New "Wildocking" Animal Limb Combiners from TakaraTomy


Kaiser Dragon
Seeing that Lightlong can connect to the back, I'd like a 5th that is a Pterosaur and/or Falcon so that they can have wingpacks.
If they do make a bird at some point, especially if it has a wind/air theme, I think I'll have to get it along with the T-Rex, giraffe, and elephant. That would just hit way too close to a Breath of the Wild Divine Beast x Transformers set for me to ignore.

Outside of that possibility, I'm intrigued, but not quite sold yet. Cost and space being no issues, I'd definitely want to get them. The idea of passing them up is definitely resonating with my regret over not getting all the PCC releases. However, cost and space are definitely issues. I'm still tempted to at least pick up the Megatron combo pack, but I think I'll otherwise just wait and see what else comes of this line. If they do eventually have a full set of beasts for each side following a theme, that will push me much more strongly toward getting them. Especially if they follow Shadewing's idea.


Staff member
Council of Elders
This breakdown of the series premise seems to indicate that the five "energy" source elements don't include wind: "Flame Energy (fire), Glass [grass?] Energy (nature), Grand [ground] Energy (earth), Lightning Energy (thunder), or Aqua Energy (water)"

I'm only going off of Google Translate, so someone more informed may correct this.
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Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
This breakdown of the series premise seems to indicate that the five "energy" source elements don't include wind: "Flame Energy (fire), Glass [grass?] Energy (nature), Grand [ground] Energy (earth), Lightning Energy (thunder), or Aqua Energy (water)"

I'm only going off of Google Translate, so someone more informed may correct this.

No, the closer translation of the 5 Elements would be Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Milla Jovovich. At least as far as my memory goes.

But more seriously, the ones we know of so far are:

T-Rex: Fire
Giraffe: Lightning
Elephant: Water
Triceratops: Grass/Nature

So Ground is probably either the wolf/tiger or spinosaur. I could see maybe the spino being Ground and the (if it is a) Wolf being a new one, like Ice or something? But that would definitely leave Air open for a pterodactyl or eagle or something.

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
The core bots would have been the sort of thing that the armor-izing subtypes would have really benefited from having. Though this whole line reminds me of this horror…


Maybe it’s medical?

Optimus: “Like many Transformers, I suffer from Parts Leprosy, but I’m getting back in the game with Wild King!”

Announcer, as Optimus does everyday things like bike riding, defending Autobot City, taking care of grandkids no one knew he had, and coming back from the dead: “Wild King is a prescription subline for treating the symptoms of Parts Leprosy. Wild King is only intended for use with 5mm ports. Do not use Wild King under the influence of excess Energon. Side effects may include poor parts tolerances, difficulty in combining, itch, summoning Captain Planet, and your boot heels falling off. Don’t smuggle severed limbs in your boots, the TSA’s on to us.”

Optimus: “Thanks to Wild King, I’m back in the game!”

Bumblebee: “What sort of sick game involves dismembering a giraffe and wearing parts of it’s corpse…?”


-Wild King Optimus runs away. Energon Optimus comes on stage and the Ozympic commercial begins filming.


How did we get so dark?
It's kinda surprising that the limbs connect with a double post system. A single post would have at least kept bicep/knee swivels, which would have helped the articulation immensely in both standard and combined modes.

Actually, it looks like there is a seperate bicep swivel on Prime/Megs?


Well-known member
Hydrophant = Blue Big Convoy Junior.

Seeing how small the beasts are next to Prime and Megatron is startling. But, based on the 5mm (?) peg holes, the beasts look a tad smaller than deluxe, larger than core. Not too bad. I'd like to see them next to some other figures to get a better idea of size.
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Well-known member
The wolf/tiger/whatever's name is Ignite Bite according to the translation I saw so that makes me think he's going to be fire/red like the TRex.

Maybe we'll get one of each of these 4 Elements for the Mammals and Dinosaurs.

-ZacWilliam, water would make sense for Spinosaur IIRC recent paleontology theories about it.


Well-known member
Wildking Bios! curtest of Takara's Page and my phones aut-translate (so... yeah)

Optimus Prime:

The reliable leader of the army of the righteous army. In the past, there was a conflict with Megatron, the leader of the evil army, but now they are reconciled and have a cooperative relationship. He was a megatron who was traveling one step ahead in seeking the power to protect his hometown, but suddenly the communication was cut off, and Optimus also followed him and went out to do. Optimus, who has arrived at the unknown planet Wakusei Element Loss, meets the unique energy beast, and wears a new ability "Wildking" from the bond with them. Ke, I'm going to stand up to stop the dinosaur Kyoryu and the Megatron from being exposed!


The strong leader of the evil army, the decepticon. Currently, Genzai has been saving his strength to protect each other's hometown, the planet Wakusei Cybertron, by resolving the harmony with Optimus Prime, the leader of the Autobot of the Corps of Justice. At one time, he discovered the planet Wakusei Element Ross, which is said to be hidden by unknown power, and decided to get on the first step ahead. By the time Optimus chased Megatron and arrived at Hoshihoshi, he was already wearing a new ability "Wildking". What on earth is the purpose of the rampant dinosaurs approaching Optimus...!

Light Long:

A giraffe-shaped transformer who is curious about everything. " He has "Lightning Energy" in his body, and he can handle the power of the thunder. He is an energy beast who meets Optimus for the first time, and he will act together with him. In order to face the threat of Megatron that suddenly appeared, together with Optimus, we awaken Wilding's ability!


An elephant-shaped transformer with a gentle heart and a very timid personality. " Aqua Energy" is in its body, and it can handle the power of water. Lightlong knows that he doesn't have much confidence in himself, but he has tremendous power. In order to protect what is important, we will learn the courage to face the enemy from Optimus and grow!

Captain Volka:

A tyrannosaurus-type transformer that seeks strength above all else and is disgusting. " He has "Flame Energy" in his body, and he can handle the power of the flame. Attracted by Megatron's strength and charisma, he believes that he is the legendary Densetsu's hero Yusha and acts together. He is a leader who organizes the dinosaurs, and he is trying to confirm a certain good transmission that is transmitted to the dinosaurs...!


Anyway, I hate the fact that it's straight and curved, and it's a triceratops-shaped transformer. " It has "Glass Energy" in its body, and it can handle the power of nature. The rushing power and strength are No. 1 in the dinosaur race, and it is comparable to the drill horn and shoulder. He trusts Captain Volka, and when he was invited by him, he met Megatron. For some reason, I'm thinking that the number of Tsuno's books is so good that I have a good head...!

-ZacWilliam, and there are 4 blank spots to be filled in. Which suggest full team of limbs for each Master.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Maybe someone can 3d print an intermediate elbow joint, although that'll extend the forearms by quite a bit. Could probably be passable in full combined mode I guess.

Still digging how Ryusoulger-y this feels. Would love a beast core body too -- Grimlock?


Well-known member
In case anyone is interested, the story as slightly wonkily translated by iphone:

The stage of the story story is the planet Wakusei Element Los, which has unknown power. The main character, Shujinko Optimus Prime, chases Megatron, who is among his friends, and falls on this land. At that place, Optimus meets the giraffe-shaped transformer "Lightlong", an energy beast. According to Light Long, the energy beasts in the form of animal animals and dinosaurs living in Element Ross are flames, water, earth, nature, thunder, and the power of the five attributes "Eleme It is said that he is hiding "Nto Energy". In the midst of that, Megatron suddenly attacked slowly. Optimus and Lightlong awaken the power of the transformation fusion [Wildking] with the power of the bond. Optimus, who joins forces with animals, and Megatron, who follows dinosaurs. How is that fate ────!!

-ZacWilliam, interesting that they're playing so strongly into OP and Meg's being friends at the start.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
-ZacWilliam, interesting that they're playing so strongly into OP and Meg's being friends at the start.

If the individual bios are close to correct, it sounds like they were enemies once, became friends or at least friendly during a time of truce, and now the rivalry is reignited? Sorta like Earthspark with a dash of Armada?

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