Sonic 3 is peak cinema. The movies are probably the best video game adaptations. Damn our shitty local film industry for forcing it to be delayed to 2025.
A very valid point! Sub-division then: there will be two types of containers. One will never have anything in it; the other will be full RNG roguelike randomization.I feel like it's trollier to put something inside some of the containers, just to bait the trap. A few have something good, some have vendor trash that may not really be worth the inventory or weight it takes to haul it off, some are just empty duds. And of course, a couple of them are mimics (or the local equivalent) just because hug'em. But you'll never know until you try, and just to make it more annoying for streamers, it's randomized on every load (not save file, it rerolls every time the game reloads, so save scumming won't help). Will that box be a +10 Holy Sword of Avenging Godly Flame, or will it be Boxhamut, Scourge of a Thousand Kleptomaniacs? Roll the dice, bitches.
Will that box be a +10 Holy Sword of Avenging Godly Flame, or will it be Boxhamut, Scourge of a Thousand Kleptomaniacs? Roll the dice, bitches.
As I've seen noted on several different pokemon blogs, so source is a bit tenuous:The Pokemon world's economy must be insane given how feral cats can spontaneously create legal tender from nothing.
that requires capcom to remember what dino crisis is