The question is, how successful can they be with that if they're just going to regurgitate designs and media from 30 years ago rather than making anything actually new to appeal to whatever kids are into these days...
Like, how much excitement do we think these remasters are actually going to drum up, especially when all of MMPR is already out there, freely available? Is the target audience going to come running because the episodes look a little bit prettier now?
to be fair...
We're not in Kansas anymore. It's not like it was 15-20 years ago where once a show was off the air you couldn't access it unless you bought a home media release.
These days, thanks to streaming, stuff from thirty years ago can easily reach new audiences. Goes back to the discussion about why Hasbro bothers remaking designs from Cybertron onward in Generations. No those designs don't necessarily need modern updates like stuff from before does, but Cybertron, Animated, Prime... that stuff is easily available. And kids who were very much not around for those original runs are watching that stuff right now as if it were new.
So seeing as there is new demand... catering to that makes sense.
MMPR is freely available on YouTube (or at least was the last time I checked).
"Enhancing" the show, repackaging it, putting a huge marketing push behind it and getting their streaming partners to promote it will definitely catch the attention of parents with young kids today who just want something to put on to keep the little ones entertained.
Especially given that chances are the parents of young kids today were probably kids when MMPR first aired.
"I need something for Junior to watch... oh Paramount+ has Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers? I remember that. And it looks like they updated it. Ok this will keep him quiet for twenty minutes."
It's thirty year old content... that for all intents and purposes is entirely new to the target demo- kids.
I actually don't think any of this is bad, per se.
I just wish they did it with stuff other than Mighty Morphin. Everything I said could easily apply to Lost Galaxy or Lightspeed Rescue or Mystic Force or whatever.
Hell, given how deep the Power Rangers library is they could cycle this stuff almost endlessly and never have to make something new, given how quickly audience turnover happens in kids entertainment.