Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!


Continuity Nutcase
Heavy Load was the first role of his that I ever heard and recognized as him.

That and Dark Dragon from DinoZaurs once I realized later on that that was also him.


Staff member
Council of Elders
That's who I repurposed him as.

I dig how the colors and finishes are coming out in these. There's a clean sort of muting.


Somehow still sane
Soundwave is okay. My preference is silver over the gray they used but it’s not bad. Ravage is terrible and jams the tape door least so he gets chest duty.


straxus is pretty good although I do wish his face was sculpted to look angrier or something. The bicep treads are also annoyingly big and don’t lock in like Galvatron’s.
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Another babka?
...h-uh, Sharkticon does make a pretty good Finback stand-in. Neat!
Oh yeah. I've been repurposing him as Finback since Classics became a thing. He and Energon Scorponok are the two oldest figures still on my main CHUG shelf (I don't have the space for Titans so Scorponok gets to just be a regular dude in the LGI-verse).

Ravage is terrible
He is, on the whole, the worst of the cassettes, but Legacy Ravage does have the toy accurate yellow eye detailing. So if you have an earlier copy of Ravage (and chances are most collectors do at this point) you can just pop an earlier version's grey limbs out and put them on Legacy Ravage for a toy accurate deco.


Well-known member
He is, on the whole, the worst of the cassettes, but Legacy Ravage does have the toy accurate yellow eye detailing. So if you have an earlier copy of Ravage (and chances are most collectors do at this point) you can just pop an earlier version's grey limbs out and put them on Legacy Ravage for a toy accurate deco.

Which is a lot easier said then done, imo; Took me like 45 minutes to manage to remove and replace all 8 limbs.


Another babka?
Which is a lot easier said then done, imo; Took me like 45 minutes to manage to remove and replace all 8 limbs.
Yikes. I had a relatively easy time of it, with only one limb on each Ravage really being troublesome. Sorry your tolerances seemed to be so shot :(


Somehow still sane
(Tricep treads.)
If we’re going to be pedantic about the anatomical attachment, it’s actually affixed to his olecranon.

He is, on the whole, the worst of the cassettes, but Legacy Ravage does have the toy accurate yellow eye detailing. So if you have an earlier copy of Ravage (and chances are most collectors do at this point) you can just pop an earlier version's grey limbs out and put them on Legacy Ravage for a toy accurate deco.
Nah. Dude’s too bad to take up any more of my time so he’ll live in Soundwave’s chest and show off his admittedly cool tape deco.
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