Marvel Toy Thread


Active member
I liked Speedball before, but he works so much better with kinetic bubble effects.


Demovere Xeno

Has anyone ever tried using one of the heads from the SHIELD Trooper 2-pack on the MkIII War Machine? I've been wanting a helmetless head for Rhodey for a while now, and one of the SHIELD Trooper heads seems like a decent 'close enough' look for a comic-esque Don Cheadle. =P I'm aware that the neck balljoint on several Legends figures aren't of a standardized size, though.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
New reveals!

I had to preorder the Capcom Iron Man. Even if they misnamed his PROTON CANNON!

Hasbro has, not so subtlety said that they have intentions to complete the "modern yellow and blue" X-Men squad featured in Uncanny #275 this coming year. Wolverine will be out first as part of the X-Men Retro wave.

Sean Whitmore

Active member
Hasbro has, not so subtlety said that they have intentions to complete the "modern yellow and blue" X-Men squad featured in Uncanny #275 this coming year. Wolverine will be out first as part of the X-Men Retro wave.

If the recent leaks are to be believed, the complete team is already a done deal. Banshee/Gambit/Psylocke in one 3-pack, Forge/Jubilee/Storm in another. Wolverine was the only unknown till now.

That is, unless they also plan on releasing an Xavier with that giant cape and that big, effed-up helmet.

Powered Convoy

I want Xavier in the giant cape and helmet, Zaladane, Savage Land Rogue, another Magneto, Warbird, Gladiator, and Lilandra. But will take the blue and yellow guys first.

I know they never did Storm, Psylocke, and Jubilee this way in the old Toybiz days. Can't remember if they did Gambit, but love that they're doing them now.

Powered Convoy

I'm disappointed that Goblin Queen/ Madeline Pryor is seemingly the second unlockable figure on the Ghost Rider HasLab. Since it funding may not happen let alone the second tier.


singularly focused
I haven't picked up any Legends in awhile(think the last one was comic Ms Marvel?), but there is one I'd buy ASAP if they made her, but at this point I doubt she's happening anytime soon. All the spider and symbiote stuff over the years and still no Mania? 😭
Bet we'll get Andi as Silence first. A design I like waaaaay less.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Hasbro's apparently on a gaming kick! After the Capcom Iron Man set from a couple weeks ago, they just announced (via Gamerant) an MvC War Machine. For those that don't remember or aren't familiar, War Machine was a modified color swap from Iron Man featuring some new special moves. Sadly, this is a basic figure and repaint so those new abilities aren't referenced in this figure.
Goes live tomorrow at Noon EST at all major retailers.


Active member
My Terrax arrived! Just in time to get clobbered by the New Warriors!


I’ve got a dream Marvel Legends wave. Nita, Silhouette, Justice, Turbo, Midnight’s Fire, and the Mad Thinker. Sphinx BAF.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Four inches are back, bitches!

Well, I mean, they've not really been GONE, what with the remnants of Marvel Universe and the Retro figures...but, NEVERMIND!
Steve Evans (Product Design Director, Marvel) posted on Instagram that the Retro 3.75 Marvel line is "resting". But from those ashes (along with the scuttled Bend and Flex line), Hasbro is moving the "kids stuff" back to a 4" figure scale (dubbed the "Epic Scale" on all packaging). Each figure sports 7 points of articulation, most ball joint or multi-joint.
And the results are VERY...Spin Master-esque...

Spider-Man is up first. Preorders refer to them as a "Web Warriors" line, but nothing indicates that on package. First wave is a classic Spider-Man, Miles Morales, Iron Spider, and Venom. And a nifty Spider-cycle is launching as well, with a barely different Spider-Man.

Rolling into its 3rd year, Avengers Mechstrike returns as Mechasaurs. This year, it's all about Ultron taking everyone back in time and using robot dinosaurs to fight. This is probably the most interesting change. Prior Mechstrike lines were, generally, "bespoke". In that, anything made for that line was intended FOR that line, and generally didn't fit in with future products. This was especially true of last year's "Monster Hunters" theme, where the heroes were given "monsterfied" forms to fight Dr Doom and his allies who used sorcery to "monster-size" themselves. These looks, while novel, really don't fit any other expression for those characters.
This time around, while the deluxe sets follow that theme, the FIGURES are pretty...basic, in terms of design. While the basic and deluxe single assortments figures are sporting Dino-weapons. But aside from Thor not having his hammer, ANY of them could be packaged elsewhere without being out of place. Again, the design and execution are VERY evocative of what Spin Master has been doing with the DC license, to good effect it seems. Despite coming with a red, blue and grey prehistoric bird, the Redwing set has a very basic, "good enough", Sam Wilson Cap figure. This is an interesting trend for the lines, and if I didn't know better, I'd say these were Spin Master products. They just evoke that fun, GOOD ENOUGH vibe that has worked so well for Batman. Plus mech dinosaurs? Who doesn't love that idea?
As with last year's Monster Hunters, Walmart is getting first dibs on the line, with Hulk, the first wave of Mechasaur partner sets and role-play items due on April 17 (which is shaping up to be a big "Hasbro toy day").

I'm digging this direction. Pricing is solid too, only a buck or two above what a comparable Spin Master DC offering might cost.

And if anyone ever dismissed the idea of the collector tax, you need only look at the basic figures are $10.99 SRP. The SAME price as the Marvel Retro figures, despite double the articulation and a guarantee accessory (many Marvel Retro figures lacked any accessory at all).


Well-known member
Man, if that takes off I wonder if they’ll try to get Joe back in that scale.

$10 seems to be the magic number

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
What I guess is no surprise, Hasbro’s product line for Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 will also feature the 4” Epic Scale figures. A Hisstank member reported seeing 4” versions of StarLord, Mantis, Drax and Groot at Meijer, who have also been ignoring the street date for Rise of the Beasts.
But I’ll be dipped if I can find any details or images. Guess nobody has really cared about the new kids stuff for the Marvel lines. Presumably, the line shares the 4/10 release date and a press junket will go out this week.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Ah, hell. Hasbro’s making a big play for us oldies. Apparently, new toys are leaking at Target, including new Epic Scale Marvel figures, the 4” “good enough” figures largely meant “for kids”. With Disney/Marvel becoming more amicable to X-Men (double so since the Fox acquisition and Perlmutter’s ouster), and X-Men 97 due for release this fall…Hasbro’s making toys!

Images are creeping out for part of the first wave of figures, featuring Cyclops, Wolverine, and Rogue in all their glorious Jim Lee-inspired goodness! This is the first, real, full featured ensemble X-Men line we’ve gotten since 2009. Packaging images indicate we’re probably going to see figures of Jean Grey, Storm, Gambit, Beast, Bishop, Jubilee and Morph (sporting a very Age of Apocalypse look to him). Again, almost all pulled from their original, iconic, cartoon looks.

About my only real nitpick on them is Wolverine’s claws. I’m a much bigger fan of some sort of “clip on accessory” than having them molded onto his hand.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Sometimes, Hasbro CAN get a bit clever ;). In addition to the 4” figures for X-Men 97, images have surfaced of a Titan Series (12” sized) Sentinel. So, at the very least, the X-Men will have a Sentinel to fight when these figures reach saturation.


Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Want more news about upcoming kids toys? Too bad, you’re getting some anyway!
Guardians of the Galaxy basically looks done. I haven’t heard anything about a follow up assortment and places like Target are starting to dump the line. Since Hasbro doesn’t talk about this segment, it’s still possible additional figures may be on deck, but nothing has appeared at retail that I know of. If the line is done, it will be unfortunate not to get Nebula, Kraglin or Adam Warlock to round out the cast.

Spider-Man has a number of items slated for the fall:
Basic figures- Fall/Wave 2 will seemingly just have Symbiote suit Spider-Man and Carnage, plus reships
Deluxe figures- Hasbro will be introducing a deluxe assortment, dusting off the old Web Splashers name. Web Splashers will be SLIGHTLY cheaper than the bike, built around a water squirting accessory. In addition to Spider-Man, the assortment will feature Doc Ock. Notably, Doc Ock has only 5 POA. I think it might be the result of more limited reuse of the mold, since his arms likely bump him into a deluxe type assortment regardless how Hasbro approaches him.

With Web Splashers, Spider-Man will also be getting a full vehicle with the Crawl N’ Blast Spider

Avengers Mechasaurs will be getting a full release this fall, after Hulk and the initial 3 “armor suit” sets were a timed Walmart exclusive. The full rollout will feature single carded figures (Iron Man and Thor revealed, probably a couple more will join them), the deluxe Ultra armor set, and wave 2 of the armor sets will feature Spider-Man with Arachnid armor.


Well-known member

Late Birthday gift from my folks on a very messy end table.

-ZacWilliam, I've got Mr Fixit preordered, I just need them to make a good Pantheon Smart Hulk now please.


Well-known member
My Mr Fixit just arrived from walmart. He looks really good with the Anniversary green Hulk and the issue #1 Banner and Grey Hulk that just came out. But now...

I really really really REALLY want a Pantheon Era Professor/Smart merged Hulk. That feels like the one Must Own version of the Hulk that needs to be on the shelf next to these guys.

-ZacWilliam, I've got a good Maestro. And She-Hulk and Leader and Abomination... I guess a really good Rick Jones and Doc Samson would be on my list too, but Merged/Pantheon Hulk most.

Edit: Added pic of Rebecca Banners little boys.
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Well-known member
Me Usually: I love that Build-A-Figure but don't want most of the figures needed to build it.

Me after Pulsecon: Damn I want so many figures in that wave but god I wish they built something cooler than "The Void."

-ZacWilliam, but Justice, Namorita, and Crystar are must own and Vision is a strong maybe.

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