Mayhems tangled mess of controler cords


Somehow still sane
Sonic 3 is peak cinema. The movies are probably the best video game adaptations. Damn our shitty local film industry for forcing it to be delayed to 2025.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I'd still rank the Fallout show as the best video game adaptation so far, but Sonic being genuinely good is much funnier.


Somehow still sane
i meant movies when I posted but I’d still have to choose Sonic. Bunch of idiots running around post apocalyptic wastelands is just lesser Mad Max with funny ads.

Also screw Todd Howard

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
I'm enjoying playing through the single player parts of the Marvel vs Capcom collection. Nostalgia feels good to my old brain. it's fun to play a game that no body is bitching about on the internet for a few weeks XD


Purely as a thought exercise, I've been trying to come up with the most fair yet mean game possible, in terms of just totally stonewalling player expectations and being sarcastic about video game tropes - basically, the ultimate streamer troll. For what I'm envisioning, it would have to be some kind of generic third-person action RPG type thing.

In some ways it would be scrupulously fair:
- generous and robust checkpoints or quicksave/load system
- if there's an RNG chance of something, the calculations will be displayed and accurate (looking at you, XCom)
- if the PC dies, there will be a death screen explaining exactly what happened
- in general, information will not be hidden
- prompts and tutorials will be prominent, exact, and highly visible

And then the sarcasm and stonewalling kicks in:
- those prompts and tutorials that are prominent and highly visible do not go away until the player does the thing, you can't just ignore them
- dodge-rolling and bunny-hopping are absolutely options; constantly doing either is slower than base walking
- there is never anything behind waterfalls
- there is never anything inside Random Containers
- there will be a lot of breakables; there will be consequences for breaking them
- there will be a lot of NPCs; there will be consequences for harassing or hitting them
- attempts to shortcut, speedrun, or sequence-break will either lead to a 'back where you started' loop, or death

Hey, I never said it was a thought exercise in developing a fun game to play... ;)

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
I feel like it's trollier to put something inside some of the containers, just to bait the trap. A few have something good, some have vendor trash that may not really be worth the inventory or weight it takes to haul it off, some are just empty duds. And of course, a couple of them are mimics (or the local equivalent) just because hug'em. But you'll never know until you try, and just to make it more annoying for streamers, it's randomized on every load (not save file, it rerolls every time the game reloads, so save scumming won't help). Will that box be a +10 Holy Sword of Avenging Godly Flame, or will it be Boxhamut, Scourge of a Thousand Kleptomaniacs? Roll the dice, bitches.


I feel like it's trollier to put something inside some of the containers, just to bait the trap. A few have something good, some have vendor trash that may not really be worth the inventory or weight it takes to haul it off, some are just empty duds. And of course, a couple of them are mimics (or the local equivalent) just because hug'em. But you'll never know until you try, and just to make it more annoying for streamers, it's randomized on every load (not save file, it rerolls every time the game reloads, so save scumming won't help). Will that box be a +10 Holy Sword of Avenging Godly Flame, or will it be Boxhamut, Scourge of a Thousand Kleptomaniacs? Roll the dice, bitches.
A very valid point! Sub-division then: there will be two types of containers. One will never have anything in it; the other will be full RNG roguelike randomization.

Additional trope subversion: nothing will ever take exactly three hits or have three phases.

Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
Will that box be a +10 Holy Sword of Avenging Godly Flame, or will it be Boxhamut, Scourge of a Thousand Kleptomaniacs? Roll the dice, bitches.



Somehow still sane
The Pokemon world's economy must be insane given how feral cats can spontaneously create legal tender from nothing.


Nonstop Baaka
Touken Danshi Warriors: I got this game super cheap awhile ago and am trying to push through it. A bunch of Japanese swords have turned into pretty boys, and it's up to them to save history! You'd think this would be right up my alley.

However, it's tedious. Before and after every fight they talk. Increase the bonds b/t all the guys to unlock more talks. All the fights are during the Warring States period, including revisiting previous events b/c they didn't quite turn out right. Before and after every battle, there's a screen showing that you're traveling back and forth in time. I'm not sure if it's also a loading screen, but it gets old fast.

Main gripe is that after introducing you to all the boys (except one) in the tutorial, they get split up into teams. You are stuck with one of the smaller teams until one of the major timelines is restored. Sometimes you can use one of the other guys as support, but not always. It feels like it takes forever to get through one of these. Plus, with my tendency to want to keep everyone around the same level... I might have been spoiled by the more streamlined Hyrule Warriors.

The guys can also take battle damage in the form of torn clothing, but I wish I could turn it off for the chars I don't like. It's kinda gross to have this happen with the totally-not-shouta guys. Not that it gets nearly as skeevy as similar games with female chars, but still.

It's not all bad, there are some fights where you have to be sneakier/uncover info rather than bullrushing everything. The missions are short, which is nice for short gaming sessions. I'm not terribly invested, but I haven't gotten to the team I like the most yet. If I switch to something else in my backlog, I'll probably never pick it up again.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
GOG strikes again!
After releasing the original (non-remake) Resident Evil trilogy, they’ve dug up the original pair of Dino Crisis games and are making them available. Dino Crisis 1 and 2 were made available under GOG’s Game Preservation Program, and CD Projekt Red invested it’s own time and resources into making sure both games work well under current iterations of Windows, including full controller support


Somehow still sane
Capcom should do a Dino Crisis remake with the RE engine. Tank controls vs fast enemies means that one side or the other is going to get the short end of the stick


The Pokemon world's economy must be insane given how feral cats can spontaneously create legal tender from nothing.
As I've seen noted on several different pokemon blogs, so source is a bit tenuous:
"The principal difficulty of having a pokemon pick up your groceries for you isn't getting it to understand the concept of a grocery list, but getting it to understand the concept of capitalism.

One might assume that Meowth is the exception given that it is literally the capitalism pokemon; the trouble here is that, while it does understand capitalism, Meowth also understands shoplifting."

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
had some extra money to put into gaming this month, so I downloaded 3 Final fantasy games to the ps5. grabbed the x and x2 remasters and the pixel remaster of the original Nes game... man I am loving it. solid 3 hours in and I've restored 2 crystals and going to go level up a little in the ice cave before going to punch the kracken.

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