Obi-Wan Kenobi - streaming on Disney+


Stone and Sky
Obi Wan's suffered a lot yet he perseveres. Him bluntly telling a fellow Jedi "their time is over" doesn't sit right, especially since his message in Rebels/Fallen Order is a lot less defeatist.

Also, once again we have the long-awaited return of a beloved actor just to see him be all sullen and broody. Ehh

Fullstrength Motleypuss

Well-known member
I'm really not sure what people were expecting Kenobi to be like considering what he went through. He thinks he killed his Padawan and everything he dedicated his life to is gone. Sounds like sunshine and rainbows to me!


I’m not dead yet!
Not to mention a hopeful message recorded message immediately after in the face of defiance can ring a bit hollow ten years later with everything in the galaxy looking like it's going to jive.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.


Well-known member
Unless there is a beacon of some kind, which would entirely betray the point, it is not possible that you can bury a box 7 inches into a sand dune and:

1) Walk to where it is and dig it up in 10 years
2) Have it stay buried and the same place in 10 years

Those dunes are moving all the time. Actual ground is way down below. It's like throwing a bottle into the ocean and coming back for it. And if Ben can sense the kyber or something, so can the Inquisitors.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
I hope this show sufficiently explains why Bail didn't just summon Ben in ANH via their holonet hotline. Why send Leia to fetch him if he could just make a phone call and tell him all about the Death Star?

Speaking of Bail, is it my imagination or did Jimmy Smits age considerably since his appearance in Rogue One? He just seems a bit more old and frail than I remember.

Too bad they couldn't bring back Rebecca Jackson Mendoza as Queen Breha. Or maybe she can't act? She didn't even have a speaking part in ROTS. I hate recastings.

Her sister, on the other hand, looks very similar and has acted in quite a few movies (e.g. The Descent).

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Well-known member
My theory on the Grand Inquisitor combines the Watsonian and Doylist explanations:
He doesn't survive, and is replaced by a fellow member of his species, who is thinner and has a different sounding voice.



Was Megatron right?
Two thoughts so far . . .

I like seeing Bail Organa. I've liked Jimmy Smits since seeing him in West Wing.

Also - the shows on Disney Plus have really shown how so many people in the Star Wars universe live in outright poverty. Not sure where to go with that, but it stood out to me.


Well-known member
Unless there is a beacon of some kind, which would entirely betray the point, it is not possible that you can bury a box 7 inches into a sand dune and:

1) Walk to where it is and dig it up in 10 years
2) Have it stay buried and the same place in 10 years

Those dunes are moving all the time. Actual ground is way down below. It's like throwing a bottle into the ocean and coming back for it. And if Ben can sense the kyber or something, so can the Inquisitors.

A (space) wizard did it.

And maybe he could find it because a Jedi's kyber crystal is attuned to them. He just needed to get into the vicinity, meanwhile a random Inquisitor would have the entire Dune Sea to search and hope they stumble across it.

I hope this show sufficiently explains why Bail didn't just summon Ben in ANH via their holonet hotline. Why send Leia to fetch him if he could just make a phone call and tell him all about the Death Star?

Speaking of Bail, is it my imagination or did Jimmy Smits age considerably since his appearance in Rogue One? He just seems a bit more old and frail than I remember.

Too bad they couldn't bring back Rebecca Jackson Mendoza as Queen Breha. Or maybe she can't act? She didn't even have a speaking part in ROTS. I hate recastings.

Her sister, on the other hand, looks very similar and has acted in quite a few movies (e.g. The Descent).

It's something as simple as,
Ben: "I'm destroying this communicator. You can never contact me again; it places both children at too great a risk."

That being said, it was buried in his old "footlocker". Maybe the battery finally died after another nine years.

I guess it's a good sign folks have to be this nitpicky to find something to complain about! Although it's the apparent demand for this level of explanation of every last bit of minutia that also gives us the origin of Han Solo's last name, so be careful what you wish for. 😉

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
Han's last name was never an inconsistency though. Ben's holo-pager, on the other hand, can be perceived as undermining the entire plot of ANH.

On the other hand, if he destroys it like you suggested, then I'd say problem solved. I have my doubts that they'll even address it.
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The Doctor Who

Now With Sheffield Steel!
All I can think is SUBTITLES FOR A JAWA??

But, yeah, like seeing Obi-Wan deal with the fallout of Vader and the Empire rising... Like that's gotta be depressing as hug. Obviously the story will revolve around his need to reconnect with the Force and find *ahem* "a new hope".

Sean Whitmore

Active member
that happened a lot earlier than I thought it would.

I don't know why it is, but I always get an extra little thrill seeing Darth Vader appear in a series, in a way that I don't with other characters. I felt it when he appeared in Rebels too. It's almost like, "Hey, there's a big-time movie character, slumming it on the small screen!"

I loved Vader pushing Obi-Wan into the flames. That kind of raw "see how YOU like it!" vengefulness humanized him without softening him.

I kinda think I don't want them to meet again in this series. If this is the last time they interact before A New Hope, I could just about accept Vader giving up the chase and forgetting about him. He got a little payback, Obi-Wan is a broken-down old wreck, eff him, let him die alone and in hiding.

But if Obi-Wan does a Rocky training montage and comes back in the finale and kicks Vader's ass a little, I dunno. I find it hard to believe Obi would be able to fade back into obscurity after that.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Forgoing Spoiler tag because, well, at this point in the day people will have seen it if they wanted to.

I agree with Sean, above, for the most part. A big thing I noticed was that, while ObiWan was really rusty...Vader wasn't doing much better. He lacked a proper lightsaber form, using only a single handed grip and his raw strength rather than any real technique. It's hard to tell if it's a "rage thing" or just "body adjustments". It was a sloppy fight, and it felt natural in this scenario: ObiWan hasn't used a lightsaber in years, like never practiced to keep his basic skills up. Darth Vader has likely never had need to practice his own skills since, at least in the visual media cannon, he's never faced an opponent requiring much from him to deal with. Doubly so since the Inquisitors are around to do a lot of that dirty work.

So, I suspect we will end with ObiWan reconnecting to the force, putting a good trouncing on Vader, and step into becoming a true "master" and able to hide his presence without disconnecting from the force. Remember, Palpatine was able to hide his own presence next to HUNDREDS of Jedi.

Still mad props to the actress for Leia. She is just NAILING it.

Powered Convoy

Leia was adorable in this episode.
I definitely think Vader was being cocky and playing with Obi-Wan for most of the fight. The fire thing and killing that kid were savage.

The person aiding Obi-Wan was good.
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Was Megatron right?
I'd forgotten about "Daughter? Granddaughter, maybe" until I saw it in the recap. Leia's great.


Well-known member
Um, 6:42PM on the day of release is not late enough for everyone to have seen it. It was, in fact, over two hours before I started watching. Fortunately, I already knew people have zero impulse control and didn't even look at this thread today until I'd had the chance to watch it.

Don't be a spoiler jerk, and especially don't try to justify it by assuming everyone keeps your hours.


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