Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!


Continuity Nutcase
How tall would y'all say it is compared to some of the Titan class figures?


Wondering bot
How tall would y'all say it is compared to some of the Titan class figures?

In terms of size, he nowhere close, I would say Commander Jetfire size, in leader terms, Kingdom/Legacy Galvatron 1 & a half, so he tall but nowhere near commander class size, in terms of movement, he not to bad but its a rather flawed desgin in places, I just fiddled with my copy a little this evening and I made some minor changes to the chest so that the panels at the front can actually go in a bit more for robot mode, in all honestly, I think he makes a good display piece than to be messed around with, I honestly doult lego will do another Transforming figure in similar vain to OP, but time will tell, anyway, for now, he back on Display, keeping MP Star Saber with third party Victory Leo company and a optic on my third party Devestator, legacy Generations selects Galvatron (G1 toy colours, plus the Kingdom verison of Galvatron and pointing his gun at Skyreign who stood in front of him, but lower down, why, I have no clue! :unsure:😁


Continuity Nutcase
He is bigger then MP 01 in fact he is the biggest Optimus I know of
Rescue Bots Epic Optimus Prime is bigger. A Titan-sized toy, even.

Anonymous X

Well-known member
Looking for some instructions booklets in a drawer, and found an old photograph of the Transformers I got for my birthday back in 1996.


Staff member
Council of Elders
(Aha! The globe is flat!)

Of Siege I only ever got the main three (well, two Starscreams, one I repainted into Skywarp), to de-Stege and have tetrajet representation finally. Quite enjoyed the mold, despite it being particularly greebly. It's basically the modern version of Pretenders, which are more articulated than usual thanks to the limbs just tucking away and the altmode plopping together on top of the wadded up body. But damn if that articulation doesn't make a fine, dynamic robot mode.

Pointedly skipped and avoided Red Wing as well as the Rainmakers, despite having seen decent deals here and there in the interim, because I knew I wouldn't have room... And then got Hotlink and loved the take on his color scheme so much, I decided to make the rest of HIS crew.

I still don't have space, but I DO have a problem.

And lord help me if they decide to Buzzworthy Origin up a NEW, more accurate tetrajet.
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Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
Pointedly skipped and avoided Red Wing as well as the Rainmakers, despite having seen decent deals here and there in the interim, because I knew I wouldn't have room... And then got Hotlink and loved the take on his color scheme so much, I decided to make the rest of HIS crew.

I did the exact same thing. I initially avoided the Siege Seeker mold completely, waiting for the eventual Earth jet version. But once I bought Hotlink on sale and realized how nice that mold was, I caved and bought a few more.


Continuity Nutcase
I did the exact same thing. I initially avoided the Siege Seeker mold completely, waiting for the eventual Earth jet version. But once I bought Hotlink on sale and realized how nice that mold was, I caved and bought a few more.
For the Siege mold, I skipped only those that I knew would be getting Earth mode molds later and got the ones that likely weren't going to.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Here is one of mine. This is Christmas 1984 I believe. I am in the middle holding my G1 Megatron and Zartan. My older brother is pointing his at the camera, and my Cousin is getting help from his older brother transforming his Megatron.

I know that I have a picture of Swerve on a Birthday cake for my Fifth Birthday too, but I can't find that.


  • 1984ChristmasOldestTFPic.png
    553.1 KB · Views: 121


Continuity Nutcase
I haven't any TF-related pics of me from back then. I started with Beast Wars, but when I was that young age seen in y'all's photos, Beast Wars didn't exist yet.

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