Static nearly cracks up. "Words I tend to live my life by, really. If not for Ms. Iron giving me a chance...well, I think you saw a bit of what I was like before. I was not in a good place. That probably goes double for Splash Flaunt. And for as much as I ever learned about him, it seems to have counted for Snowy too...which...leads us right back to Dazzling." Static sighs. "Honestly, Night? Do you think we have a chance with her? Getting her to come around I mean."
Casino team
Flairvoyant, Misty Monsoon, and Maplejack could hear,
Maple heard it that time, whether the voice had gotten louder, or the room had just gotten quiet enough for her to hear it this time she couldn't really guess. But it was a little spooky.
"If the building catches fire again... or if enough of the water used to put out the fire ends up down here... I wouldn't want to have left knowing somepony was trapped... even if where they are might be safer from either of those things then we are -somehow... um."
Maple thought about trying to use her powers to sense if there was any ill intent behind this voice... but that only worked on things she could see...
Static blew out a long breath and took a while after that before he could answer. "I'm...not sure what to say to that, Night. It's a messy situation, I can't deny.
"Loyalty is something that's always been a big thing for me. There's nothing I wouldn't do to protect my friends. They mean that much to me. But part of being loyal to doesn't really include consorting with their arch-enemies, someone who threatened them to their face...does it?
"I mean, I would like to think that if you'd told me how much danger she was in, I'd be rational enough to understand. But...that isn't the truth. Without finding out what I found out about her today, I never would've understood. I may have even told you "tough luck, she deserves no less." Static take another deep breath as he hears himself saying the words, shaking his head self-deprecatingly. "I would've been wrong."
Static shakes his head and gives Night Cap a hug. "I'm sorry I put you through that. I...*sigh* what you can for her. Whether she can be redeemed or not, nopony deserves the fate she seems to be building for herself."
Casino team
Flairvoyant said to Dart Noveau, "I think we found what we're looking for. I'm gonna need you to bust through the wall. Your right." "Alright. Y'all stand back and brace for impact!"
Finding the wall and positioning herself, Dart Noveau bucked through the wall to reveal a small pocket with a magic wand. The handle was like a clear cylinder that had been vertically cut in half. The head of the wand floated separately from the handle and was made of a half sphere of red beryl--the mirror double of the Wand of Doubled Doubling. Flairvoyant plucked the cracked rock from around it with her magic before pulling it out. *whew* "We've had a long morning but it looks like it's time to go topside."
Casino team
Flairvoyant, Misty Monsoon, and Maplejack could hear,
I know I've never met you but you seem familiar.
Could you let me out?
I know I've never met you but you seem familiar.
Could you let me out?
Maple heard it that time, whether the voice had gotten louder, or the room had just gotten quiet enough for her to hear it this time she couldn't really guess. But it was a little spooky.
"If the building catches fire again... or if enough of the water used to put out the fire ends up down here... I wouldn't want to have left knowing somepony was trapped... even if where they are might be safer from either of those things then we are -somehow... um."
Maple thought about trying to use her powers to sense if there was any ill intent behind this voice... but that only worked on things she could see...

Static blew out a long breath and took a while after that before he could answer. "I'm...not sure what to say to that, Night. It's a messy situation, I can't deny.
"Loyalty is something that's always been a big thing for me. There's nothing I wouldn't do to protect my friends. They mean that much to me. But part of being loyal to doesn't really include consorting with their arch-enemies, someone who threatened them to their face...does it?
"I mean, I would like to think that if you'd told me how much danger she was in, I'd be rational enough to understand. But...that isn't the truth. Without finding out what I found out about her today, I never would've understood. I may have even told you "tough luck, she deserves no less." Static take another deep breath as he hears himself saying the words, shaking his head self-deprecatingly. "I would've been wrong."
Static shakes his head and gives Night Cap a hug. "I'm sorry I put you through that. I...*sigh* what you can for her. Whether she can be redeemed or not, nopony deserves the fate she seems to be building for herself."
Casino team
Flairvoyant said to Dart Noveau, "I think we found what we're looking for. I'm gonna need you to bust through the wall. Your right." "Alright. Y'all stand back and brace for impact!"
Finding the wall and positioning herself, Dart Noveau bucked through the wall to reveal a small pocket with a magic wand. The handle was like a clear cylinder that had been vertically cut in half. The head of the wand floated separately from the handle and was made of a half sphere of red beryl--the mirror double of the Wand of Doubled Doubling. Flairvoyant plucked the cracked rock from around it with her magic before pulling it out. *whew* "We've had a long morning but it looks like it's time to go topside."