[IC] Mey Hem: Submitted For Your Disapproval (cont.)


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders

Kage suffers Weakness 20 and 49 Damage

Kage uses Stalk the Prey on Droid 7. Will deal an extra 10 Damage on the next Single Attack power.

Kage uses [-2] Cape Wave (Shield) - Reaction

Reduce the damage by 2d8

49 reduced by 11 to 38

Utility Belt (Jester’s Fortune) Special activates on d8 roll. Use Bag of Tricks twice. Roll d6 and activate the corresponding action.

First Use

Droid 7 suffers 2 Ongoing Damage (save ends)

Second Use

Droid 7 suffers 2 Ongoing Damage

Kage uses [+4] QuickDraw - Standard Action (Self)

Take two additional Minir Actions

Kage uses [-2] Rush for the Kill - Minir Action

Deal 2d6 Damage

Weakness 20 reduces damage to 9. Weakness 14 remains.

Kage uses [-2] Rush for the Kill - Minir Action

Roll 2d6 Damage

Weakness 14 reduces damage to 0. Weakness 9 remains.

Kage uses [0] Quickshot - Free Action

Deal u Damage plus 10 Damage from Stalk the Prey. Weakness 9 reduces damage from 17 to 8. Droid 7 suffers 8 Damage.

Total Damage=4Ongoing Damage+8 Damage

Weakness overcome

Before the Omega Knight had time to react, a nefarious Net entangled him.

Then he was punched by what felt like a sledgehammer to the chest!

Thrown to the floor from the impact, he lost his grip on Retribution as the net twisted around him. Omega wheezed as his already bullet riddled chest plate had buckled under the impact of what he now realised, was one of the droids.

”Take their heads and watch out for their nets,” he cried to the others in what was less a call-to-arms and more a hoarse croak.

Winded and disoriented, Omega tried desperately to claw his way out of the net with his climbing talons and counterattack. He knew he wasn’t going to take more than a handful of those punches before getting knocked out for the count. His fuzzy mind also made a mental note to thank Oracle (when/if they made it back home) for making him take down the Ret droids stealthily.

‘’Not having the time to grab Retribution, Omega pulled an Omegarang and went for the neck of the droid who punched him. In his weakened state though, the strike was far less effective than it should have been.

The Nth Doctor

"We may not know your whole plan," Beathra said with a chuckle, "but, thanks to you, we know something almost as valuable..." Here he passed for dramatic effect as a wisp of smoke curled through the air. "We know you do."

With a sharp movement, Beathra cupped his hand over the bowl of his pipe and drew in a deep breath, a hellish glow flickering between his fingers, the pipe itself cracking as if with great pressure. With a shout, he then hurled it at Correspondent 251 where it burst into a flurry of fiery butterflies, their bodies of wooden splinters, wings of searing ash and smoke[1] they surrounded her, jabbing and scalding[2].

"Croí fuar! If it is our deaths you would command, then stand firm and see the job done![3]" He called out to her. "Or do you fear us that much?" Turning to Lady Destron, he said, "Come, princess, let us wring the truth out of her, onward![4]"

As he spoke, the swarm of burning insects wheeled 'round and nicked at the correspondent again[5].
Starting Health: 100
Starting Energy: 3

[1]Conjurer’s Trick
You gain the following power:
[+3] Conjurer’s Trick - Reaction Utility 1/Battle
Trigger - You roll initiative
Effect - You may immediately take a standard action to use a Conjuration power

[-3] Mysterious Staff (Conjure Battle Spirit) - Standard Action (Conjuration) - Burning Butterfly Swarm
Create a conjuration with the following statblock.
Battle Spirit - 3 Charges
{1} Deal 1d20 damage to target creature. (Single, Attack)
{1} Target creature gains 20 life. (Healing)

[2] Dramatic Entrance
You gain the following power:
[0] Dramatic Entrance - Reaction (Attack) [1/Battle]
Trigger - You conjure a creature
Effect - Choose one:
A) That creature deals 5d8 damage to target creature. (Single) - Target: Correspondent 251
B) That creature deals 1d12+3 damage to up to 3 different target creatures. (Burst)

Damage Roll:
5d8 = 27 (3, 5, 8, 7, 4)

Nat 8 on D8 triggers:
Commander’s Glory
[8] Special (Single) - Target: Destron
Target ally deals an additional 1d12 damage to the target of their next Single Attack Power.

[3][+4] Demand Duel - Standard Action (Attack, Single) - Target: Correspondent 251
Challenge target creature until the end of your next turn.

Twice per battle, you may use the following combat talent.
[0] Battle Order - Minor Action [2/Short Rest] - Target: Destron
Target ally may immediately take a standard action.

[5]Burning Butterfly Swarm - 3 Charges
{1} Deal 1d20 damage to target creature. (Single, Attack) - Target:
Correspondent 251
Damage Roll:
1d20 = 3 (3)

Final Life: 100
Final Energy: 7


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Night Cap braces for it. Here they go, fighting again.

Life: 100
Energy: 3

[+8] Grab for Power - Standard Action (Self)

Lose 1d8 energy.

  • Rolling line 1 : 1d8 + 0 to total : 7, TOTAL: 7
Dang it.

Life: 100
Energy: 4


Well-known member
Not knowing whether she had any ability to protect herself, Patch moved to keep any of the droids from trying to harm or abduct Sue'zhan. Placing herself between the Sue'zhan and the nearest droid, she began chanting spells using the book as her focus. "We will begin by defining the value of x..."

Life: 100
Energy: 3
Gaining 2 (Minor Action) Energy Points from Quickdraw.

[+8] Grab for Power - Standard Action (Self)
Lose 1d8 energy.
Mon Jan 16 2023 18:54:53 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
Rolling line 1 : 1d8 + 0 to total : 4, TOTAL: 4

Life: 100
Energy: 7
M.A. Energy: 2

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
[0] Avenger’s Challenge - Free Action (Challenge) [1/Round]
Challenge target creature, Correspondent 251 until the end of your next turn.

from Beathra
Commander’s Glory
[8] Special (Single) - Target: Destron
Target ally deals an additional 1d12 damage to the target of their next Single Attack Power.
Twice per battle, you may use the following combat talent.
[0] Battle Order - Minor Action [2/Short Rest] - Target: Destron
Target ally may immediately take a standard action.

[+4] Deep Breath - Standard Action (Opener, Self, Healing)
You gain 1 life.
[-1] Backfist - Reaction (Attack, Combo, Single)
Trigger - You use an Opener power
Effect - Deal 3 damage to target creature. an additional 1d12 damage to the target of their next Single Attack Power.
[-4] Fist of the Falling Star - Reaction (Attack, Finisher, Single) [1/Short Rest]
Trigger - You use a Combo power.
Effect - Deal 9d12 damage to target creature.

Life: 101 Energy: 2

10x[d12] +3 = 9,12, 8,12, 2,8, 1,5, 2,12 = 71+3 =74 damage to Correspondent 251

Goddess’ Blessing (Juggernaut’s Jug)

[12] - Special (Attack, Single)
Deal 2d10 damage to target, Correspondent 251. You cannot lose life until the start of your next turn.

6x[d10] = 5,10, 4,7, 2,9 = 37 damage to Correspondent 251

[10] - Special (Attack, Single, Healing)
Deal 1d10 damage to target creature and gain 10 life.


Life: 111 Energy: 2

total damage = 74+37+7 =118 damage to Correspondent 251

Her sword flashed to hand... Beathra's words hadn't even finished the journey from her ears to her mind when Destron's body began the dance. The movements of the others the signal flair snapping the surface tension of her stilled blood like the deafening crack of the deep blue lake ice back home. the rage surged through her, her own battle cry lost to the thunder of that same blood pounding in her ears as if in joyous celebration that the calm was ended... She couldn't hear her words... but Correspondent 251 had...

"The Princess of Viknadia welcomes you to your end, this is the dance of Death"

The strikes were fast and targetted, and none of the insects were harmed


Pittied fools.
Patch could feel the innate magic in the air reacting to her. Luckily, none of the droids seemed to notice her. Unfortunately, this was because the droids were reacting to her friends. The droids rushed to interpose the attacks targeting Correspondent 251. Despite this, Dee managed to get through and strike down Correspondent 251. However, once she hit the ground the power in the room went out and the droids attacked with a fury of blows.

Through the dim emergency lights, Monday March appeared in confusion. After looking around, she threw her hands up in exasperation, "This isn't helping Elizilah at all! She's still managing, by the way. Well...I hope you have a plan. A few medical droids and nearly every security droid in YPNR is headed this way."

Droid 1 uses its Reaction to intercept damage intended for Correspondent 251.
Droid 2 uses its Reaction to intercept damage intended for Correspondent 251.
Droid 3 uses its Reaction to intercept damage intended for Correspondent 251.
Droid 4 uses its Reaction to intercept damage intended for Correspondent 251.
Droid 5 uses its Reaction to intercept damage intended for Correspondent 251.
Droid 5 is destroyed.
Correspondent 251 is KOed.
Droid 1 deals 51 damage to Beathra. (Single, Attack)
Droid 2 deals 49 damage to Beathra. (Single, Attack)
Droid 3 deals 53 damage to Dee. (Single, Attack)
Dee suffers Weakness 20 from Droid 4.
Droid 6 deals 49 damage to Kage. (Single, Attack)
Droid 7 deals 52 damage to Kage. (Single, Attack)


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders

Droid 6 deals 49 Damage

Droid 7 deals 52 Damage

Kage suffer 39 Fatal Damage

Fatal Damage:39

The Omega Knight readied for another attack, only for one of the droids to drive him to his knees with an attack so strong he nearly blacked out. Forcing himself back up, Omega opened his mouth to call out for the others to do…what?

Fight on? Retreat? Survive?

Unfortunately for the Knight, he never got the chance to speak, as the other droid assaulting him sent Omega crashing backwards into the wall with a titanic punch to the chest!

Retribution spun from his hand as pain washed over him, blackness covered his vision and consciousness faded away.

The Knight crumpled to the floor.
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Destron D-69

at Journey's end
"Infuriating machines!"

Droid 3 deals 53 damage to Dee. (Single, Attack) edit: thanks for the reminder Zam.
Dee suffers Weakness 20 from Droid 4.

Life: 111 -53 = 58 +53 because I did a dumb = 111 Energy: 2 and is weakened

Destron felt the strength leave her arms after the second one assailed her... interesting strategy...

using Nightwatch You can see in the dark, and suffer no penalties to Perception checks in darkness. Dee sees Omega fall, then she does not see him rise...

"My friends, Omegaknight is down, give him aid if you are able... he ... he rests on the floor near the far wall." A momentary quiver of fear slid into her voice as she tried to remember which of her companions might also not be impaired by darkness...the battle continued however so it would be best not to dishearten those who could not yet know the severity of his fall.
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Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
This is a bad idea. But he's the Secretary of Bad Ideas.


Night Cap charges one of the droids and takes a blow meant for Dee. He may feel that later, but right now adrenaline is in charge.

Life: 100
Energy: 4

(Armor) Protector’s Vow
You gain the following power:
[+1] Interpose - Reaction
Once per battle, when Destron is targeted by a Single Attack Power - you may have the Power target you instead, then flip a coin. On a heads, you take no damage.
1 = heads. 2 = tails.

Rolling line 1 : 1d2 + 0 to total : 1, TOTAL: 1

[+2] Take Aim - Standard Action (Self)
Your next Single Attack Power deals an additional 1d12 damage to its target.
Rolling line 1 : 1d12 + 0 to total : 6, TOTAL: 6

Life: 100
Energy: 7


Well-known member
"Oh, blast it!" Patch muttered as the lights went out. In the dim light, she caught a glimpse of Beathra and Omega taking heavy blows. "Time to do a bit of addition, stat!"

Life: 100
Energy: 7
M.A. Energy: 2 + Gaining 2 (Minor Action) Energy Points from Quickdraw = 4

[-X] Healing Rays - Minor Action (Healing, Burst)
Up to X different target creatures gain 5 life.
Spending 4 M.A. Energy to target Omega and Beathra twice.

[+3] Revival - Standard Action (Healing, Burst)
Up to 2 different target creatures gain 1d6 life.
Targeting Beathra and Omega.
Sat Jan 21 2023 18:40:34 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
Rolling line 1 : 1d6 + 0 to total : 5, TOTAL: 5

Life: 100
Energy: 10


Nonstop Baaka
Finally able to release his anger, EB nevertheless had to hold himself back a bit to keep himself from losing complete control, especially at the sight of his friends being knocked back. He dashed in front of one of the droids, trying to draw it away from the others.
“C’mon, guys, we got this!”

Life: 150
Energy:3 (+2 for Minor actions)
Charges: 0
Adrenaline: 0

[+4] Someone Your Own Size (Demand Duel) - Standard Action (Attack, Single)
Challenge target creature until the end of your next turn.
EB challenges the nearest droid.

[-X] Salve (Healing Rays) - Minor Action (Healing, Burst)
Up to X different target creatures gain 5 life.
EB targets Omega and Beathra.
EB uses Quickdraw to spend an additional Minor Action to use Salve again on both Omega and Beathra. They gain 10 life total.
EB uses Inner Beast to gain 12 Charges as a Free Action.

Life: 150
Energy: 3+4-2-2= 3 (+1 for Minor actions)
Charges: 1+12= 13
Adrenaline: 0

The Nth Doctor

Seeing the correspondent drop, Beathra turned to face the oncoming enemies just as the lights went out. In the dark and caught off guard, he was quickly downed by the machines, falling in a heap without even a chance to speak.

Yet there was no time for rest as the splinterflies, attracted by Patch and EB's healing energy, moved to dance around him, new life welling up within[1]. With a low groan, Beathra levered himself up, saying, "We have one chance at this, let us not waste it..."

Struggling to his feet, he called out to his comrades, "These machines are powerful, but we may yet be victorious if we coordinate our efforts! EB, Kage and Destron, focus yourselves on destroying them! Patch, Nightcap, let us ensure their success! Ná eagla, Kage! [2] Be strong, take heart and move thy blade with confidence!"

"As to myself..." Here Beathra planted his staff upon the ground and pulled it back against himself, as one might hold a cello and so it seemed that root and branch grew to form just that instrument, complete with a reed bow. [3] "It is long past time that I return to my roots... so to speak."

"Féuch fuaim an cheoil! The string and bow, with sonorous tone, lifts up the soul of those laid low!" So saying, Beathra played upon his instrument and it seemed to Kage that the soaring strings brought new life into his body[4].

Starting Life: 100
Starting Energy: 7

Droid 1 deals 51 damage to Beathra. (Single, Attack)
Droid 2 deals 49 damage to Beathra. (Single, Attack)

100-51-49 = 0 Life.

15 Healing from Patch
10 Healing from EB

[1]Battle Spirit: Splinterflies - 2/3 Charges
{1} Target creature gains 20 life. (Healing) - Target: Beathra

0+15+10+20=45 Life

[2]Commander - Target:
Twice per battle, you may use the following combat talent.
[0] Battle Order - Minor Action [2/2]
Target ally may immediately take a standard action.

[3][-3] Mysterious Staff (Conjure Battle Spirit) - Standard Action (Conjuration)
Create a conjuration with the following statblock.
Battle Spirit: Reed Cello - 3 Charges
{1} Deal 1d20 damage to target creature. (Single, Attack)
{1} Target creature gains 20 life. (Healing)

[4]Battle Spirit: Reed Cello - 1/3 Charges
{1} Target creature gains 20 life. (Healing) - Target: Kage

Final Life: 45
Final Energy: 4
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Destron D-69

at Journey's end
Clearly seeing the droids that hit her Dee will focus what strength she can muster at them (3 and 4).

life 111 energy 2 status weakness 20
[+3] Guard Break - Standard Action (Opener, Single)
Target creature loses all Armor and Resistance until the end of this turn.

life 111 energy 5 status weakness 20

her arms, damaged or cursed in some way do not function as the princess intends and she only manages to strike the nearest droid cleanly once, before her blade sinks to the floor. hands only weakly gripping the hilt. frustrated Dee hopes her friends can capitalize on whatever minor help she was this round.


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Fatal Damage:39

Kage is healed by
Patch: 15 Life
EB: 10 Life
Beathra: 20 Life
Total:45 Life


Feeling as if he was swimming through oil or thick sludge, Kages mind slowly returned to consciousness. Gritting his teeth from the pain, the Omega Knight slowly rose to one knee. Looking down, he surveyed his smashed breastplate, now riddled with a spiderweb of large and small cracks emanated from the fist sized dent in the Omega Symbol. He then tentatively flexed his arms and winced. While his left arm felt relatively ok, one look at his right told showed that, once again, his right gauntlet was in need of serious repair.

”I can move, I can fight,” he said softly. “I can deal with the pain later.”

Taking a deep (if strained) breath, the Knight took up his blade, readied his Omegarangs and leaped forward!

Kage uses [+3] Utility Belt (Jester’s Fortune) - Standard Action

Roll 1d8 1d10 1d12

Eh. One out of three.

Spacial activates on d12. Gain 3 Life and Use Bag of tricks four times. Roll 1d6 and activate the corresponding action.

First Use

Droid 7 suffers 2 Ongoing Damage (save ends)

Second Use

Droid 7 suffers 2 Ongoing Damage (save ends)

Third Use

Droid 7 suffers 6 Damage. Kage gains 6 Life.

Fourth Use

Droid 7 suffers Weakness 4

Beathas Commander allows Kage to take a second Standard Action

Kage uses [+4] QuickDraw - Standard Action

Kage uses [-2] Lightning Blade - Minir Action (Blades;ell)

Using A) the next Single Attack Power will deal an additional 4d8 damage to target.

Kage uses [-2] Lightning Blade - Minir Action (Bladespell)

Using B) the next Single Attack Power will deal an additional 2d8 dame to target. Then, you may deal 1d8 dame to two other targets.

Thsts both Lightning blade uses done. Better make this count!

Kage uses [0] Quickshot - Free Action (Attack, Single)

Droid 7 suffers 7 damage, plus an additional 10 damage from Stalk the Prey.

Lightning Blade A) deals 4d8 damage

Droid 7 suffers 12 Damage

Lightning Blade B) deals 2d8 Damage.

Droid 7 suffers 10 Damage.

Desl damage to two other targets. Gonna attack droids 1 and 2. The ones bothering Beathra.

Droid 1 suffers 7 damage

Droid 2 suffers 6 Damage.

Total Damage to Droid 7:4 Ongoing+6+Weakness 4+17 Damage+22 Damage

Fatal Damage:39

Sending a quartet of Omegarangs to slam into his chosen target droids shoulder and knee joints. The Omega took hold of Retribution in both hands and, once the Omegarangs charges had detonated, swung with all his might for the droids neck again. Silent and unmerciful, Kage let his anger and pain fuel his strikes.

Then he spun and sent two Omegarangs spinning away to strike the pair of droids accosting Beathra squarely in The back of their necks, delivering their potent electrical charges!
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Pittied fools.
The overflow from Destron's crits will be applied to other droids.
Dee was a spinning dervish of fury whose attacks were followed up with the Omega Knight's own, downing another droid. While most of the others continued their assault, the one in front of EB shot a net at him. It announced, "PLEASE STEP ASIDE CITIZEN. YOU ARE NOT IN COMPLIANCE."

Monday March watched on and commented, "Well, you're doing shockingly better than expected. Don't stand a chance against more, though."

Droid 7 is destroyed.
EB suffers Weakness 20 from Droid 1.
Droid 2 deals 49 damage to Beathra. (Single, Attack)
Droid 3 deals 52 damage to Dee. (Single, Attack)
Droid 4 deals 53 damage to Dee. (Single, Attack)
Droid 6 deals 49 damage to Kage. (Single, Attack)


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Stay strong, everyone! We can do this, and then we need to run for it before more of these things show up."

Night Cap gives a mighty tiny kick to one of the droids. It's not very effective. Perhaps his words might have a stronger effect.

Life: 100
Energy: 7

[-6] Divine Light - Standard Action (Healing, Burst)
Do each of the following:
-Target creature gains 6+1d8 Life.
-Target creature gains 8+1d10 Life.
-Target creature gains 10+1d12 Life.
-Target creature gains 12+1d20 Life.

Rolling line 1 : 1d8 + 6 to total : 4, + 6, TOTAL: 10 (Dee)
Rolling line 2 : 1d10 + 8 to total : 8, + 8, TOTAL: 16 (Dee)
Rolling line 3 : 1d12 + 10 to total : 12, + 10, TOTAL: 22 (Kage)
Rolling line 4 : 1d20 + 12 to total : 17, + 12, TOTAL: 29 (Beathra)

[12] - Special
Gain 3 Life. You may immediately use Bag of Tricks four times.

[0] Bag of Tricks - Special
Roll 1d6, and activate the corresponding effect:
Rolling line 5 : 3d6 + 0 to total : 6, 5, 1, TOTAL: 12
6) Deal 6 damage to target creature and gain 6 life. (Attack, Single, Healing). (Droid 3)
5) Target creature gains 5 Life. (Single, Healing) (Dee)
1) Target creature gains 1 energy. (Dee)

Life: 109
Energy: 1


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
The Omega Knight had a moment of triumph as one of the two droids assaulting him fell!

This did not last long…

Fatal Damage:39

Kage suffers 49 Damage from Droid 6

Kage uses [-2] Cape Wave (Shield) - Reaction

Reduce Damage by 2d8.

Damage reduced to 39

Kage gain 22 Life from Night Cap.

Kage uses Stalk the Prey to make Droid 6 his Prey.

Kage uses [+4] QuickDraw - Standard Action

Take two additional Minir Actions

Kage uses [-2] Rush for the Kill

Deal 2d6 Damage

Droid 6 suffers 4 Damage

Kage uses [-2] Rush for the Kill

Deal 2d6 Damage

Droid 6 suffers 8 Damage

Kage uses [0] Quickshot - Free Action

Droid 6 suffers 7 Damage, plus an additional 10 Damage from Stalk the Prey.

Total Damage:4+8+7+10=29

Energy: 2
Fatal Damage:39

Again sent flying by a malicious metal fist, the Omega Knight tried to roll with impact. Only Night Caps sudden shout kept him from again slipping into unconsciousness. So he clenched his fists, forced his mind to focus and rose again.

Though this time he did not look at his armour to see how bad it looked.

”Agteed! Fight on! Fight hard!”

So saying, the Knight stabbed the last of his Omegarangs into the shoulder joints of the his remaining droid attacker. Then swept up Retribution again and spun into a downward slash at the droids legs. Berfore going for the throat!

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
Indeed Night Cap's words were potent, Destron felt herself rally as if new life and energy had restored and prepped her body for more combat.

"life 111-105=6+10+16+5=37 energy 5+1=6"


Well-known member
"I don't know how much longer I can keep incrementing the values on our side of the equation," Patch said to Sue'Zhan as she continued spellcasting. "I don't know you all that well, but... any ideas on a way out of this mess?" She glanced in the direction where Correspondent 251 had fallen. "Maybe a hostage...?"

Life: 100
Energy: 10
Gaining 2 (Minor Action) Energy Points from Quickdraw.

[-X] Healing Rays - Minor Action (Healing, Burst)
Up to X different target creatures gain 5 life.
Paying 2 M.A. energy + 4 normal energy and making use of Nova's effect to target Kage, Destron, and Beathra twice each. Each of them gains 10 life.

[+3] Revival - Standard Action (Healing, Burst)
Up to 2 different target creatures gain 1d6 life.
Targeting Dee and Kage.
Sun Jan 29 2023 06:28:16 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
Rolling line 1 : 1d6 + 0 to total : 5, TOTAL: 5

Life: 100
Energy: 9


Nonstop Baaka
“Beathra, you ok?” He called out.
EB cursed as he fumbled with the net and overheard Patch.
“Hostage? Think that’ll help up save the kids?”

Life: 150
Energy:3 (+1 for Minor actions)
Charges: 13
Adrenaline: 0

Currently suffering Weakness 20

[-1] Herbal Remedy (Divine Vitality) - Standard Action (Healing, Single)
Target creature gains 3d10 life and may make a Saving Throw.
8+9+5 = 22 life for Beathra

Life: 150
Energy: 3-1 = 2 (+1 for Minor actions)
Charges: 13+1=14
Adrenaline: 0

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