Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!


Continuity Nutcase
So, turns out BotCon 2006 Dinobot is a GPS victim:


NOTE: Not my pic. It comes from eBay.


Continuity Nutcase
That's got to be the most recent GPS victim, yes?
Protoform Starscream was released a year later.

EDIT: Wait, no, there's also ROTF Stratosphere (2009), the Costco version of Battle Ops Bumblebee (2010), Creator Primus (2010), and Unite Warriors Motormaster (2015).


Wondering bot

I still had Tarn and the Armada team standing on the table and realized the Hailstorms would go really well with them.

Tarn is made out to be the leader in that shot as he surounded by Megatrons & Galvatrons plus the Hailstorm bots in front, so anyone with a clue who these characters are would presume the Tarn is the leader


Staff member
Council of Elders
For those that don't know (which I'm sure a majority of people who've been on these boards for a while do), I like to come up with my on fanfic-y universe where all of my Transformers are from the same timeline and universe. It leads to some really enjoyable world-building on my part, which adds a lot to this hobby for me.

In the Gizmo-verse as I call it, Tarn is one of Galvatron's (G1 Galvatron) four Warlords. Each of the Warlords commands a division of the Decepticon army. Within these divisions, each Warlord has his own command structure of Generals, Commanders, and Squad Leaders. In this picture for example, the Armada team would be Tarn's Generals, Mindset would be a Squad Leader, and the Hailstorms are the ground soldiers.

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