Obi-Wan Kenobi - streaming on Disney+

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I agree. There's only a movie's worth of plot that's being pulled into six episodes. This episode especially could have been 20 minutes and been better for it. At some point tracing rows of stormtroopers with different angles just seems overindulgent the fourth or fifth time.

Edit: to say that I eagerly await the two-hour fan edit.
I'm waiting for the fan edit for Book of Boba Fett, because I have similar views on that show. :p


Well-known member
I think a fan edit of this show would be a movie I'd like to see. I'm not waiting for it.

I doubt a fan edit of Book of Boba Fett would interest me.


Well-known member
It was in the same position as Revenge of the Sith. A lot to do. And it did ALL of it, right? And also something Revenge of the Sith neglected to do. I DO want this turned into a movie, though.


Well-known member
I am not gonna sit here saying killing people is virtuous. The whole topic makes me uncomfortable. But Obi-Wan thought he killed Vader on Mustafar and I guess he just couldn't screw up the fortitude to see the job definitely done. So because he couldn't watch his friend die, he decided to walk away and let his friend suffer a slow painful death, which is not merciful, and because of that decision people all over the place suffered. It was neither tactical nor kind to walk away.

I assumed that what we would see today was that Ben Kenobi could not beat Vader and he would just have to escape back to his hidey hole with the knowledge that there was hope of another being able to manage it. To just walk away again.... It really doesn't make sense. If Anakin is in there, he is suffering. If he isn't, then slice him in half and drop him in a hole like you are supposed to with Sith. (Oh and go to the bottom of that hole and make sure he's dead...)

I realize that last part was not an option for the Kenobi writers, but that should have forced them to the former. This is hard for me to accept.

Qui-Gon is totally accepted.


Well-known member


Guess whos back
I feel like my problem with the series is that it used way to many characters with known fates to have any real stakes. We know Leia doesn't die or get seriously hurt. We know Reva nor Vader will kill Obi Wan. We know that the Grand Inquisitor isn't actually dead. There just isn't any meat to be had on the bone of the story. You wanna do a story about ObiWan between trilogys it needed to use as few characters we knew the outcomes of so that it could really breath. Using all these people we knew... like its so empty.

The final episode was probably the worst one in a way because there was no dramatic finale to be had because there was no drama to make! It just spends some time trying to smooth over the canon issues the series created and ignores the ones it can't. Oh Obiwan said vader was dead because vader said that Obi didn't kill Anakin, he did. Oh Leia didn't mention a deeper relationship with Obi because he said keep it a secret. Still doesn't explain why she had such a little reaction to his death in E4? Granted its a meme that Leia cares more about Obis death in E4 than the death of her planet but thats still in the context of her consoling Luke. A guy who... now met Obi before he did in movies. And has seen the force in action, and light sabers and the sith. Kind of making some of the reactions to all this new info in E4... confusing?

Ideally this series, if anything, should have been Reva being the PoV character. Shes one of the few people we don't know about or how her story ends and having it be centered on her primarily and the series being about her would have at least given us something to chew on. But in the end even her story comes up short. Shes a off brand version of 2nd sister, an inquisitor with a similar story but told much better, and the grand conclusion to her tale is... she tries to kill a kid for really no reason and then has a big cry about it asking for validation she isn't as bad as vader and its like.. girl you've been helping the empire go around being a facist dictatorship and murdering people for them. Kid murder wasn't the line you had to cross to be as bad as Vader, you are absolutely as bad as anyone else in the Empire. Then Reva just kinda... vanishes. Not even a conclusion where Obi is going to try and help her out no she just is flat out done with the story.

Oh but hey we finally know how Leia got her blaster holster! That was a big piece of LORE that everybody wanted right? Also Obi wanders off and lets Vader live to keep being a space facist. The first time there was a pretty good reason for him to think that Anakin was done for but here? Nah. Just peaces out. They didn't even bother making it so like... the fight just couldn't continue or that both of them thought the other was dead for good this time. Nah just wanders off. Totally had him at his mercy and could have saved tons of lives but *Shrugs* can't kill him here because of canon and the writers couldn't be bothered to think of a better solution.

Its just content for the sake of content, nostalgia to make fans go "OMG its that guy from that thing!" It could have been good if effort was put into it but instead its just drek.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
Apparently Obi-Wan just can't bring himself to kill Vader, but he fully expects Luke to do the deed. Way to pass the buck there, master.

"I can't kill my own father."
"Then the Emperor has already won."

Nice guilt trip, hypocrite.


Well-known member
Yeah. I'm very much on the
"everything is Obi-wan's fault" train, and all that ending did was underline it! The first time on Mustafar... ok, I can understand. The second time? Knowing everything he now knows?
This did not help the character.


Stone and Sky

This show's junk. Maybe a movie's worth of content stretched into six episodes, keeping this "limited series" open-ended enough to charge ahead with a second season and a spinoff, lowbrow concepts like somehow involving all three Skywalkers, brazen disregard for canon while straight up lifting whole scenes from said canon, all the while creating a story that doesn't feel like it did anything. I feared I'd poison the well for this show by reading the Kenobi novel earlier this year, but this isn't even a poor man's version of that, it's a ******* idiot version of it.

I can't believe "Obi Wan T-poses at Vader and hurls rocks like some kind of anime villain" is a thing in this show. o_O

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I guess I can spill my view?

It was a damn strong finale to what was ultimately…a mediocre series. The biggest issue, to me, was the constant wheel spinning, to the point it retreads ON ITSELF just for the sake of filling an extra couple of episodes. I’ve gotten old enough to let them play a bit “loose” with continuity and canon, but there were some obvious failings still at play.

The unfortunate part is that, while the story itself was relatively “meh” (the usual Disney trying to push any media project into the wider canon whenever they can)…it was still a viable element. The production values were top notch (as usual), and the acting was generally solid to fantastic all around. McGregor and Christianson were clearly putting all they had into this project, and the young Leia was, to be honest, ASTOUNDINGLY good. Like, her acting here was better than what a LOT of more experienced actors gave in the films.

But, then you have Reva. A character which would have been better served in smaller doses who had her role expanded to a driving force of the series (possibly even due to an eye towards a spin off because…of course), I think the actress did as well as she could (and actually did a GREAT job in the finale), but the script did her no favors, and I think had this been a standard film, she might have had more impact if she hadn’t been so prevalent.

Like Book of Boba Fett and Falcon and Winter Soldier, this feels WAY too much like a movie project that got retooled. And in the process, solid stories with great actors were padded out, diluting the impact of the stories at the core of the projects.

But we DID get some good moments with great acting, and I think, all things considered, it could have been a LOT worse.

All that said, I LOVED the final duel. To me, that is what it should have been: a true Jedi master showing his power against someone who isn’t nearly as powerful as they think. But I think it dropped the ball in that Vader wasn’t nearly as injured as he should have been to justify ObiWan leaving. Or at the very least, his “danger sense” should have gone off during the battle to justify his early exit.


Well-known member
Finish. The. Job.

the Jedi are some of the dumbest and weakest people out there. Couldn’t see the Sith taking over. Couldn’t detect the creation of the clone army. Ignored Anakin killing an entire village of people. Run away when they get their nose punched.

The whole third sister was dumb. I’d like somebody like Ashoka or even the fan driven theory of Mace Windu showing up and a little skirmish.

Some info on why the Jedi were in Jurassic Park looking slats would have been cool (rumor I guess says it’s for the eventual Palpatine cloning).

I still like the series overall, but I think I need to rewatch it.


Wonder if Luke and Leia ever talked about being chased by lady Inquisitor, when they were ten, and on the same week too. Wouldn't be surprised if there's already a Marvel comic being writen about the trio reuniting.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
I think I could have forgiven so much if the production values were better. The original Star Wars movies would have been similarly disappointing if they'd had this show's soundtrack and camera work.

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