Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur


Well-known member
Other than the usual MCU-style "undercut serious stuff with pratfalls" issues, it's a good episode, even if Luna herself is relegated to comic relief supporting character.

I don't know why Disney thinks the Streisand Effect doesn't apply to them...this may end up the most-watched episode of the entire series, but they won't be able to claim the ratings because it'll all be piracy.


Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
I didn’t even know season 2 was out. I checked some articles and Moon Girl has been canceled too? Aw man :(

Saw the controversial ep. Must agree that Luna is barely in it. She didn't even suit up as Moon Giri, boo!

Also, I remember the team from the slumber party and it was that... non binary person who I thought would be the point of focus. I didn't know the captain was Trans at all. Wouldn't the rival team mother focus on the more obvious non binary person first?

Btw that 20 Keys enemy device is pretty scary. I'd do so much more with a portable pocket dimension than just using it as an escape room type. Original villain, I'm sure, but I wouldn't mind seeing him in action, using the keys to trap heroes.


Well-known member
Season 2 hasn't been released yet, the decision to NOT release this episode got attention and chaotic good piracy.

Coach Karen probably doesn't care so much about nonbinary as long as the kid has the right genitals.


Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!

Wait, I got season 2 already on Disney Plus. Is it because it's Asia?

Date is listed at Feb 2024 but I just didn't check cuz I don't hear news about it (until the cut ep controversy).

There's also some science related shorts.


Well-known member
Yeah, all of those episodes were available months ago in the US too. The official numbering closed ranks around the dropped episode, I guess. That, or the S2 we saw was written as the back half of S1, a really common thing on streaming.



Well-known member
Well, the final episode aired today. It was a good one. I was tearing up a little by the end.

Shame that it's already over. But, at least it got a chance to wrap up. Not every show gets that chance. I'll miss it though. The show had style.

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