I really hate to keep harping on this; but the series finale just feels like they wrote themselves into a corner; and had to find someway to solve everything asap.
Here's the thing; the first half of the episode really works. It's a continuation of Jen's struggle to accept herself while trying to figure out what to do next. This is the plotline she later complains to KEVIN that it's being ignored; but never gets resolved. Part of the series has been Jen struggling to accept the She-Hulk side of herself, with the Wedding episode being the first time she really wants to be She-Hulk, and can't and it annoys her. Daredevil helps her realize that with She-Hulk she can help people both in and outside of court like he does; and when she's starting to accept that; Inceligencia ***** with her, everyone sees her have her first berserker moment and she's screwed. She takes the plea deal, but admits "this doesn't feel right' even if its technically what she wanted. Her deciding to go to Emil's "which isn't running from my problems" is True, imo. We've seen that Emil's therapy group helped her previously (even if its the second weakest episode of the season) and Emil is also the only person that COULD understand what she's going through since he's also supposedly dealing with the inhibitor. Inceligencia throwing a party on Emil's land and inviting him as a guest speaker? That's coincidence, but its also last episode so some coincidence is acceptable especially with a 30~ min run time.
The moment Jen enters to find Emil, is when we reach 'WTF do we do now?'. Like, how they were portrayed in episode which is supposed to be a joke... feels like that's honestly how they wrote the last half of this episode.
"So... Jen's here... Uh... HulkKing... we need to introduce him... So... who is he?" "I don't know, I thought you knew?" "Why would I know?" "Let's just make it Todd, he's a creep. He's totally be Inceligencia's leader." "He's a creep, but he's also been kinda an ally to Jen, hasn't he? Why would he help her out if he's just gonna be the Asshole trying to tear her down?" "Who cares, we don't have the budget for anyone else."
"Fine, okay. Todd's HulkKing, so what about the Hulk Blood plotline?" "Well, in the comics Intelligencia used it to make Red Hulk." "Yeah, but William Hurt's dead, we can't use Ross." "What about if we get Betty and do Red She-Hulk, it'd be fitting right?" "I already told you, we don't have a budget for that kinda cameo... Todd wants to use it to be a Hulk himself. Kill two birds with one stone." "Hasn't that been done, many times before?" "Yeah, but it better then just leaving it open for some other production to use later."
"... Alright, well Kevin still wants us to tease the next Hulk Project." "I know! Let's really go out there. We got Blonski in the scene, he can be Abomination because he's breaking his parole for reasons... But he's still a good guy; he tries to protect Jen, who's currently powerless due to the inhibitor, from HulkKing and then Bruce just crashes through the Ceiling to fight Abomination because he thinks Blonski's the threat! We can have the big round 2 between them!" "But in Episode 2 we have Bruce saying he supports Blonski's parole and thinks he really has changed. Why would he think Blonski's immediately the bad guy? And where did he come from? How did he know Jen was here?" "Who cares?"
"Uh guys... You know Titania's actor is still under contract for one more episode?" "Just throw her in as well, make it this big epic fight to end all fights!"
"ENOUGH! You guys know how little sense ANY of this makes? What the hell does any of this have to do with the story?" "Well, why don't we have that be Jen's reaction? We'll totally homage the comics, have her get pissed at us and Kevin; let her solve things without a fight." "But we've not really done much with that other then the 'talk to camera trope.' Does it really make sense?" "Who cares, it's comic accurate so fans will eat it up." "We can also have her lampshade how stupid all this is and then clock out early. Then we can say we totally planned it because its a subversive F you to all the critics and trolls out there that's gonna hate this anyway because it stars a woman. We'll be seen as progressive and awesome."
"Yeah, sure. Whatever. Let's throw in Daredevil and Wong one last time to please people and hope they don't realize how lazy this all is."