Ranting about quebec: newspark edition!

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
I'll die before I surrender... my poutine.

Sarcasm aside: I only eat the stuff like 4 to 5 times a year. The only possible next step is to forego entirely. And I will not.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
FB friend:
Alberta's oil industry has been relentlessly blitzing Canadian airwaves and social media with a campaign against environmentalism, liberals, and of course, the carbon tax. Worse yet, they're not even funding all of this publicity themselves. The greenwashed photo on top is from the "Canadian Energy Centre", which was set up by the Alberta government to promote oil and gas industry propaganda.

A lot of people seem to believe everything they see on these ads, but make no mistake: the ads are full of jive.


wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
So HEY! The PQ have pushed out a new ad campaign!

A campaign about separation... in english... aimed at the english.

Mother fuckers: you have spent the last FIFTY YEARS trying to make my existence illegal! We will never vote for you. We're not so stupid as to think that you won't make the language illegal and attempt to force us out of the province if you get your country. You're already tried, TWICE! You're only going up in popularity because everyone is ******* sick of the caq, and the liberals are leaderless ******* wastes of carbon. Oh, and because you can't shut your forsaken whine and cheese holes about YOUR COUNTRY, you're dropping in the popularity polls. Because you won't stop flapping your ******* teeth: you're setting up for a liberal mandate when they have absolutely NOTHING to run on, with, or for.

Jesus christ I hate this province.


jumbled pile of person
Hypothetically, if Quebec did secede and literally force you out, would Canada be obligated to treat you as refugees, or would they just be like "Oh hey good luck with that eh?"

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Since I'm a canadian citizen (not that you could tell from here.), it would be "good luck with that, eh" if only because there's no way for a canadian citizen to enter the canadian refugee system. The federal government would probably consider it just moving somewhere... until the surrounding provinces housing crises are exacerbated by hundreds of thousands of people fleeing the fledgling third world nation of quebec.

By the time they react: the problem will have settled itself because the country of quebec will have collapsed, and gone crawling back to canada. Not that I'll get my home back at that point, it'll probably be snapped up by some property management firm.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Alrighty! Let's begin!

Dennis Coderre: formerly the mayor of montreal, has (finally.) announced what everyone already knew; he's running for leadership of the quebec liberals. Considering how there are currently ZERO other contenders for the role, with active members of party obviously and deliberately running away from the position; he's likely to get the job. Two things you should now note:

1.) The liberals absolutely depend, and that cannot be understated, on the island of montreal to get elected. In any capacity, they cannot get elected without montreal.

2.) Montrealers absolutely hate coderre. He's a lying sack of jive, routinely caught violating his own laws. In fact, a property tax fiasco is why he didn't win his last election in montreal. It was the straw that broke the camels back.

So... the liberals basically just handed the next mandate to the PQ. Unless coderre can convince the rest of the province that he's the one and only option to fix the jive the CAQ did (and he won't because most of the province feels about montreal how montreal feels about coderre.), and get everyone else on the same page: the liberals are going to lose again. Probably be the official opposition, and more than likely a minority mandate for the PQ.

So yeah: if my canadian allsparkers are intent on buying jive from the US; you got about a year and a half before it gets real ******* expensive. The PQ are intent on having another referendum: and just the act of bringing it to the floor (in a minority mandate, it will not pass.) will absolutely destroy the value of the canadian dollar.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Alrighty, so... this is a thing that happened.

Now: I would not put it beyond this wanna be fascist to use foreign assets to help him win an election. But he's also so ******* incompetent, that I wouldn't be surprised if someone lower on the totem pole did it, to alternate between sucking up to the boss, and setting themselves up to be the boss once poilievre fails. And don't be mistaken: failure is inevitable: they have no real policy, and cannot operate outside of a majority mandate. Even if he wins the next election: it'll either be a full term of hug all happening because the opposition parties will either form a coalition to prevent his policies from becoming law: or someone will scream "no confidence" and oust them after a year and a half, two years into their nothing burger.

This is, of course, assuming trudeau decides he's gonna run for another term. There's currently no sign anyone will step up to replace him, and trudeau himself is actively stating he wants a third mandate.

Hypothetically, if Quebec did secede and literally force you out, would Canada be obligated to treat you as refugees, or would they just be like "Oh hey good luck with that eh?"
Now onto this: I didn't really know how to respond to this because quebec will never seperate. They didn't have the means for it when it was culturally accepted, they definitely don't have it now.

BUT!!! Apparently my brother, his wife and their friend group in general are slowly making plans to flee quebec because provinces like nova scotia have the policy to offer canadians running from quebec ACTUAL refugee status with all the accompanying resources and privileges... So yeah...

I guess the federal government would be "laissez faire" until it became a crisis, or expect the individual provinces to step up... again.

Either way: late, under funded and under manned.


jumbled pile of person
That's wild. How long has this policy been in place? I'm curious if it's a reaction to relatively recent events, or something that's left over from colonial times when they were still technically separate countries. Or sometime in between for reasons I can't even guess at because I know next to nothing of Canadian history.

Like, imagine if one of the US's more left-leaning states had a blanket policy of accepting "refugees" from the Deep South or somesuch. That didn't even happen with escaped slaves, which is why they had to keep running till they reached Canada.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
I have no idea: I need to talk to my brother about it again because I literally cannot find anything about it online.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
With both federal and provincial government summer breaks now over, I hope they enjoyed the THREE MONTHS OFF!, the horror begins anew.

First off today: there was a federal by-election in two ridings yesterday; one in winnipeg, and one in montreal! The winnipeg one is a close race, if un-eventful. The NDP kept it by I think 1000 votes. The montreal one though... welcome to the charlie foxtrot.

The riding has been a liberal stronghold since it was created. It's a neighborhood composed of non-french immigrants (yup, that fact is mildly important. Since the french-ish immigrants, like people from belgium tend to vote seperatist, but also don't tend to live in english districts.), working class english, and a small town mentality. The bloc quebecois took it by 250 votes. It took them till 4 am to count the vote because there were NINETY ONE candidates on the list: making it the longest in canadian history. Most of those candidates were there strictly to call attention to the long promised electoral reform which never ******* happens. But TLDR; seperatists took an english district at the federal level.

This is literally a harshly worded letter directly to mr. trudeau: You will not win the next election, do not run in it. Go away. Trudeau, being a quebecer and consequently completely incapable of telling when he's no longer welcome, is determined to run in the next federal election. He'll hand it to the tories, and since poilievre has already bullied sighn into breaking their accord with the liberals: we're probably going to be going into a no confidence vote somewhere inside six months.

Next: with legault and his stooges finally back on the clock, they decided to dump 2.5 million dollars into montreal... an ad campaign getting retail workers to stop saying "bonjour/hi". You heard me right, they want to punish the people in the TOURIST TOWN for speaking english... to english tourists. Because there are more americans wandering around the old port than there are french nationals. Labour quebec just had to deny the FIQ the right to refuse overtime, stating it would cripple the healthcare network. An entire k-12 school in laval has been closed since before the school year even started because of ASBESTOS. A major chunk of the 40 was closed for two days straight because the subcontractor responsible for asphalting it had to redo the asphalt work for a third time because they got the mix wrong in the last two attempts. The light rail project is an estimated 5 years late and BILLIONS in the red.

There is so much better they could have put two and a half million into: but NOPE! Going after minimum wage workers instead.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
And oh hey, the tories plan to throw down a no confidence motion first thing. Quel surprise.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Trudeau prorogued parliament. This means we're going to have a slightly early election, and a slightly smaller poilievre majority.

We never even got to 2025 and it was already a write off.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
So... we went shopping this morning. Nothing serious, cat treats and stock for meals later this week (pancakes and sausages for dinner tomorrow! Yay!). It's also the second day of spring break round here, so normally the stores are packed with families and kids.

There was next to no one out today. And the people that were out were... friendly... I had three separate random people acknowledge me for various reasons... in both languages. That has literally never happened.

I am anxious and disturbed over how the world changed overnight.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
They've got bigger problems with the neighbors south of the border. Nothing can unite adversarial parties more than a larger threat.


jumbled pile of person
It really does say only bad things about us as an entire species that the only time we can get along is when there's someone else more worth hating.


too old for this
I'll say it here now, quote me. Humanity will only know peace when we unite against an alien threat.
And even then, it won't last till they're gone.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
So we just need to discover Orks. Not enough to conquer us, just enough to keep the pressure on indefinitely.

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