Power Rangers General Discussion Thread


Continuity Nutcase
And as of posting they have smashed through all but two stretch goals including adding in the Omega Blue Yale Ranger and print files for your own MMPR figures. But I’m sure it will be clearingthe
Dec 16, 19XX - Jan 28, 2025

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Omega Blue Yale Ranger"?

More of an Alpha Green Harvard Ranger type, myself.


Staff member
Council of Elders
So, leaks are coming out about Playmates' new MMPR: Re-Ignition toyline.

The specific leaks have been few and sparse thus far, but what little known from them is that there will be a line of 5-inch action figures, combining Zord toys that will be sold individually (but may also be released as a complete giftset later), and a line aimed at collectors that will feature not just the MMPR Rangers but also an assortment of MMPR villains including Rita, Zedd, and various monsters of the week.

I'm generally willing to wait for how the Zords look and turn out, but so far I'm happy with the Shokugan Modeling Project offerings (just had to acclimate to the much smaller scale, but having a bunch I want in the same scale helps a lot), so these will have to be really interesting. Articulation, please.

The collector line... just make it Lightning Collection already. But is it just going to be MMPR?


Staff member
Council of Elders
And while I understand the desire to make the arms different so it's not just Red Ranger arms, idk if "let's just give him bare/unmorphed arms and Ken gloves" was the best way to go either. Maybe go ahead with the solid dark red for the whole bodysuit, or go SFV and make it a black upper body with red trim (and the current gold piping). Then give him clear orange gloves and boots (with some black and white paint so they look like they're the base colors catching fire) AND a clear orange shield (rather than gold), to run with his burning supers motif.


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Staff member
Council of Elders
Oh, I think that hasn't been true of Transformers for some time now. The live-action movies at least have fostered a whole community of buyers and complainers of their own. I think to a lesser extent the UT stuff as well.

But for Power Rangers, maybe so. But even then Lightning Collection was trying to make some headway into later series at least. I can see a licensee being more careful about what to produce, though.

I do wonder how it'll be similar and different from previous offerings. I don't think I've ever really seen Playmates work on a realistic-ish humanoid toyline.


Continuity Nutcase
So, this morning, Linkara uploaded a reupload of his History of MMPR Season 2 video. I watched it just to see if there was anything different about this one, and sure enough, it's actually a third revision of this retrospective.

He had to reupload it anyway due to the previous YouTube-friendly version getting struck by ContentID claims, but he not only edited the clips accordingly for this upload, but also revised and re-re-recorded his script from the ground up with additional commentary not found in either his original Blip version or the previous YouTube-friendly version. In other words, there actually is new material in this one:



Continuity Nutcase
Well, since the blue, green, white, and red powers were clearly taken, he'd have to be black, yellow, or pink.

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