Argh. Today was supposed to be the last dose of chemo for a while. The sixth dose of a six dose schedule. And now at the finish line they want to do another round, which is three more doses. Each round is three doses and one week of recovery.
I should have known. When we told the head oncologist that the chemo guy's plan was two more rounds he was very surprised that it wasn't three. Turns out it's three. I guess the chemo guy misspoke when he said two.
I guess the good news is it's another sign that the head oncologist really knows his stuff. Every step of the way he's predicted what tests were going to show, and now he knows what the chemo guy is going to do better than the chemo guy does.
I should have known. When we told the head oncologist that the chemo guy's plan was two more rounds he was very surprised that it wasn't three. Turns out it's three. I guess the chemo guy misspoke when he said two.
I guess the good news is it's another sign that the head oncologist really knows his stuff. Every step of the way he's predicted what tests were going to show, and now he knows what the chemo guy is going to do better than the chemo guy does.