spider-man is literally like THE most popular superhero in terms of 'how much money they make off him', spider-man films ain't gonna flop.
Solo, he unlikely to flop, but when paired up with subpar characters and lazy writing, people will abandon that if they even chose to go and see it in the first place, AKA the Avengers without the Avengers
Today, I went into my local Supermarket with the intent of getting some Tango Orange cans as a 24 pack and came out with not only my cans but two Advent calanders and they were a bargin, normal price £2.00, each, my price was 50p each, a saving of 75%, I'm going to be giving them to my Niece and Nephew this christmas, for a laugh, thou I am giving them plenty of Chocolote as it is, on top of the gift cards, so I'm pretty much there with my Christmas shopping, one item coming in tomorow on our Tesco delivery to be a gift for my brother in law, Beer, no idea what brand as I wasn't the one ordering, thou in some ways, I'll be glad when this Christmas business is over and done with, I can finally relax a bit, until Next year's hastle!!