Ninja Turtles - Cowabunga!


Eorzean Idiot
Nightwatcher 6 is out. I wasn't sure if this was going to be ongoing or limited, but the last page says "to be concluded." Maybe it just means this arc, but I'm kinda hoping it concludes the NW comics so the whole gamg can get back together in the main book again.

And I also want to know what's going on with Alopex. I haven't gotten any of the Mutant Nation comics. Should I? Is she in there?


Well-known member
Mutant Nation is basically another shot at a TMNT Universe style anthology comic where they follow different characters around for different arcs. So far, it's been dealing with what Raphael was up to, before he got thrown in prison in the main book, which was mostly saving the Mutanimals. And Casey working with Karai and the Foot Clan and dealing with all her gang and demonic problems. It's a good book and I recommend picking it up if you're interested, but no Alopex so far.

As far as where Alopex is right now...I want to say they mentioned that she was still working in her soup kitchen in Mutant Town with Angel. But, I'm not sure where I read that off the top of my head, so I'm not sure if that's true or something my brain just made up. I don't think she's had a major appearance since the soft reboot started. That kind of makes sense, since they kind of wanted to go back to basics for a bit. But, I think she'll be showing up sooner or later. It might just take some time.

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