my report for Ms Iron anyway... but, My Family... or rather Maplejack's family explained to me what happened... Maple's body shifts under her magic until she looks like the grown up MapleJack... her wings disappearing as she grows. "They live south of a massive forest, on the northern edge of that forest the Princesses discovered the existence of a changeling colony... Luna believes they -we might have come out of a very long hibernation after the outpouring of love directed at her after she was fixed up by the elements of harmony... what I saw was them sealing the colony in a time spell... unfortunately, it was one they had had little practice with...something Starswirl taught hundreds of years ago... and well I was caught in the aftershock and hit my head falling out of the sky." ...

Maple shrinks back down and her wings pop out. "Heh... funny, It must have been strange for Maple's mom, bleeding under those fallen rocks to see her little earth pony stride up to her with these wings ... I remembered falling from the sky when I woke up and found Maplejack's missing locket by chance...

Maple turns to Rhapsody... "that's why they were out there, even though the Princesses had warned the town to stay out of the woods until it was safe... but Little Maplejack had lost this... I'm just grateful I could cherish it for her in her place all these years, but the same shockwave that resulted in my amnesia... cause mom to be caught under a rock slide ..she was buried all but head and front hooves... so I just assumed I guess that if I'd fallen from the sky I must be a Pegasus... she almost died that night while she held onto me ... Maple's eyes loose focus for a few seconds and then she blinks.

"There aren't any more of those changelings ...my real family anywhere near Cobbleston, as far as I know but I wouldn't know - I can't speak Changeling, and I've only known I was one for a day longer than you all."

"so you can calm down Mr. Night Cap... if any of the rest of them are cousins of mine from some other colony... you've at least got me on your side ... and I've got snacks and Coffee with me."

Maple smirks at Night Cap and then waves a wingtip at Static to get his attention... "I just thought of a way I could help with the documentary Static... besides all those weird buttons and dials you use... I could help you film reenactments!" ...

Maple's magic spills over her again until she's sitting there as a Stallion Dressed in Luna's royal guard armor... she didn't have any reference for his voice though and she wasn't sure if the limited quality research she done between tours had found a good enough painting of him to use as a guide ... but hopefully, Rhapsody knew what she was driving at.

"A very important friend of mine once confided in me that there are serious gaps in what we know of Luna's court... shifting back Maple continues, "I'm not really thrilled with finding out what I am, but WHO I am is a member of Stomp, and an employee of the Keep... and if I can use this -ability- to help fix a hole in equestrian History... well I'd be happy to help."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
The department heads had mostly been silent. A few nodded heads of encouragement here and there from those depending Maplejack. Upon mentioning the documentary, Amaretto Swirl of the Marketing Department's eyes lit up. "That's wonderful! Think of all the revenue this could bring in. Just think, a tour on town history could be led by Rutile Oar or perhaps have 'town leaders' from other locations narrate for those tours." Brisk Iron cast a look at her. "What? She suggested it first."

"I...think she meant as far as acting in documentaries," he clarified for Amaretto. "As much as we in this room may except you as a changling and maybe whatever friends you have outside of work...it...may not be a good idea to make this public knowledge.

"In this room, you're safe and...for the most part...accepted. Rhapsody may not trust you, but at least she hasn't been outright hostile. Those outside these walls, however...?"

Static gives a nervous sigh and lets that sink in before continuing. "But if you wan! t to help with acting on the documentary, I'm sure we can keep your secret and any help you could give, I'd greatly appreciate. There's still a lot of work to do before we're even to that point, but I'll keep you in mind. Thanks."

"I suppose your gizmos do just as well, I was just thinking of calling it 'special effects' ... but, no Ms Swirl I hadn't meant to use it -that much."

Scarlet listened to "Maples" explanations carefully. Thinking not just about what she said, but how she said it. Eventually, he nodded to himself and made his choice.

"Maple, while i can't say that this revelations isn't going to take some getting used to. I can say this. Until and unless i see evidence to the contrary, i will continue to think of you as the bubbly pint-sized pegasus Snowy first showed me. STOMPs smiling Candy Princess."[/color.

Scarlet raised both eyebrows and turned to look at the Marketing Head.

"With all due respect Ms. Swirl. If the Keep were to ove! ruse and exploit Maple Changling nature for tours and documentaries and 'Real as Life' pergormances. How long before swkward questions start being asked? How long before questions become accusations, or somepony discovers Maple true identity?

How long before the Princessess are forced into taking actions they would likely not want to take?

Maple has come clean to us. We must keep her secret.

Looking ovee to "Maple", he grinned.

"i think there might be potential for Maple to surruptitiously help with performances. So long as there are 'perfect'recreations of ponies. Remember, even the best actor or actress provides an approximation of oog, lets say Princess Luna. Uncannily close certainly, but not perfect."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"I didn't necessarily mean for her to reveal that she's a changeling but a valid point has been made on logistics. The knowledge of some of the museum's various activities probably puts us in this room in a different set of reactions than others."

"That sounds like something a horrible Changeling would say!"

maple has to hold her sides with her fore hooves while trying to hold back the snickering with her wing tips

Static jerks his head back. He isn't sure who to raise his eyebrow at first, Maple or Night Cap. He looks to Maple first. "Hey, don't go casting aspersions on all changlings. I happen to be really good friends with a changling!"

He gives an odd look before muttering, "Add that to my list of 'things I never thought I'd hear myself say but hey, here we are'!"

He then turned his attention to Night Cap. "What is it with you lately?"

"heheheheheh" and other various titters

Rhapsody huffs and shakes her head. "Seems I'm out numbered when it comes to this. Like always." She says and puts a hoof to her brow. "You all want to trust a Changeling in our midst? Fine. Whatever. Let her be who you want her to be, I'm sure you'll not regret it. I'm tired of being the one that tries to point out things and everyone just brushes me off then laugh and accept whatever I'm against because they think its harmless." She says looking to Night Cap for a moment. "Or cool." He gaze going to S! carlet for a moment as well before settling on 'Maple' "or Cute." She huffs. "I'm tired of being the angry one that no one takes seriously, so I give up. Let 'Maple' here do what she wants, and if it ever comes back to bite you on the flank, I don't want to hear a word about it." She says with a deep sigh and just flumps against the ground.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"It's a little disappointing if you truly feel no one takes your opinion seriously, Rhapsody." Brisk Iron said in a calm voice. "And no Night Cap, we're not creating a shell company."

"You likely won't take this the way I mean it Rhapsody... but 2 days ago I'd have agreed with you 100%... and if it were anyone but me saying this to every pony... I'd likely still agree with you... I think I've said more than once today how much I respect and value your opinion, but you seem endlessly unable to not see a reason to disbelieve anyone who tells you that." Maple transforms her leg back to changeling and looks at Rhapsody through one of the holes.

"I'm not sure what happened, but there are hollow spots in you too I think, I want to know what you think should be done with me... I'm sure I've had a lot of the same ideas in the past few hours."

"I may not agree with you, but I'm taking you seriously, Rhapsody. I kinda knew you'd be hard to convince on this, because being worried about everyone's safety is... well, it's how you show us you care, right? And you have every right to be concerned. I'm willing to do anything I can do if it helps you put your fears at rest. We're a team, so we should be able to trust each other."

"My old boss, Mr. Stiff Feather...he was a COIN double agent. That much is a certaintly. I wouldn't even be too surprised if he was the one who gave my address to Dazzling Midnight (though I can't say that part with certainty). So believe me, Rhapsody, I take it seriously when it turns out that there's a changling among us.

"But I know Maple...known her since Manehatten. There's just too many moments, big and small, that just do not add up to her faking it this whole time. I don't blame you for not trusting her. Believe me, I understand why somepony wouldn't trust having a changling in our midst. But I do...at least this one. I don't know how it happened or why...but Maple is an honest to goodness good one."


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