

too old for this
Just got the wide beam. Man this is difficult, but I'm having a great time. The controls are supremely tight. I'm very proud of myself for beating the phantom boss without wiping.


Active member
Okay, done.

That ending was quite a ride, not letting up at all. Loved the last boss, and the end sequence.


too old for this

Yeah, I'm now up against the rushing Emmi. Got the varia, the morph ball and the bomb. Things are really coming together, but man I really hate that damn Emmi. It has an uncanny knack for picking the one route that brings him into contact with me. Arg.

Anonymous X

Well-known member
I’ve had my copy since last week, but I’ve lost motivation to start playing it, to be honest. So many Metroidvania games in the past half-decade or so have worn out the appeal of the genre to me a bit. Give me another couple of weeks…


Well-known member

Yeah, I'm now up against the rushing Emmi. Got the varia, the morph ball and the bomb. Things are really coming together, but man I really hate that damn Emmi. It has an uncanny knack for picking the one route that brings him into contact with me. Arg.

Oh just wait... they keep getting worse.


too old for this
I’ve had my copy since last week, but I’ve lost motivation to start playing it, to be honest. So many Metroidvania games in the past half-decade or so have worn out the appeal of the genre to me a bit. Give me another couple of weeks…

I'll be honest, I'm probably going to hang this up here in a bit just so I can participate in Destiny's Festival of the Lost. I need that dino armor. But I fully expect to pick this back up shortly thereafter.

There's something timeless about Metroid for me. Same with the classic Zelda games. At random, I'll just get this urge to pick one up and I'll play through it all again, just taking my time and enjoying the journey. I've gone through Metroid 2 countless times like that. Since I've had my switch I've rolled through Super Metroid the same way. I fully expect to do the same with Dread. This feels like a classic.


I’m not dead yet!
I really want those amiibos. An extra energy tank would really help.
Why are they so damn hard to find?
Doesn't help that a few of the last ones are split into 4 parts.

That said the older Amiibos giving you energy don't give you anything meaningful in the late game. It gives you maybe 50 energy max using an older Samus Amiibo and that that isn't enough to tank a boss hit which late in the game is the only time I felt the need to use them. I had them at the ready throughout the playthrough but it was only one of the final boss fights I tried using them. And it was pretty worthless. These bosses you either "git gud!" or you die. The final boss was murder on my hands.
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This is how a unicorn comments
Wait did he mean why are the amiibos so hard to find, or the energy tanks? I thought he meant the amiibos...


Eorzean Idiot
Not sure how much hope I have in finding those amiibo. 😥


too old for this
Meant the Amiibos. Yeah, energy tanks are well hidden and now broken up, but that one tank is locked in that Samus Amiibo kind of pisses me off. Why are Amiibos so hard to find?

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