Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
Because of how inexpensive they currently are on BBTS, I'm considering taking the plunge on Tusker, Tailclub and Fangro. But I wonder: if I double-dip on Tailclub and Fangro, will I be able to form some version of Glaicalord? I see that Tailclub comes with a foot piece, but I'm not sure if they combine Scamble City-style or not.

Didn't have time for pictures this morning, but I did check. He can absolutely use Tailclub and Fangro as either arms or legs. In fact, Tailclub, who is "supposed" to be a leg, actually makes a better arm because he has some elbow articulation in that mode.

Also, I checked and he is 100% compatible with G1 Scramble City figures, so if you want to replace the missing limbs with a motorcycle or landshark, you can do that as well. Or give Superion a Wooly Mammoth torso, or whatever. I'm not your boss.
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Staff member
Council of Elders
I felt that City Commander and Protector Kits were fabulous when they came out, but as lastmaximal said earlier, they kind of aged themselves out of my collection.


Two arms and one smile
Thanks for that confirmation, @Doncropolis! The prices on the core three are so low that I would be a fool to let them pass me by. A fool, I tell you!


Another babka?
Man that Unicron is so cool. But there's no way I can justify it given our space situation right now. I'm sure the hubby would love "hey I know we agreed my collectables would stay in the study but... hear me out... what if I kept this giant Transformer the size of a child on our kitchen table?"
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Continuity Nutcase
See, This is why I'm taken aback every time I hear someone say they want the next HasLab to be Primus. The sheer size and mass of the Unicron figure made it as expensive as it was, and it pretty much failed to fund in it's first go-round, needing an unprecedented extension because Hasbro couldn't afford to let it fail. Do people really want to pay that much money a second time for a figure just as large and massive that will take up just as much space as Unicron does?

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
Oh! I know how to make it work and save a LOT on production AND shipping cost! Hear me out...

"Primus NFT..."

I'll skip the rest of this post as I don't know how exactly I can be banned, excommunicated, and repeatedly bludgeoned all at once and I'd have a really hard time arguing against it...


Kaiser Dragon
Man that Unicron is so cool. But there's no way I can justify it given our space situation right now. I'm sure the hubby would love "hey I know we agreed my collectables would stay in the study but... hear me out... what if I kept this giant Transformer the size of a child on our kitchen table?"
When CW Devastator was coming out, I joked about putting a bunk bed in our older kid's room, moving the younger one in with her, and letting Devastator take the now open room with the toddler bed. My wife didn't appreciate it very much... :ROFLMAO:

Dress it in children's clothing. Pretend it's your cousin's kid that has to stay with you for a while. Keep the ruse up as long as possible.
Weekend at Uni's!

See, This is why I'm taken aback every time I hear someone say they want the next HasLab to be Primus. The sheer size and mass of the Unicron figure made it as expensive as it was, and it pretty much failed to fund in it's first go-round, needing an unprecedented extension because Hasbro couldn't afford to let it fail. Do people really want to pay that much money a second time for a figure just as large and massive that will take up just as much space as Unicron does?
I can only speak for myself, but as should be clear by my last post, my answer is an absolute, unqualified YES! Unicron himself is great, but I REALLY want to have a solid counterpart for him. And as someone who's always loved mythology, all the lore with Unicron, Primus, and the 13 has always been right up my alley. I thought the 40th anniversary was a good time for Primus, but given that the next two or three years are apparently centered on the 13, this seems like an even more appropriate time for him.

As for funding, I've seen the claim several times that Unicron basically failed to fund and only made it because of the extension. That always struck me as revisionist history. We've gotten to see several HasLabs now, so we should all be familiar with the funding curve, and how much it shoots up right at the very end. Unicron's extension hit right as that ramp up was just starting, and it cut it off at the knees. At the time of the extension, he was sitting at right around 5,300/8,000. He only added a few hundred more over the next few weeks, before then more than doubling over the last few days. He was ~2,700 away from funding at the time of the extension, and added more than 3,000 in the last day alone.

Now, had there been no extension giving people more time to consider and save up, is it possible he would have failed? Sure. Did Hasbro extend it to try to increase his chances? Highly likely. But was it a foregone conclusion he would have failed without it? Not remotely.

For reference, TFW2005 user TranslucentBag did a great job of tracking daily funding levels. Here's his last update before Unicron funded, and the counter was changed to simply "8,000+". I don't think we have a solid final number, but over the last day, it increased from 8,000 to some number over 11,000 (over 12,000, if the final counter update is accurate).

Unicron v 2.0.jpg


Somehow still sane
Got Studio Series Springer in today. Here’s a comparison to my cleaned up Siege Springer. Legs are exactly the same as Siege but everything from the thighs up except the forearms is new, even the internal structural parts. The retooling also made him slightly taller. Got a bit of a lemon, with two of the same side fist covers and the leg tabs came in stressed with one breaking off after the first transformation. Annoying since my Siege Springer also has a QC problem. Think the clips attach too tightly onto the new thighs. the new lime and olive greens are nice but I’d prefer a more saturated yellow.
I lost Stege Springer’s swords so he’s using T30’s rotors here. Speaking of which, the new rotors attach via a 7 or 8mm peg, meaning 5 mm rotors won’t work.

Nice that they kept the siege pistols. Static sword is okay but on the generic side. Hammer has an oversized head and short handle, making it resemble something from Tom & Jerry. New gun is nice. You can also see here that as soon as you start moving his arms, the new shoulders start looking real awkward.
The missile is oversized and stupid, he can’t use it or hold it in any meaningful way. It can attach to his vehicle modes but why would you want to?
Overall, I’d say good toy but not exceptional and the value for the price is pretty bad. Final verdict: I have better things to do tonight than buy.
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Staff member
Council of Elders
I really like the angled whatevers on top of the car roof, but I wish they'd beefed up or at least widened the car rear a bit since the front is so wide. Also, was it really that unfeasible to find a way to cover the front wheels in copter mode?

The new rotorsword is better than Siege's take, but the rest really feels like Hasbro trying to preempt the inevitable third party upgrade kit by cramming in peripherally relevant stuff to create the impression of value. Cannot summon up the energy to care about the missile, the Timmy mallet, or the sword-only sword (that last one looks nice at least). Or his curiously clunky new gun.

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
I wound up liking the gun a whole lot more than I thought I would, especially since he can pull off a real nice cocky bastard shoulder rest look with it. The other accessories...ngyeeeh, the static sword's on his back 'cause it's got a good storage tab and I don't totally hate it even if it's kinda weird and reminds me of those 2010 N-Force NERF swords. Everything else minus the missile is storaged, missile as stated before worked for weird other big Springer.

Big bummer about the broken bits, tho, I was glad minw had really solid legs after my Siege and Wreckers ones both had some screwy stuff with theirs in different ways.

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