Power Rangers General Discussion Thread


Another babka?
Not liking that each zord is sold separately. Hasbro at least paired the smaller ones together. but they do look bigger than the Hasbro kids version so theres that.
They could probably get away with the Tyrannosaurs, Mastodon, and maybe Sabretooth Tiger Zords as stand alone releases if they commit to giving them some fun stand alone action features.

The Pterodactyl and Triceratops though? Those are going to be a tough sell...

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
But with this...? I donno what I'd have done instead, but this all seems fairly safe and unambitious.
That’s the general state of things in the action figure sector, it seems.

Looking at the slate…I think it’s fine. I’m pleased that the TOYS for KIDS seems to be the focus, as there are no reported plans for a “Lightning Collection” type collector line at the moment. I question the value proposition on the Zords, but Playmates could redeem that if they actually put out a damned Dragonzord compatible with these.

In terms of the basic figures, issues with proportions aside for the AutoMorphers, the sculpt and deco work are pretty nice. The monster slate is a nice, diverse, slate of “classics” that don’t seem to be acknowledged much in modern lines. The battle bikes offer a nice twist that also doesn’t seem to impair the core figure either.
About the only addition I would want would be a “basic figure sized” Megazord(s). Simply because I’ve always dug having “to scale” Zord and monster battles.
I’m very impressed with the preview of early 2026 items. For a new line for a “dead” property, I think this shows a good bit of faith in the success of the line. Also impressed Hasbro is doing anything to support this initiative, even if it IS just cleaned up reruns of MMPR.

Not sure what else to say. Yeah, it IS fairly safe…but sometimes I think there IS merit in just doing a basic job WELL.


Another babka?
That’s the general state of things in the action figure sector, it seems.
I guess, but Power Rangers is essentially a dormant band? Like Hasbro's not commissioned any new shows, they're not adapting any new Sentais, it's just... well... not really progressing anyway.

I don't want to say dead, because you can be stagnant and still be viable. Power Rangers can especially excel at that, given how much of a diverse backlog it has. So they can revisit that stuff without adding new installments and still keep it fresh. A lot of the Saban 1.0 seasons post-MM and the Disney era stuff would be completely new to kids today anyway.

So why not use that? Maybe start with the In Space or Lost Galaxy Zords? Or even Zeo? Maybe a line of flip changers from different iterations? Sort of like Lightning Collection but aimed at kids with a more toy-etic emphasis?

I donno. It seems like Power Rangers as a brand has a lot of material to mine, that it doesn't even need new installments necessarily, and instead Playmates went in the safest direction possible.

I guess the hope is that this does well and they do more stuff beyond just the season 1 MM stuff... but even then. Bandai Legacy did their versions of the Zords from MM S1 all the way through to MM S3. Even assuming Playmates knocks it out of the park and they go full steam ahead.... there's going to be a lot of retreading ground that was trod not all that long ago before they have the chance to visit designs that could really use a modern retouch.

I question the value proposition on the Zords, but Playmates could redeem that if they actually put out a damned Dragonzord compatible with these.
I think the one thing Playmates could do that would 100% get me to go all-in on another set of MMPR S1 Zords is if they make their Tyrannosaurs in the same scale as the Dragonzord. The Tyrannosaurs Zord was shown as being able to go toe-to-toe with the Dragonzord, and no version of the MMPR S1 Zords have ever really captured that.
So that's the one direction Playmates could go to catch my interest.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
The image collection from Tokunation (TFW2005 sister site). In addition to a solid slate of images, they also posted comments from the Playmates representatives concerning the goals and plans for the line:
  • Mighty Morphin Power Rangers will “re-air” this coming July on Netflix utilizing AI to enhance the original show. While only the first season is locked, the goal is to do all three seasons of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers to coincide with toy offerings from Playmates
  • Only 10% of the product offering for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Re-Ignition is considered “collector-driven”, as the goal of both Playmates and brand-owner Hasbro is trying to gain a new generation of children’s attention and grow the brand from there
  • Playmates has the ability to do toys outside of the original Mighty Morphin series, but currently has no plans to do so. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Re-Ignition line is forecasted for 2-3 years of product
They also explicitly teased a Dragonzord for 2026, featuring the ability to combine with the upcoming MegaZord.



New member
[...]the goal of both Playmates and brand-owner Hasbro is trying to gain a new generation of children’s attention and grow the brand from there
The question is, how successful can they be with that if they're just going to regurgitate designs and media from 30 years ago rather than making anything actually new to appeal to whatever kids are into these days...

Like, how much excitement do we think these remasters are actually going to drum up, especially when all of MMPR is already out there, freely available? Is the target audience going to come running because the episodes look a little bit prettier now?


Well-known member
Like, how much excitement do we think these remasters are actually going to drum up, especially when all of MMPR is already out there, freely available? Is the target audience going to come running because the episodes look a little bit prettier now?

TBF it surely couldnt be worse then when Disney tried the same thing?


Another babka?
The question is, how successful can they be with that if they're just going to regurgitate designs and media from 30 years ago rather than making anything actually new to appeal to whatever kids are into these days...

Like, how much excitement do we think these remasters are actually going to drum up, especially when all of MMPR is already out there, freely available? Is the target audience going to come running because the episodes look a little bit prettier now?

to be fair...

We're not in Kansas anymore. It's not like it was 15-20 years ago where once a show was off the air you couldn't access it unless you bought a home media release.

These days, thanks to streaming, stuff from thirty years ago can easily reach new audiences. Goes back to the discussion about why Hasbro bothers remaking designs from Cybertron onward in Generations. No those designs don't necessarily need modern updates like stuff from before does, but Cybertron, Animated, Prime... that stuff is easily available. And kids who were very much not around for those original runs are watching that stuff right now as if it were new.
So seeing as there is new demand... catering to that makes sense.

MMPR is freely available on YouTube (or at least was the last time I checked).
"Enhancing" the show, repackaging it, putting a huge marketing push behind it and getting their streaming partners to promote it will definitely catch the attention of parents with young kids today who just want something to put on to keep the little ones entertained.
Especially given that chances are the parents of young kids today were probably kids when MMPR first aired.

"I need something for Junior to watch... oh Paramount+ has Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers? I remember that. And it looks like they updated it. Ok this will keep him quiet for twenty minutes."

It's thirty year old content... that for all intents and purposes is entirely new to the target demo- kids.

I actually don't think any of this is bad, per se.
I just wish they did it with stuff other than Mighty Morphin. Everything I said could easily apply to Lost Galaxy or Lightspeed Rescue or Mystic Force or whatever.

Hell, given how deep the Power Rangers library is they could cycle this stuff almost endlessly and never have to make something new, given how quickly audience turnover happens in kids entertainment.
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