Show me your Retro gaming collections!


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Waiting to get

TMNT The Cowabunga Collection
Castle Vainia

One Castle Vainia game on PS 2 might get missed. There are 2 on the PS 3.


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Play Station 4 Final Games List After May - July Buy In

Castle Vainia Anniversary
Double Dragon IV
Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition
Mega Man 9
Mega Man 10
Mega Man 11
Street Fighter V
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Cowabunga Collection
Tekken 7
Tomb Raider X
Tomb Raider XI Rise Of The Tomb Raider
Tomb Raider XII Shadow Of The Tomb Raider


This is how a unicorn comments

My collection is just too big to be trying to take a ton of pics, so I just did a video. Ironically I tried to make it quick and it ended up being 16 minutes and I sorta just blaze through the more recent stuff.

Been collecting since I was in Elementary school. I graduated high school in 2000, so like 30 years or so now? Lot of thrift store buys, lots of the Gamestop "Buy 2 get 1 free" or "4 for 20/4 for ten" deals.

I used to try and keep track of all I had with a website to track them, but kinda fell out of using it. I can tell you I have over 1,500 at the very least.

Wasn't able to go into too much depth as I was rushing through. I'd be glad to list, take pics of anything anyone is interested in. Also want to point out that next to my strategy guides you see a suitcase. That's the Collector's edition Limited Run did of Scott Pilgrim vs the World.

Of course the best thing in the video is the kitty.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Nice video! That is a huge space for a lot of stuff to display and I am impressed with your organization of it all.


This is how a unicorn comments
Nice video! That is a huge space for a lot of stuff to display and I am impressed with your organization of it all.
Thanks! When my roommates and I moved into this house, I was able to basically get the basement/den due to all my junk. I'm very thankful they let me have this area. Heck it doesn't even have all my stuff. My anime is all upstairs in the living room area. Including more figures and some statues.

When I show off the No More Heroes stuff that's actually on the mantle of a fireplace. The fireplace ended up hidden/covered by two small three shelf units which holds my manga and entire Animorphes book collection. Ended up covering the fireplace because one, I never get that cold during the winter. I actually prefer it cold to hot. Two, I was too afraid of my cat being curious and getting herself hurt or sick in there.


Active member
For Play Station 4 getting the games first

Double Dragon IV
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
Final Fantasy NT
Final Fantasy XV A King's Tale
Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition
Mega Man 6
Mega Man 7
Mega Man 8
Mega Man 9
Mega Man 10
Mega Man 11
Street Fighter V

Due Up

Castle Vainia Anniversary
Lara Croft 2
Ninja Gaiden Master Collection
TMNT The Cowabunga Collection

I want to keep the system under 500 G full.


Eorzean Idiot
VM: I'll try and get to that video after work. But by the sound of it, you win the thread.


Active member
PS 1 Mini

My blue flash drives have 560 games combined.

I would like to get Ms. Pac Man Maze Madness possibly.

Also the Contract games on PS 1.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I got some stuff out of storage. Now my Starfox and Dragon Warrior 3 are 100% complete.


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The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I was shocked that I had any Gameboy boxes left! No insert in it but it does have the manual. That snes is the one my brother got about the time he graduated high school. The box is beat up but still cool.


This is how a unicorn comments
Uhh, see the first page. The only thing added since then would be Final Fantasy Mystic Quest for the SNES.
Oh dang it. When you said you'd try to get to that video, for whatever reason my brain went: "Oh! Caldwin is making a video!" Not that you'd get to WATCHING my video. >_<

I blame it on work. I work a deli that had to fire our third person, so it's literally just me and one other person trying to run it. I've been working noon to close with an hour transportation time to and from, so yeah I think my brain is just frying. Sorry about that.


Active member
I can play up to Dragon Warrior VI on I Pad.

I looked at Final Fantasy VII for Android but way too many buttons and they take up half the screen.

PS Mini has the game built in.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Sadly, nothing new at the local game exchange today.

I am thinking that I might do some rearranging on my retro self this weekend. I am thinking of putting my Gameboy stuff where the Genesis is, an move that down to the next shelf where there is more vertical space.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
So, if you follow along on my PC build thread, you know that I had to go make a run for a SSD mount since my case didn't include one. Unfortunately, the nearest place that had one was the Best Buy 90ish miles away. Rather than wait until Monday, I went for the part. While I was there I stopped by two places to check out their retro games.

2nd and Charles.

Its like Booksamillion crossed with Gamestop. They deal a lot in used books, games, comics, etc, and the place looked pretty neat. It was my first time visiting one of these stores. While they had some nice stuff, the only thing that they had that was tempting to me was a $60 copy of Megaman 6 on the NES. I held off though as I wanted to see what the next place would have.

Zone 1 gaming.

Its a retro store nearby my friends old house. I had forgotten about this place, but I had been there before in 2010 or 2011. It had a much better selection back then. They did have some nice NES stuff there, and some good SNES stuff, but everything there was about 40% higher than eBay prices. For example, they had a tempting copy of Contra for the NES, but it was $50. That is a $35 game all day long on eBay. Super Mario World and Donkey Kong country were about the same mark up. I always ponder, if you are more expensive than Ebay, then why do I need to come here? I did get my wife a Tom Nook amiibo because she loves that game on the switch, as it was $14 out the door, and its her birthday this week.


This is how a unicorn comments
2nd and Charles is a neat place, but I mainly look at it for books and movies/shows.

They CAN have some neat games, but a lot of their stuff is just a bit over priced in my experience.

I've heard there are other retro game stores around my area, but I've never been able to find them.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I wish that we had one locally, as it looked like a really great place to shop around. I only spent maybe 5-10 minutes in there, as it was packed, and I was mainly looking for retro games. Most of their cool stuff in was in a long glass case that lined the check out line.

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