Sorry if I jump in the middle of your great argument. My country is mostly Catholic. There is been a change in our views, mostly due to the actual Pope open mind. I think we all are sinners, every single one. To me is more important who you are than your sexuallity. I am hetero, but I do have les, bi, gay friends and are excellent and normal persons. I will never undestand discrimination (for sex, race or whatever). And I agree in that God doesn't want us to hate anybody.
Sorry if I jump in the middle of your great argument. My country is mostly Catholic. There is been a change in our views, mostly due to the actual Pope open mind. I think we all are sinners, every single one. To me is more important who you are than your sexuallity. I am hetero, but I do have les, bi, gay friends and are excellent and normal persons. I will never undestand discrimination (for sex, race or whatever). And I agree in that God doesn't want us to hate anybody.