[IC] Equestrian Radio Show's Adventure Variety Hour: Explorers of STOMP


Exhausted, but still standing.
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Council of Elders
Destron D-69:
"Yeah, it was just an observation Static." Maple said, as she eyed the way the forest held itself back from the ponified areas. "Despite them being alive... my magic doesn't really work the same on plants as it does on ponies, oh how much prettier the gardens at the keep would be if I could feel the plant's feelings." Maple smiles turning to Symphony,

"Yes, that's all I meant... I don't think this is a 'Brusselsprouts' situation." Maple adds, turning back to Static.

"Oh, I see. Sorry. By the way you said it, I thought you were seeing something I wasn't."

Wanderlust kicked himself for not bringing it up faster. He had just been happy to be back in the woods. "And, just, the overgrowth's understated. There should be vines webs between trees and grasses up to our noses in some places. To me, it feels kinda...cropped. Like some herbivores live here. Or at least eat here."

Static stopped short and looked around. "Good point. Might be nothing, but worth noting. Sharp eyes, Wanderlust!"

Just a little, wanderlust blushes. "I don't have any formal training in herbology. I just...really like the woods."

"Oh goodness, I could use a second opinion in the keep gardens." Maple Beems over to Wanderlust

Wanderlust's interest is piqued. "Can you still the keep from inside the garden?"

"In some places the trees have grown into a bit of a canopy... but some of the previous gardeners liked poplars and grew them fairly straight, so there are sections where we could do more to go either one way or the other...that's for sure."

a row of Poplars in case anyone doesn't know what maple's describing



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Wanderlust deflates. "If I can still see the city, I'm not really interested. Sorry."

Seeing him deflate, Maple wonders if she should have even brought it up

Statics first instinct was to admonish the others to cut the chatter and focus on the mission. But then he remembered not to long ago when he wasn't feeling the pressures of being team lead when he did his share of chatter.

Instead he focused on trying to get from point 'A' to point 'B' while listening in to see what he could learn about those he hadn't worked with before. Symphony was much more sociable than her sister. But he didn't know much more about her than that. Aside from a couple STOMP meetings, he had barely even met Wonderlust.

So maybe the chatter wasn't a bad thing.

"If not as part of the Keep, maybe there's some property in Caballuston you can buy and make into a greenhouse."

Wanderlust looks at Static, confused. "That would cost a lot of money. Why don't I just move to the jungle?"

"Then you um... wouldn't be near all of us. Plus... well... nothing worth doing is ever cheap. And if it's really an issue... you could... um... well... I guess you could charge like admission to the place to recoup your losses?"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"I mean, it's doable, but..." Wanderlust looks down. He was getting homesick.

After taking a few moments (and some shuddering breaths) to compose himself, he looks back at Symphony. "Some places just feel like home, you know?"

Somewhere behind his left eye, he heard a voice mutter, can't relate.

Symphony nods a bit to Wander. "I suppose that makes sense. Though I don't have much of a home lately... well I mean I do... its just... till my sister's accident I've been... um.. sorta nomadic... I'm the assistant to a... professor and have been helping him out on his various... um... adventures... That's taken us a lot of different places that usually take... well... more then a bit of getting used to on my part." She says softly and taking a moment to close her eyes and just breathe. "When Rhapsody was hurt... I guess it just seemed natural to try and um... take her place since it's... well! ... not to different then what I've been doing... Though a more consistent location IS a nice change of pace..."

"Bit of truth in what both of them are saying. I'm in the middle of a rather pricey project myself. Actually I've had a couple pricey things hit the pocket book recently. But when you think about what or who you're doing it for, I guess like Sym said, you just have to decide for yourself if you think it's worth it."

[So...totally...worth it.]

"And like Night Cap said, there are things you can do to make things cheaper. Like I needed some building space. The Chief was able to help me find a cost effective place. I needed...another not so cheap thing...Savant Sard really saved my neck on that one. It's not just a matter of how much does something cost. There's a matter of who do you know who can help bring down that cost. And...I hope you're not planning on leaving Caballuston. I haven't even gotten to know you yet!"

Maple's eye flicker over to Misty.

"The Most important things are more valuable than money."

Static catches the look Maple gives Misty and smiles. "Undoubtedly," he agrees. "But the things you find yourself willing to do for those "most valuable things?" That can add up quickly."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"You don't Live in a candy Shop, Static." Maple whispers, while giving her fellow ladies'man a wink

Wanderlust leans towards Symphony. "Are they still giving me advice?" He whispers.

"No... shhh, don't listen when we're whispering... it's like a rule or something for adventure ponies." Maple smirks, giving both Wanderlust and Symphony and exasperated sigh and an overly dramatic disappointed head shake. Before busting out into a fit of quiet giggles.

"You call that whispering."

[Hey, team lead, you call that focusing on the mission?]

Static doubles his efforts to keep an ear and eye out for anything not right.

Having stayed modtly silent even after recovering from the weirdness of the teleport. He'd never get used to,it. Scarlet spent his time scanning the area, getting a general lay of the land.




Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
As Scarlet Spectrum began to take in the lay of the land, he saw that a few of the trees had low lying fruit. The area they were walking in had something akin to a clear path of trees, even though it wasn't worn down. Up ahead about a mile away was...something. They would need to get closer for him to better assess it.

"There's...something off in that direction," Scarlet gestured with a wing. "Not sure what yet. Could be something connected to our missing ponies."

"We'll find out soon enough," Static said, not breaking stride.

Moving at a brisk pace, the team soon came upon a tall plank of a cobalt blue metal embedded in the ground. The impact around it implied it may have fallen instead of being placed there. Now that they were closer, the group also saw that there were numerous smaller metallic pieces and gears scattered around it.

As Static came up to what looked like shattered pieces of machinery, he could only think of one thing. "There are days I really miss Amber!" But since she left, that really just left him and Scarlet as the two techs that could handle something like this. He looked over to Scarlet. "Well, I guess we're up. What do you make of it?"




Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Hearing Static say he missed having Amber around reminded Maple of all the friends that weren't around anymore... and she almost used her shapeshifting power to give him a vote of confidence... but not knowing who may or may not be around right now, kept her from doing so.

It took Static Signal a moment but upon inspecting the metal, he recognized it. Not the specific piece but the material. It was the same shade and finish of the gears Rhapsody once found. And if so, this was something built by Tipsy Tulip! The group could feel the air start to ionize and the pieces began to rattle...

Maple's mane and tail began to frizzle outward...

"This is why I hate Machines!"

Wanderlust glares at the machine. "Half-buried in the dirt should be more than sufficient for grounding. Key word should..." He stands his ground, challenging the machine to defy him.

"What's going on? Is it going to do something bad?" Misty asks, looking around warily.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Everypony get back! Static eyes Wanderlust. "I'm not risking anypony's life on 'should'. Get back! That's an order!"

Static's mind starts going through the possibilities.

[Electricity can't hurt me. Any other trap I should be able to teleport back to the others if need be.]

[Electricity can't hurt you unless it's magical. Do you want to risk it after what you just told Wanderlust?]

[Somepony should see what this thing does.]

[From a safe distance. Why should they follow your orders if even you won't?]

Static starts edging back, making sure everyone else is falling back before committing to his own full retreat.


Maple attempts to flee, but ...

After the rattling, there was a pulse...and it stopped. After that was a different sound, like something being pulled along the ground. Then something flew past Static Signal's head and the group heard the sound of metal on metal. Then, something flew by Maplejack. The group than realized that the pieces were now magnetized and being pulled to each other. They seemed to be keyed to each other as they were perfectly fitting. Then a large piece of metal fell from the sky and narrowly missed Symphony. Then more began to fall and pull into place, faster and faster. These pieces were building something and the team was ab! out to be caught within...



[Not gonna make it! Not gonna make it! Not gonna make it!]

[Best hope that everypony else gets out then teleport.]

[And if anypony else gets stuck with you?]


Static tries his best to not get hit by anything.

Misty makes a run... er, fly for it.


Spotting Maple struggling to escape, she swoops over and grabs her marefriend before she can get mangled by the magnetic madness.




Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders

Unable to get away before the pieces started rushing in, Maple then tried flying... however she wasn't getting very far before she remembered all the metal in her saddlebags like her shovel-pick.. not to mention her locket and watch around her neck and leg... and she wasn't going to abandon these treasures to get crushed as more parts connected to the main piece.

Fortunately Misty saved the day...

"You are getting such a good hug for this Misty, thank you for saving me." she said, nuzzling her face against the strong forehooves holding her.


"Come on Static, Don't just give up, you can run faster I believe in you!" Maple calls out, not wanting to see her friend squashed

"Oh." Wanderlust looks very put upon by these new developments.


Hearing Maple rooting for him, Static feels a new purpose. He wanted to see the machine from the inside, but these other ponies needed someone to lead. And he was team lead. That meant he had to try.


"Thanks, Maple. I owe you one!" Static then sees Wanderlust. "Pony feathers!"

Static just barely got out of the danger zone thanks to Maple. He couldn't very well go back in. It wouldn't save Wanderlust even if he did. He could only look on as the situation unfolded, taking note of who all made it out and who all was stuck.

[We're not leaving anypony behind. Nopony!]

Seeing Static safe Maple looks to the others, Mr. Wanderlust, Symphony and Night Cap...

Sunbeam , Zam

As Wanderlust started to cast an icy spell, a large piece of metal hit him, knocking him out cold and dragging him much farther forward in the structure. However, he still released a bolt of cold on reflex which hit Scarlet Spectrum. The frozen pegasus was also pulled into the structure by the various magnetized parts.




Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Scarlet had been so engrossed in simply looking at the looking at the strange cobalt...machine, that he didn't react to anything until things were literally whizzing past his head! Spinning around, he flared his his wings and called out.

"What the bu--!"

Then something struck him and everything went white!

"Oh, this is bad... real bad." Maple groans, as Wanderlust and Scarlet both get taken out.

looking around quickly she adds... "Who has eyes on Symphony? Anypony?"

Symphony looked to the strange device, something about it's color felt familiar... But she's quickly snapped out of her ponderings as she just narrowly avoided being crushed by a falling piece of metal and cries out in sock as she falls over backs way from it. Though it quickly became apparent that there was another issue, as she seemed to also be pulled towards the machine. Her first thought is to just teleport away, but then she saw Wanderlust and Scarlet go down... they needed help... she needed to do something... She closes her eyes and focuses all her power through her horn as she sees if she can stop whatever the buck this is.


As Symphony pointed her horn, she could feel arcane might channeling through her. And in that moment she realized...the structure wasn't built magically. A few had some lingering magical effects on them but this was for levitation, not for construction. Something everyone realized was that as larger pieces fell, the structure was slowly moving forward. In fact, now that it had begun to take shape, they could now see that it was building train cars. Far more massive than any they had seen before. A few full size train cars, including some sort of steam engin, fell in front and the train began to swiftly pick up speed.

Independently, Wanderlust and Scarlet Spectrum slowly began to stir. They could hear motion and voices surrounding them with an air of curiosity.


Symphony blinks and huffs as she soon finds out that she's unable to stop this assembly, but also finds herself trapped inside on of the train cars as her dispellment left her open. Looking around she doesn't see Scarlet or Wanderlust, they must be in another car. "Drat..." She says to herself. "So... um... I'm on my own here... oh dear... What do I do now?" She asks as she looks around.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders

Wanderlust lets out a groan and rolls over, trying to descend back into unconsciousness.

Static's eyes open wide in horror as the train starts to roll away from them.

[Buck, buck, buckity buck!]


[After all that trouble not to get caught inside and now inside looks like the one place we needed to be!]

[Who's bright idea was it to make me a ponyfeathered team lead!?!?]

[Me, Misty, Maple and Night Cap outside. Wanderlust, Symphony and Scarlet inside. Good! Scarlet's in there. At least they have someone with team lead experience with them.]

Static glances around to what's left of his team. "No time to rest. After that train!


"Let's hope this thing has something to do with the missing research team." Maple says as her tiny legs burst into a gallop before she takes to the air.



All he can see is a blurry mixture of light and and dark. All he can is a deep cold. Though he struggles, Scarlet cannot move. The frosty pegasus can...kindof...sense that he isn't alone, his head is to muddled to focus.

At Static's command, Misty heads after the train.



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