[IC] Equestrian Radio Show's Adventure Variety Hour: Explorers of STOMP


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Scarlets anger had spiked when Rhapsody chastised everypony for not seeing the "inevitable" danger of Changling Maple. Anger made worse when she alluded to her dislike of him again. He wanted 6o yell at her, to vent his frustration with her seemingly automatic downer judgements of ponies.

And yet...

Keeping a tight hold on his anger, Scarlet forced it to cool. Shoving it down and away from his thoughts so he could think straight. As the coversation continued around him, Scarlet took several steadying breaths and really thought about their current situation. About Maple and STOMP. About Changling and their history. About Cadence and Shining Armor.

About his own misgivings about Maple and why he had decided to giver a chance. Mentally counting to ten, he looked straight at Rhapsody.

"I neber said i discounted your warning, nor do i consider your the bad guy for being so skeptical. I also never said i accepted Maple wholeheartedly and without reservations, because i don't.

However. Changlings don't usually 'fess up about being Changlings. Nor do they usually care for anypony beyond what is needed to fool them into a trap. So, if Maple is planning something diabolical, she's taking a needlessly long time to follow through with it.

Does this mean that everything i've read and the little i've seen of her up to this point is proof of her innocence. No.

What it does mean, is that I am not about to condemn her outright based on what she might do, on what she could do. As i said before, until i see evidence of her nefarious nature, and i will be keeping an eye out for it. I will not pre-judge her."

"I agree with Mr. Spectrum. I'd hope all of you would keep a close eye on me when you can. While I've regained my memory of being a changeling, and have the second-hand knowledge of what happened the day I became me- I still have no idea if I'll continue to be who I was 3 days ago if any more memories come back."

Maple closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. "it's why I've come to all of you with this as soon as I could, I want each of you to understand that Rhapsody is right about this... this is an unknown element for all of us, and while I don't particularly feel like starting a secret hive to replace all of you with my children -at the moment... the potential for that to be the goal of whoever I was -before I hit my head, is just something I can't risk all of you on - just by the gut feeling that I have that tells me I wouldn't do that."

Static let Maples words sink in. He tapped the edge of the table a few times, trying to tap the words in his head together into a coherent thought. Was Maple just admitting she was a threat?

"Remember..." he began haltingly, catching a breath and meeting Maples eyes, "...what I told you once...about if you ever got your memories back. You don't have to be anyone you don't want to be. Who you were in the past...it's in the past."

Static sighed wearily, taking a brief look around and judging how much he wanted to disclose in front of everyone. "Now's not the time or place to go into details. So ask later if you want the whole story." This meeting wasn't about him after all. "But I was a monster once myself. Ms. Iron could have brought the hammer down on my life so fast and she would've been right to do so."

Deep breath. "But she gave me a chance. And now...and now who I used to be...it's not who I am.

"Same with you. Whoever you were before you lost your memory...even if you do regain your memory and learn something truly ugly about yourself...it's just not who you are any more and it's not who you have to be.

"Of course we'll keep an eye on you. It would only be prudent. But I can't imagine it will be necessary. Whoever you were, you're Maplejack now."

"Overall, this is something we'll be watching. My assumption and best hope since I trust Maple is that she will still be herself. In the event that things don't work out, we'll handle that as needed. With all alerted, were there any other points of discussion before we dismiss?"

"no ma'am I think that's it for me... other than to say to Night Cap that I don't know."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"My head's kinda reelin'. It's a lot to take in. I'm sure I'll have a lot of questions later one on one. But right now I can't think of anything."

"Certainly Mr. Night Cap, I'll try my best to answer any other questions."


Rhapsody looks to 'Maple' as she gazes at her through one of her legs holes. "Maybe there are." She muses and then shrugs. "It's not my place to decide what should be done with you." She replies simply, not really in the mood to continue this at the moment.


Rhapsody hehs and gives a faint smile at Misty's words. "I'm not the best at expressing myself, but yes. I want to keep every pony I can safe, even if I don't always like or agree with them. If I come off as harsh, its becuase I prioritize that desire over most anything else. Sometimes I'll feel bad about what I do while I'm in my most protective 'mode' like with Splash Faunt; I treated her worse then I should have, but at the time I couldn't risk taking a chance on her. So yeah, maybe I'll feel bad about this later but at the moment my senses are flagged by being in a room with a changeling."


Rhapsody would reply to Static, but its Scarlet that ends up getting her ire up. She could sense his frustration and anger with her even as he tries to stay calm, as she seen it in his eyes just a moment before. "There are dozen of scenarios in which a changeling could reveal itself. Maybe its cover got blown, and decided to bank on the feelings of those close to it to accept it despite what it is just because its been nice and cute the whole time. Maybe its playing the long game, waiting till were closer to its hive to turn on us when we could be surrounded easily since it knows 1 on 6 is extremely bad odds. Creatures out there are smart, and when faced with survival will turn to tactics one would never expect." She says, her use of 'it' isn't to discredit maple but is her speaking in general. "Maybe Maple is still Maple, but it's gonna take more then words to convince me of that. I'm not cruel enough that I'm gonna treat her like a monster or isolate her, but until I know better, yes I'm gonna expect the very real possibility this could be a long game based on a need to survive while she doesn't know where her hive is, or maybe her memories return in full and the Maple we know is no longer there. These are real possibilities, and she is a potential threat to this team and until proven other wise I will continue to see her as one!"

She huffs and gets to her hooves again, glaring daggers at Scarlet. "If you don't like how I look out for this team, then do something about it!" She growls and shakes her head "Till then I will continue to keep on as I have been, because my way works! I've managed to keep this team safe from living blizzards, killer swamps, and more. It might mean I'm not liked, it might mean I'm the bad guy; but I'd rather be the villain and everyone be safe then be popular and watch everyone I care for die because I made some stupid mistake!" She says clenching her eyes for a moment and briefly choking as memories flare up.


"No Chief, I think I'm done here." Rhapsody says as starts towards the door.

Rhapsody was almost at the Door when Maple took her shape and spoke to her in her own voice.

"Rhapsody, you said a similar thing to me the day I first started this job... about Surviving living blizzards and an undead queen... and that being a part of this team meant seeing stranger things than even that - but that you were also looking forward to it. I hope you still do because I think this ranks high as something strange. Maybe, we don't mark this down as something 'survivable' though ... I'd like to end up on this list of things you're happy about that came from your being in Stomp... not just on the list of things where nopony died."

Maple turned back to her normal pony self and just looked sad... being honest shouldn't hurt the ones you care about so much. ...But even though she'd been lucky with most of her co-workers ... she knew she might have actually lost Rhapsody.

"Raphsody, wait. I'm not totally disagreeing with you here. You're right. We need to be careful about this. Even Maple has said as much.

"But if she is still the same Maple we've known...and I wholeheartedly believe she is...I can't condemn somepony who's been such a friend to me because of what she was born as...especially one who was one of several friends who helped me to not be the monster I used to be."

Deep breath. "But I'm not discrediting your fears. I don't think you're being unfair. You've seen how bull-headed I can get if I thought you were.

"You're not the bad pony here. As always...you're the pragmatic one. As a team, we need your pragmatism.

"Me? I'm a bound by my heart, my instinct. My instinct tells me Maple is the same Maple she's always been. And right now I think she needs that from as many ponies she can get it from."

Another deep breath. "So, yes! Keep being the pragmatic one. That's who we need you to be right now and I respect you for it. But right now I have to follow my instinct, because right now that's what my friend needs. I hope you understand that?"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Misty puts a wing on Maple's shoulder. "It's going to take time... but, I really think things will turn out okay."

"Thanks, Misty. I'm sure you're right."

Rhapsody was almost at the Door when Maple took her shape and spoke to her in her own voice.

"Rhapsody, you said a similar thing to me the day I first started this job... about Surviving living blizzards and an undead queen... and that being a part of this team meant seeing stranger things than even that - but that you were also looking forward to it. I hope you still do because I think this ranks high as something strange. Maybe, we don't mark this down as something 'survivable' though ... I'd like to end up on the list of things you're happy about that came from your being in Stomp... not just on the list of things where nopony died."

Maple turned back to her normal pony self and just looked sad... being honest shouldn't hurt the ones you care about so much. ...But even though she'd been lucky with most of her co-workers ... she knew she might have actually lost Rhapsody.

Rhapsody smirks softly. "You don't quite have my voice right. It not deep enough, to light." She says with a somewhat playful chuckle. "Though the Survival seems mostly on your end, I know this team will endure this. Weither the changeling will or not, remains to be seen." She's about to leave it at that but it striikes her how cold that sounds. "For the record, I'd rather Maple survive though."


"Raphsody, wait. I'm not totally disagreeing with you here. You're right. We need to be careful about this. Even Maple has said as much.

"But if she is still the same Maple we've known...and I wholeheartedly believe she is...I can't condemn somepony who's been such a friend to me because of what she was born as...especially one who was one of several friends who helped me to not be the monster I used to be."

Deep breath. "But I'm not discrediting your fears. I don't think you're being unfair. You've seen how bull-headed I can get if I thought you were.

"You're not the bad pony here. As always...you're the pragmatic one. As a team, we need your pragmatism.

"Me? I'm a bound by my heart, my instinct. My instinct tells me Maple is the same Maple she's always been. And right now I think she needs that from as many ponies she can get it from."

Another deep breath. "So, yes! Keep being the pragmatic one. That's who we need you to be right now and I respect you for it. But right now I have to follow my instinct, because right now that's what my friend needs. I hope you understand that?"

Rhapsody nods to Static as he speaks up, he made sense, he always does. But it still wasn't enough for her, and she knew he understood that. Despite how much they butt heads, ever since the Swamp Static usually had a pretty good understanding of at least why she does things as she does. "You be you, Static. I don't fault you for it, and I do hope you are right in this. I can seperate my feelings from what I need to do, that makes me come off cold. I'm sorry it does, but right now everything just feelings wrong with how easy it is for everypony else to accept this. I need time... and probably a drink... or three..."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I need time... and probably a drink... or three..."

Static grins in spite of himself. "I could get behind that. Could use a couple mysel...

[You're on the wagon!]

"Or not..." Static sighs, feeling mildly annoyed with himself.

"My I be excused Chief Director? I have a few other poniesI need to talk to about this and if you all need to discuss anything that would be safer said without me here to hear it.. I'd understand." 'I mean, I realize Rhapsody is doing her best to not hurt my feelings - you all are. And while I appreciate that... You shouldn't have to be worrying about that while you come up with a plan in case I go hostile."

Maple smiles at Misty and waits for Brisk Iron's answer.

"Yes, you may be excused."

Maple slumps down from her chair and gives Misty a quick hug before passing Rhapsody at the exit.

"Please stay a little longer Rhapsody, while I hope it won't be needed, I'd be foolish not to think any plan thought up to keep the town safe from me would have a better chance of working with your input and involvement."

Maple pauses, "I need to let Saccharine know, and I'll have to got talk to Green Bean." She smiles, "That's where I'll be if... anything happens I wanted you to know where to come looking first."

A lot was on everypony's mind as the meeting was dismissed. Shall the team stay united through this reveal or would it change things in ways they won't be able to recover from? Tune in next time folks for more of the Equestrian Radio Show's Adventure Variety Hour!

*static crackle*



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
*static crackle*

"Those flowers you got me were delicious!"
"Glad to know they made you happy babe."

*static crackle*

Good evening folks! Hope you all enjoyed that stunning drama because now it's time for another exciting Saturday night with the Equestrian Radio Show's Adventure Variety Hour! This week we once again bring you to the riotous ramshackle of the Explorers of STOMP!

Previously, the Specialized Team for Obtaining Museum Pieces took an adventure upon the past as they retraced the steps of the team's origins on an expedition in distant southern lands. However, part! of the team was taking a different trip down memory lane as Maplejack finally discovered the shocking truth that she is actually a changeling. Meanwhile, Snowy Skies found forgiveness for past deeds on the request that he seek out a miracle. But can even a miracle fix the mistakes of the past?

A few months had passed since Maplejack's discovery. Some things remained the same but many others had an air of tension and uncertainty. Otherwise, things had calmed down. That is, until this morning. The team was hurriedly rushed into a meeting room as soon as they arrived at work. The department heads were already there and the tension was thick enough to cut with a knife. Soon, Brisk Iron, Steel Flint, and Ready Quill entered the room and the Chief Director announced the four words nopony wanted to hear:
"We have a problem."

Setting up at the front of the room, she continued. "There's been a protocol mishap. At one of our other branches, one of the employees was in a rush since today is their retirement day and didn't follow containment procedure during inventory. It's left them puppeted by the artifact that was inside and we're trying to track them. But to simply cut to the chase on the gravity of this--the Wand of the North Wind is on the run."

Rhapsody facehoofed at this news. "Oh you got to be bucking kidding me." She says with a huff, other then Night Cap she was the only one left for the team that actually had to deal with that wand the first time.

Static visibly shivered at the mention of the wand. He'd only read about that expedition...but that was enough. "Well...at least we still have two ponies who were on the team during that ordeal. Always good to have an expert on hoof.

"Heck of a way to start a retirement!"

"Wand of the North Wind?" Misty ponders aloud. "Is it really bad - like, as bad as Bear-o-nets?"

"Arguably worse since while Barometz was hostile, he was a wielder as opposed to the wand itself. To answer the question of the branch, it's here." Brisk Iron pointed at a wall map to an empty spot near Appleloosa. "It's a double edged sword in that it's a standalone research branch that's not connected to a city. There's not a city to endanger but the wand has cleared the base. Last report sites it as heading due east." Dusty Winds raised her hoof. "Aunt Brisk...what's the name of the victim?" "Glitter Shake. Earth pony female, age 55." Wingston Blues' eyes went wide. "I know her. Her daughter works at one of the weather factories in Cloudsdale. I remember hearing that the city is ground level the next day or so as they do a little bit of fog testing. It also doubles as a tourist day for non flyers. Currently, Cloudsdale is right...


C-Chief Director, the wand is after Cloudsdale."
"That's just a step away from being the worst case scenario. The one saving grace is that we do have a Cloudsdale museum and thus we can get ahead of it."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"The magic of that wand would be very dangerous if it were to gain control of the weather crafting centers in Cloudsdale ... what is the likely hood that the Wand will remain in control of Ms. Glitter Shake and not jump to the first pegasus it finds?"

Maple looks at the actual Pegasi on the team.... "or is that what we assume it will try to do?"

Rhapsody looks to 'Maple' and the others. "I don't have a lot of knowledge of Cloudsdale or its Weather factories. I've visited there several times with my mother, but I was mostly raised with my hooves on the ground thanks to my mixed family. I don't think Misty's gonna be much help either due to her island upbringing. So It seems we're rather limited on that front." She then ponders. "I'm not sure if the wand will switch users, but a younger pegasus might be better able to handle its powers then Ms. Shake might."

"So, defend Cloudsdale, retrieve the wand, try not to hurt Ms. Shake any more than absolutely necessary." Static grumbles."Sweet Luna, I hate the possessy ones!"

Misty looks to Brisk Iron. "Chief Director, how soon do you think it's going to make it to Cloudsdale?"

"Indeed. Is there any chance we could intercept the Wand before it and Ms.Shake get there?"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Or get word to Cloudsdale to get itself off the ground and into the air before the wand arrives?"

Rhapsody looks over to Night Cap, and then just grins widely. "Yes, I agree. Night Cap should totally fly to Cloudsdale to scout things out."

[You don't have wings.]

Static was so close to deadpanning that to Night Cap when Rhapsody spoke up. He shut his mouth and decided to watch.

[She's doing that thing again where she's making sense and saying what I wanted to say only better.]

[I hate when she does that thing!]

Scarlets surprise at Night Caps suggestion of 'flying recon', followed so swiftly with Rhapsody evil support, managed to hold him back from making any comment on the matter.


Because he so wanted to point out to the dreamwalker that, in the waking world, earth ponies can't fly.

"Mr. Night Cap, while I think it would be helpful to give the citizens of Cloudsdale some form of advanced warning that something is headed their way... I don't think a an Alicorn stallion with invisible wings and horn, looking for all Equestria like an Earth pony falling out of the sky at them... is a very wise choice to avoid causing, even more panic."

Maple Smiles over at Night Cap, "We might have to figure out a spell to let the rest of us see the real you - soon, since it's obvious you've convinced even Rhapsody at this point." Maple sighed and then added... "figuring out that secret was likely harder than the spell's going to be." tehhehe



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Night Cap offering to fly to Cloudsdale? Wait a sec... Misty stops and thinks for a moment.


Yup, that checks out.

Scarlet nearly bursts out laughing as the flying Night Cap madness continues.

Unfortunately, his attempt to swallow his laugh sends him into a coughing fit.

Static pats Scarlet on the back to help him get over his coughing fit, giving Brisk Iron a pleading look to move the meeting along.

[Blast! I never thought I'd miss the times where I was the one making a fool out of myself at these things!]

"I'm sure it will try to jump to the first pegasus it can so those of us there need to be extra careful when we engage. Likewise, under no circumstances should any unicorn try to directly engage the wand with their magic. While it can be bested in a battle of wills, it is generally best not to attempt." Upon hearing the question about time scale, Steel Flint quickly gave a few papers to Hazel Naught. After a few seconds flipping through them, "If these papers are accurate about her speed, I do believe we have less than twenty two minutes until her arrival. I'm sure she'll be quite sore afterwards if she's actually moving this fast." "Ready Quill, I need you to reach the Cloudsdale museum right now so they can gear read and warn the rest of the city!" "Right-away! Here's-your-gear-Static." "The rest of you with me! We won't all be making the jump but we need to talk and move." "Should...should I make the jump as well?" "No, I need someone here to coordinate things in case we don't make it back. That said, I understand what it means to ask and I thank you for it."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
While the rest of the team bantered, Snowy was off in his own world.

The Wand of the North Wind is on the run.
Snowy had read about it back when he first joined STOMP, but he hadn't even considered it as an option in his search for omnipotent defrostings.
It can be bested in a battle of wills. What could it do? Could it travel on the North Wind, as he once had? How far could it go? Would he function on the same level as Barometz?
"The rest of you with me! We won't all be making the jump but we need to talk and move." The director was coming with them? That made things...difficult. He would have to play this carefully.
"How do we isolate the wand?" He asks as they start to move. He no longer brought instruments on missions, so he carried little.

"Can we do what the team did last time?" Maple asks, joining the others as they go wherever they're going

While the rest of the team kibbitzed, Snowy was off in his own little world.

The Wand of the North Wind is on the run. Though he'd read about the wand when he first joined STOMP, he hadn't even considered it in his search for omnipotent defrosters.

It can be bested in a battle of wills. Could it do it? Could it travel on the North Wind, as he once had? Would he be like Barometz?

"The rest of you with me! We won't all be making the jump but we need to talk and move." The director was coming? That would make things more interesting.

"How do we isolate the wand?" He asks as they move. He no longer brought instruments on missions, so he travelled light.




Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static puts his turtle-shell on and follows the others. "My understanding is that the wand is just pure spite and evilness. Any way to just destroy the cursed thing?"

Maples cheeks puff out in an attempt to keep her from answering "with hugs" ... now is not the time, she want's to make it through ONE meeting ..and since this one started moving she isn't sure if it's still happening.

Misty follows along quietly. She decides that the plan-making is probably better left to the team leaders and the Chief Director. Whatever course of action they settle on, she's ready to carry it out.

Scarlet simply nods. Having read the STOMP reports regarding this Wand not long ago, he had a good idea of who had done what in aquiring the Wand originally.

"I've no doubt STOMP did work hard to aquire the Wand of the North Winds. However, if the choice comes down to Cloudsdale or yhe Wand? Breaking may very well be an option.

Lets just hope we don't reach that point."

"We don't know just what ramifications there might be from destroying the wand. However, as far as separating the wand from Mrs. Shake, I feel there are options available to hopefully do so with minimal injury. Need you in the field for this one Flairvoyant. Temporarily blinding her will help us get in quickly and we'll need the visibility in the fog. Wingston, you're to help Cloudsdale with getting off the ground or with tourist evacuation since you've been there before. For the rest, the other branch will be providing magic resistant gloves for physical contact. Getting ahold of it will allow further containment. Misty,! I'll need you to work on clearing the clouds so the wand has less to work with. Rhapsody, you and I will be making a quick pass to pull air away from the wand while the others move in. I doubt it'll be that simple but that's the plan so far."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Clenching down on the remnants of teleportation nausea, Snowy canters out the door and collapses in a heap below the clouds. Pulling himself upright with a snort, he charges after the others, focusing his magic as Ms. Shake grew in his vision. He still had no idea how the wand would react to his illusions.

With a groan and a crack, a spire of rock twice the size of the charging earth pony shot out of the ground a few feet in front of them to form a sudden roadblock. On the back, for the STOMP team to see, was a delicately carved mural of Snowy winking.


"WhOAAA, teleporting is FUUUuuuUUUN!" Misty exclaims as she stumbles around dizzily following their arrival.

After shaking off the initial disorientation, she leaves the museum airborn and begins to tackle the surrounding cloud cover. "Professional cloudbuster, comin' through!"


Maple wasn't prepared for the drop through the clouds ... so she had to pick herself up off the ground...

she felt all kinds of tingly after the teleportation... like after eating a 'sweet and sour sugar cube'


Static wobbles only slightly as he comes out of the teleportation. "Heh! That was different from how my trinkets teleportation feels." He shakes out of it. "Well, let's get to it!"



Scarlet landed hard, though his disorientation doesn't last more than a few seconds.

Whoa. I'd almost forgotten what that feels like!

Leaping into the air, Scarlet headed towards their target.




Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
It was the second Time Rhapsody had experienced the teleportation, and this time wasn't nearly as bad as the first. She shakes her head and recovers quickly, HSe takeres a moment to look around and then leaps into the air and follows after Brisk.


Everypony followed in perfect formation with Rhapsody matching Brisk Iron's speed, Scarlet Spectrum keeping the closest distance, and Static Signal farthest behind. Glitter Shake was veering off course due to Snowy Skies's illusion and the partial blindness but then, the Wand of the North Wind decided to strike back. Misty Monsoon had kept most of the clouds under control but with the remainder, a few erratic lightning bolts leaped out. Following that, the temperture dropped and the few lingering cloud wisps flashed a bright and blinding sun halo. It wasn't going down without a fight but it was clear Mrs. Shake was running out of steam. Misty Monsoon could feel it--the team was standing on the precipice of miracle or ruin.



Flight for Rhapsody would be Acrobatics so it's 18+8=26

Everypony followed in perfect formation with Rhapsody matching Brisk Iron's speed, Scarlet Spectrum keeping the closest distance, and Static Signal farthest behind. Glitter Shake was veering off course due to Snowy Skies's illusion and the partial blindness but then, the Wand of the North Wind decided to strike back. Misty Monsoon had kept most of the clouds under control but with the remainder, a few erratic lightning bolts leaped out. Following that, the temperture dropped and the few lingering cloud wisps flashed a bright and blinding sun halo. It wasn't going down without a fight but it was clear Mrs. Shake was running out of steam. Misty Monsoon could feel it--the team was standing on the precipice of miracle or ruin.



Rhapsody seemed on the top of her game as she dodged the lightning bolts that the Wand tried to Zap her with. She huffs and narrows her focus on the running mare and speeds up as much as she can in this weather as she stoops down and makes her attempt for the wand! "You're not getting away!" She says as she grabs the wand, steeling herself up as much as she can, as she recalls both Willow Wisp gettign it last time, and the discussion Brisk and she had after the sword robbery. 'If I fail, I just have to trust in my Teammates.' she had told Brisk the last time she attempted to use what turned out to be a fake magical artifact... and now actually dealing with a reak one she finds that trust will soon be put the the test...


Misty yelps as the clouds fight back and she's blinded by the light... or is she?




Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders

Static sees the lightning coming. I wonders if maybe his natural electrical resistance would make it as harmless as any other electricity, but since this was probably magical, he didn’t want to take the chance. He dodged around the lightning as if it were some slow moving slug.

"You’re gonna have to do better than that!"


Static makes a grab for the wand...


…and grabs on tight! ”I have you now!"


”You ain’t gettin’ me!"

Acro =[d20]+7 =27 (crit) +23= 50
Dex=[d20]+6=20 Will=[d20]+5= 14

Maple tucks a wing like she was going in for a dive, but instead swiftly peels off to the left and avoids the lightning. Seeing that Static already has a grip on the wand, she doesn't go for it herself instead she does two things.


Maple Yells at the pony they came to save... putting all of her heart into it... "Glitter Shake, We're here to save you Just let go of the wand... Follow my voice. "

Maple Smiles at Static, He's been her friend longer than anyone else in Stomp.. She knows he's got this one. so she continues trying to draw the other pony's will to the surface

"My Good Friend Mr. Static Signal will take it now... he's very Strong and you need to rest, come with me and we'll get you looked after Ma'am." Maple figured that even if she couldn't reach Glitter, perhaps she could convince the wand that a Strapping Stallion in peak physical conditioning .. would be better than somepony who'd run her course and was nearing exhaustion.

With the wand retrieved, Glitter Shake collapsed, shivering from the wand's prior grasp.
"Maple, Night Cap, I need you two to attend to Mrs. Shake."



Maple does her best to assist Night Cap


Despite Night Cap's best efforts to be team lightning rod, Snowy took a face full of the stuff. By the time he got up, the scuffle was already over. He warily approaches Static and Rhapsody. They weren't five minutes into the mission and he already sounded haggard. "Everyone awake? No one going to try and do that again?"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders

Scarlet spun in the air, corkscrewing through the lightning as he dodged. Flaring his the wings, Scarlet banked hard, turning towards Glitter Shake and the wand.

Seeing that Rhapsody and Static had not only beaten him to it, but also seemed to have subdued the wand. Scarlet turned his charge into a swoop that landed him close by, in case help was needed.

"Nicely done, you two."

"I'm sorry, Ms. Iron. I never meant to..." "No pony's blaming you, Glitter." Brisk Iron comforted the weary and close to crying Glitter Shake. "The important thing is that you rest so that..." "Of course the deeds of your organization would be at the heart of this catastrophe." Brisk Iron immediately shifted from being comforting to being absolutely livid as her attention shifted to the incoming royal guard flying in. "I don't have time to deal with your accusations, Major Delight." "Just like you don't have time for safety protocols? I'm sure that Princess Celestia...

...what's this? You're still consorting with criminal scum like him?!?"
Major Delight pointed an accusational hoof at Scarlet Spectrum.

Still trying to keep his concentration on the wand, Static couldn't help bite out a response. "Hey, Mickey D! The situation isn't completely contained here. You want to have a pissing contest or do you want to help?"

Oh no, not him!

Not now!

Scarlets relaxed good humour faded as the guardspony approached. He had hoped, really hoped, this particular reunion was much farther off.

"I am not 'scum', no matter what you think!"

He tried to hide an involuntary shudder as the past caught up with him again.

Maple's eyes went wide hearing Static use such repulsive language...



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Rhapsody's eyes almost lit up hearing Delights words, "Ha! I knew something was up with him!" She says as she tries to keep focused on the wand as all she feels all her reservations about Scarlet since he joined have just be validated by a Royal Guard no less; He comes in right when Amber leaves, weasels his way onto the team and into the other's good graces, and avoids any real attempts at trying to explain himself. This just made the black pegasus' day.

Brisk Iron briefly cut a sharp look at Rhapsody and Static Signal before returning her attention to Major Delight. "Snowy has a point, you aren't contributing." "Don't try to change the subject. Ever since what happened with Rain Juggler, I had my eye on your entire incomptent operation. I don't think you'd be so accepting if the same thing happened to Dusty." "Don't you dare bring Dusty into this! I know that ever since that expedition, Scarlet's been looking for Rain."

Meanwhile, Rhapsody and Static Signal could feel the wand attempting to work its way into the corners of their minds as emotions flared.


Misty looks back and forth from the Chief Director, to Major Delight, to Scarlet Spectrum, to Static and Rhapsody holding the wand. "Yikes! This doesn't look good... I wonder who Rain Juggler is?"

[spoiler Dexterity


I also still have a magic point if needed, but I kinda doubt it.]

[I am so writing a letter to Luna about this incident. We've met twice. I'm working on her documentary. Mr. Delightful isn't the only one with her ear.]

Hearing the triumph in Rhapsodys voice, Scarlets winced as if the black pegasus had struck him.

"It's not what you think!" More a plea than a statement, Scarlet felt like everything was spiralling away from him.

Then Major Delight mentioned Rain. A sliver of ive wormed through Scarlet heart.

"How many times must i say sorry, before you stop vilifying me!

I swore i would find her. Why is that not enough for you!"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Snowy let his voice cut in and out of audibility as he spoke, if only to soothe his rising temper. "Major, you're here on your own. As I don't believe you dumb enough (or brave enough) to try and attack The Wand of the North Wind yourself (despite some evidence to the contrary), unless you were visiting your mother on leave (a hellion, I'm sure), you seem to have arrived solely to chew us out for resolving a crisis. (You're welcome.) If you would make a case against us, you know where to tender it: not here. So unless you are here as a glorified errand boy (again), please give us some peace and quiet so that we might do our job."

"Who is this guy? can't he see this isn't helping anypony."

Major Delight zeroed in on Scarlet Spectrum in an almost aggressive dismissal of everypony else's valid points. "Saying you'll find her isn't the same as actually succeeding. Cover for your failures all you like, I know what you're really worth!"

"And just what would that be?"

Princess Celestia slowly descended and tucked in her wings. "I rushed over here as soon as heard what was happening. It looks like things have already been contained but there's a lingering air of animosity. Could somepony explain what is going on?"

"Thank goodness... Princess Celestia is here. You'll be right as rain soon Glitter."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Oh dear. Oh dear oh dear oh dear." Misty takes cover behind one of the remaining clouds, peeking her head over the top of the cloud to watch.

"We will likely leave soon but that doesn't answer the question." Brisk Iron stepped in front of Princess Celestia. "I believe I can shed a bit more light on the situation. The Wand of the North Wind possessed one of my employees and we had to rush to contain it before utter catastrophe. However...that doesn't explain the animosity, does it?

A few years ago Major Delight's niece, Rain Juggler, began work with the Keep. Rain and Scarlet began dating and often accompanied each! other on expeditions. One day as they were trying to decipher a spell to open a temple door, the spell backfired, a trap was accidentally sprung, and Rain disappeared. While things were stiff before, the Keep's interactions with Major Delight have been strained ever since."

While Rhapsody was fine with the Major confirming her bias against Scarlet, what pissed her off as when his disregards the whole team as incompetent. Sure they had a changeling, Night Cap, and now a Foalnapper... but they still managed to get stuff done. She huffs around that wand and glares at Major Delight, as she for a moments gets the idea of turning him into a giant popcicle like Splash Faunt was when they found her... Of course this doesn't help as she and Static are trying to get the wand contained.


Static takes a deep breath as the wand is finally secured in the bag. He then turns a seething glare towards Major Delight.

"You know, at this very moment, I don't really give a flying feather what Scarlet did years ago. YOU are being dangerous right...now!! Dangerous sentient wand of power not ten feet away from you, and rather than help the situation, you're distracting the handlers by ripping on our teammates over something that happened...YEARS AGO!!!" He turned to Celestia. "That... is what's going on, your highness." Followed by a deep bow.

"Escalating an already volitile situation is a fairly serious matter, Major." "You're siding with them? You don't understand what it's like to lose a loved one!" "I'm pretty sure I have one thousand years of experience in that matter. You and I need to have a long talk.

Brisk, was there anything else you needed from me before we depart?"
"Just one. With Cloudsdale lifting off, would you be able to teleport us to the Keep's research facility near Appleloosa so Glitter can be taken care of?"

Princess Celestia nodded her head. Her horn began to glow with a gentle, warming light and fast as a wink, the STOMP team found themselves outside of the research facility. "Static, contact Ready Quill and let him know things have stabilized.

*sigh* I almost want to destroy this wand but I have no clue what the side effects would be. If only there were a way to appeal to it like the others."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Scarlet stood silently, staring at nothing. He knew from the moment Brisk Iron letter arrived, that the truth of his last mission would come out. That he would have to tell them about Rain.

But not like this.

While yes, he hadn't come out and told them (maybe one or two might understand why), he had hoped that it would happen in a meeting. not forcibly layed out on the metaphorical table during what could have been a catastrophe!

"i will find you Rain. One day, i'll bring you back." Spoken in barely a whisper, Scarlet hoped nopony had heard.

Maple nearly lost her cookies ... She would have rather avoided more Princess Magic if she could .. but she suspected that was more a lingering phobia now than something that would put her in any actual danger. But a little warning would have been nice, she barely rescued them before they hit the new ground under her and Glitter Shake... to whom she offered one...

"After using all that energy, you should probably eat something, Ma'am. Do you like Oatmeal and raisin?"

"Oh, hey, we're somewhere else now." Misty finds herself hovering in the air just a few feet off the ground. She looks around at her new surroundings, silently hoping that things will be calmer from here on out.

Static got out his equipment and eyed Scarlet as he tapped out his message.


"Hey, Scarlet. Static walks up to him so he can lower his voice. "Sounds like you screwed up pretty bad once. Talk to Splash Flaunt some time. I think you two might be able to relate. Unfortunately, that's the job. It's dangerous. Ponies get hurt. Sure you should try to make right on the mistakes you make, but don't let it drag you down. Tartarus! I very nearly got the entire team killed once by a plant! You stay in this job long enough, stuff is going to happen. Stay in it long enough after that, stuff will happen again. It's what we signed up for."

"While it is sentient, the problem is that it's actively hostile and tries to take over whoever has it. To communicate with it requires holding it and I don't want to put my employees at risk. I'm almost wondering if I should try directly. Trying to find out about it through roundabout methods hasn't worked out." Meanwhile, Glitter Shake wearily accepted a cookie.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Snowy's heart leaped to his throat, and he quietly swallowed it before answering. "I'm...moderately experienced at arguing with hostile sentient magics, and winning. I could give it a shot."

"I don't think that's particularly wise. At the least, if something went wrong, I'd have to knock you out and I doubt you want me to hit you."

"Would it's magic even work on me?" Maple asked before she realized Glitter was becoming more aware of her surroundings.

Snowy shrugs. "It comes with job. And I think it would Maple. It's magic doesn't seem to care about species." He darts his eyes pointedly towards Glitter.

Maple nods at Snowy, she's going to need to be smarter about this



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Let me think it over as we get Mrs. Shake taken care of." The base's medics brought Glitter Shake inside and made sure she had a proper place to rest as she recovered. Following that, Brisk Iron found a lesser used lab that she had completely emptied. "Here is where we will be doing this. At the slightest sign of calamity, I'll immediately shut it down. The rest of the team will be standing by outside. Any questions?"

Snowy's fur rustled for a moment. "If we do end up sticking this back in a vault, where does it go?" He pulls the anti-magic gloves off his hoof and horn in preparation to reach into the sack.

As soon as Snowy Skies touched the wand, he heard it in his mind:
"The air feels like it is so hot right now. Would not it be best that we lower the temperature?
The world would be so much better if it were cooler.
However, the attempt at manipulation had no effect.


With Snowy touching the wand and not immediately erupting into a monstrous Frozen BrussleSprouts Maple risks laying a hoof on both.

Static lays a hoof on Night Cap's shoulder, trying to calm him. "Don't worry, Night! They'll be okay. Heck! Snowy defeated Baromets by himself. He definitely has a way with magical sentient beings. If Rhapsody and I could make it through touching that thing, believe me, so can Snowy. He'll be fine!"


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