I remember.
When Misty Monsoon looked to the sky, she was able to marvel at the wonderfully clear sky she had crafted. There was a brief silence until suddenly several rocks the size of ponies rolled out from behind the trees. Rolling to a stop, they unfolded and someone from the crowd shouted, "Look out, they're cucarockas!" Pandemonium ensued. Mares yelped and stallions fainted as the buglike rock creatures ran rampant, tipping over tables and attempting to steal food from the caterers. "Things were going so well. At least it can't get worse than..." Mayor Cranberry Loss tried to run away only to trip and get tangled in the stage apron, causing it to become unhooked and start sailing into the air from the large number of balloons that were tied to it. "Halp! Haaaalllpp!!!" Brisk Iron facehoofed. "I'm old enough to know better than to say that."