Now eventually you are going to have a Comic Book thread on this Comic Book forum, right?


Well-known member
Diamond Comic Distributors is officially declaring bankruptcy.
This...has been coming for a while honestly. Things have only been going downhill since they closed their Plattsburgh distribution center back in October. There's been nothing but delays and horror stories of damaged comics arriving in stores ever since. It's been 3 months of watching this company flounder.

Now, this doesn't necessarily mean they're going out of business. Sometimes declaring Chapter 11 Bankruptcy is a strategic business move. But...most of the big comic companies have already jumped this sinking ship. I...doubt they'll be able to repair the damaged trust they used to have with the comic companies after the last 3 months of fumbling the ball as hard as they have. They were having a hard time competing with the other comic distributors that were popping up, anyway. This could be the end of Diamond.

Diamond seems like it was unable to adjust to losing it's distritbution center. At the end of the day, they're a logistics company. Their ONE job is to get comics into comic shops. And they have been unable to do that job for months now. I can understand it taking a few weeks to adjust to losing part of your business. But, it's shouldn't take more than 3 months with no improvements in sight.

Poor Diamond. They will be....maybe not "missed", exactly. Unless you were a hardcore comic fan, you might not even know who they are, as long as they did their job right. Still, it was convenient being able to get a list of all the comics coming out all in one place. Guess I'll have to change websites now.

But....that's enough of that depressing news. While I'm here, I might as well talk about some comics I'm enjoying. Diamond may be in trouble, but comic shops still have comics you could check out! There are still good comics out there.

Power Fantasy-If you enjoyed the Krakoa era of X-Men, I would say you owe it to yourself to check this out. It's written by Kieron Gillian, one of the architects of the post-Hickman Krakoa X-Men books, so you know it's good! It's about people with powers being treated like world superpowers who have to be handled politically and with care, least they all accidentally destroy the world. It's a superhero book about trying to stop fights before they start in the first place. It's good stuff! Highly recommended!

Kidpool/Spider-Boy-This is a one shot that I really enjoyed. This was just a unexpected bit of pure fun and whimsy. You might not know who either of these characters are. But, the writer isn't even sure who one of these characters are for sure, so you'll be in good company. If you're looking for something a little lighter, pick this one up.

The New Ultimate Comics Universe-This has actually been really solid these last few months. Ultimate Invasion started things out a little rough. But, all the ongoings have been surprisingly solid. I almost don't want the Maker to return sometime next year. Ultimate Spider-Man is probably the crowd favorite, for bringing the marriage back. But, all the Ultimate books have been worth a read so far.

Absolute Wonder Woman-This is my pick for the best of the DC's Absolute comics. It's just has the most interesting and easy to understand high concept. Dark Fantasy Wonder Woman. I'll admit though, the other Absolute comics are good too. Even Absolute Superman, which is probably the weakest of the bunch so far, is starting to pick up steam after a few issues. My one big complaint about this line is...this REALLY doesn't feel like a universe created by Darkseid at all. This universe is, at worst, slightly darker than the main universe. This feels closer to the Snyderverse than something Darkseid the God of Dictators would create. And I'm not sure if "Evil Legion of Super-Heroes" was a really compelling cliffhanger villain for most people, even comic fans. But, still, this is pretty good. Marvel's current Ultimate line is better. But, DC's giving them some decent competition.

The Ghost Machine...universe(s?)-You know what these books remind me of? Crossgen. That's either a good thing or a bad thing, depending on who you ask. They all have great art and unique premisese. I just have no idea if this is selling or not. It's also a little hard to tell if these are all in the same universe at different points in time, or different universes or what. But, it does feel like we're going to see them cross over with each other, eventually. And connections are starting to form between some of the books. I think I like Rook Exodus the best so far. A group of forest rangers with animal-controlling helmets have to try to save a dying partially-terraformed world. It's such an oddly toyetic and fun premise, but it takes itself so seriously. It's like a edgy reboot of a 80s toyline that never was. But, Hyde Street is fun too, if you want something a bit more "Twilight Zone" or "Goosebumps" esque. All the books are surprisingly solid. Personally, I'd probably put this new universe on par with Marvel's New Ultimate Universe.

AVA Aliens Versus Avengers-This has no right being this good. Seriously. This is REALLY shockingly good. It only comes out once every few months, but it's gorgeous and the writing is great. It's REALLY diving into the Aliens lore, which some people may or may not like. But, it feels MUCH more substantial than the average crossover book.

Disney's Hercules-I actually really enjoyed this miniseries. And the previous Hades miniseries, too. If you have fond memories of the movie or the old cartoon, maybe give some of these a shot. Some of them are pretty solid. Definitely recommended for mythology nerds.

Sacrificers-A really dark story about Gods feeding on their people for power and how that entire system collapses. It can be a little depressing, but it's well done.

String-A detective story about a woman with psychic powers who can see "string" connecting people who love each other and those who murder each other. And now this psychic detective has a murder-string connecting her to someone else, meaning either she's going to murder someone in the future or someone will murder her. I've been enjoying it so far. The concept is JUST unique enough to catch my attention.

Moon Knight Fist of Khonshu-I think I'm really starting to enjoy Moon Knight? I don't know, there's just something about Jed MacKay's run on this character that's oddly compelling.

Sonic the Hedghog Knuckles 30th Anniversary Special-Did you like Trip from Sonic Superstars? Well, she features heavily in this issue. And she's adorable! I may ship Knuckles and Trip now. You can't stop me!

Rogue Sun-Still the best of the Massive-verse books. A legacy hero trying to deal with his father's old foes.

The Flash-Si Spurrier's run is actually really solid. Especially if you like something a little weirder or darker for the first half.

Venom-Venom War was such a weird combination of cosmic time-travel shenanigans and pro wrestling. And now there's a mystery of who the All-New Venom is! Is it Rick Jones or two other old guys who both feel too old and too connected to Spider-Man to actually be Venom?! Only time will tell!

Farscape 25th Anniversary Special-It was just fun to return to this universe in this one-shot anthology comic. If you're a fan, check it out. There's even another book "Jim Henson Presents" that's doing more new Farscape stories along with other Jim Henson works like the Dark Crystal and Labyrinth.

Outsiders-This was a VERY meta and multiversally focused DC comic that I feel kind of flew under the radar. If you were a big fan of Planetary back in the day, you may want to check this one out. I enjoyed my time with it, even though I understand why most people didn't really gel with it.

Flavor Girls Return to the Mothership-We don't get a lot of magical girl comics in the west. So, I feel compelled to talk about this fruit-themed magical girl group. It has a sort of Steven Universe sort of feel, with them building up the mystery of what the alien invaders are trying to do. It's not the greatest, but it is solid.

Namor-Jason Aaron is doing some solid worldbuilding for Namor's undersea world. There's a lot of factions and backstories and I'm here for it.

Metamorpho the Element Man-Do you want something that's SO unabashedly "comic book" that it's almost ridiculous? Well, Al Ewing is really channeling the 60s in this comic! It's so retro that it's just fun to read his over-the-top dialogue. It's just so groovy!

I Heart Skull Crusher-A fangirl of a violent sports star tries to join her muderball team in a post-apocalypse world. I just dig this comic's art style! It's a fun comic that's more lighthearted and manga-inspired than I may make it sound.
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LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Sonic the Hedghog Knuckles 30th Anniversary Special-Did you like Trip from Sonic Superstars? Well, she features heavily in this issue. And she's adorable! I may ship Knuckles and Trip now. You can't stop me!
Oh, I definitely need to get caught up on this, then...


Well-known member
And now we have some hard numbers for about how much Diamond owes to it's various creditors. It's somewhere around 31 million dollars, and that's just for the top 30 companies.

I'm honestly not sure if that's a lot of money for someone like Diamond or not. It sounds like a lot of money, but it's probably chump change even in the publishing business.

And here's some reactions to this news from various comic creators:

They make some interesting point.s Like some of the new distributers not wanting to deal with "small companies" like some indie publishers. But, then kind of sounds like Diamond was doing the same thing, at times. So, I dunno.


Well-known member
You know what? I've been talking about a lot of bad news recently. But, here's some GOOD news!

Marvel and DC are finally doing another crossover after 20 years!

We're getting two one-shots. DC/Marvel. And Marvel/DC. Personally, I'm expecting them to be 100-page anthology-style things, with a bunch of stories about 10 pages long. Like their Halloween or Christmas one-shots. But, we really don't have any details at the moment.

But, this is something that people can actually get excited about. It's been years since these two companies have crossed over. This is probably the shot in the arm the comics industry needs right now.

So who do YOU want to see cross over with each other?

Superman v The Sentry?

Batman v Moon Knight?

Squirrel Girl v Harley Quinn?

Jeff the Land Shark v Krypto the Super Dog?

The Flash Family v The Spider-Verse?

The Green Lantern Corps v The Guardians of the Galaxy?

Gwenpool v Ambush Bug?

Booster Gold v The TVA?

The Batman Who Laughs v The Maker?

Miss Martian v Kamala Khan Ms Marvel?

Donna Troy v Psylocke?

The Legion of Super-Heroes v Ultron?

The X-Men v Amazo?

The Fantastic Four v The Doom Patrol?

Seriously, there are SO many ways you could cross these two over!
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Active member
I work in a library and back in December I applied for my library to participate in Free Comic Book Day. I haven't yet heard anything back and I am wondering how the bankruptcy is affecting Free Comic Book Day.


Well-known member
I haven't yet heard anything back and I am wondering how the bankruptcy is affecting Free Comic Book Day.

...Yeah, it's a little complicated.

FCBD is still happening, but some of the comic publishers are pulling comics from the event. Probably due to costs and not being sure if Diamond will actually make it to FCBD in May this year. Some are using Lunar to get them into shops, rather than Diamond, but others are just outright cancelling some FCBD titles.

Not to mention that due to the bankruptcy, Diamond is starting to call in debts owed by comic shops. So, some comic book stores may not even want to work with Diamond in the future.

And Diamond is actually in the process of selling off the rights to the "Free Comic Book Day" branding.

It's all up in the air at the moment. FCBD should still be happening. I imagine a lot of these comics are already complete in some form, so the comic publishers probably want to release them. But, I don't know what form it will take, or how many comic shops will actually be able to participate in it this year.

It's kind of a mess. We might know a little more after this auction that Diamond is holding in March to get some cash. You can see more news here:

My recommendation is that you might want to talk to someone at Lunar Distribution? They might end up handling a lot of the FCBD books this year. Or not. Like I said, it's all up in the air. Can't hurt to contact them, though.
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Well-known member
Well, I'm glad you heard back from them, at least. It's too bad they aren't doing something special for the libraries anymore. But, I'm not too surprised given the bankruptcy.


Active member
Well, I'm glad you heard back from them, at least. It's too bad they aren't doing something special for the libraries anymore. But, I'm not too surprised given the bankruptcy.
I was supposed to have heard back from them on February 7th and I shouldn't have emailed them twice.


Well-known member
Yeah, things are probably a mess over there right now. It's hard to say who's running what, or how many things are getting overlooked.

Did you ever try sending Lunar an e-mail? Like I said, a few of the FCBD books seem to be going exclusive with Lunar. You'll probably still have to have your librrary pay for the books, but it can't hurt to comparison shop a little. I really wouldn't have any idea what the situation would be like over there. Might be better. Might be worse. I really have no idea, but it can't hurt to just shoot them a e-mail or something.


Active member
I got the invoice from Diamond for the Free Comic Book Day comics. It's a fifteen dollar shipping fee for the comics and a fifty dollars for the promotional kit if I want to get one.

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