Sonic The Hedgehog


Wondering bot
Sonic 3 was the #1 film of its opening week, mostly on the back of its opening weekend. It actually fell to a disappointing #3 on Christmas. But as of yesterday it has climbed back to #1.

That's because they don't have the majorty of the screens and the film has yet to open internationally, the Lion King prequel has the majorty of the screens including IMAX, when the deal with Disney ends, you can bet the Lion King prequel will likely drop like a stone down the charts as Sonic speeds up as the Lion King prequel isn't exactly the hottest thing in town right now and cinema owners pretty much want to dump that film to the smaller screens to get Sonic on the bigger ones as that is what making the money right now

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
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Council of Elders


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Sonic 3 is still the #1 movie of the weekend, all three days, and has recouped its production budget just with domestic returns.

Mufasa actually made more in its second weekend than its opening weekend, but is still behind, despite still having the unfair advantage of being in more theaters. Disney can't be happy.


Well-known member
Sonic 3 is still the #1 movie of the weekend, all three days, and has recouped its production budget just with domestic returns.

Mufasa actually made more in its second weekend than its opening weekend, but is still behind, despite still having the unfair advantage of being in more theaters. Disney can't be happy.

I've heard Disney is trying to push Mufasa out onto even more screens to try and crowd out Sonic 3. But no idea if that's legit or rumors.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
They've done things like that before. They would rather burn money paying theaters to keep a movie going than let the record show they got beat.


Continuity Nutcase
Little did Mufasa know that a couple of hedgehogs would be a greater threat to his reign than Scar and his vast army of hyenas ever would.


Wondering bot
They've done things like that before. They would rather burn money paying theaters to keep a movie going than let the record show they got beat.

Well that is modern Disney, they rather blow a ton of money on a movie nobody asked for or bad sequels, example Indi 5, its budget before marking was 350 million dollars, yes they get a tax rebait for filming in the UK of about %25, but they got a bad habbit of letting their budgets balloon out of control, while the Sonic movie is made for FAR less money and coming from a studio that is not exactly in the best place in terms of finance right now and facing a take over by Skydance if it get approved, so Sonic is pretty much a good example of how to make a movie and make a profit!


Continuity Nutcase
I mean...

Even without this new movie, it did still happen twice. ;)


Well-known member
If you're around Georgia and want to try a "official" Sonic Chili Dog, then do I have a deal for you!

Okay, all the Chili Dogs are kind of expected. But, the "Knuckles Sandwich" is actually kind of clever. No idea if they're actually using the recipes found in the Official Sonic Cook Book or not. But, still, kind of a fun promo.


Pittied fools.
Just saw the movie, so now I can stop dodging spoilers. My thoughts:

It was great. It did an excellent job of being a faithful adaptation while going it's own direction. All of the changes made sense for the movie universe. While Shadow obviously has a presence, I didn't think he overshadowed anyone. In particular, Tails and Knuckles got some good moments to shine. It was interesting that this was less of an adventure movie than Movie but the pacing was tight. My only small nitpick is that there were small moments that felt like they were forced in as references to Adventure 2 felt like they stuck out. Well, and a specific fourth wall break.

I didn't see the second end credits scene but with the first, I was predicting Amy would show up. While pre movie guesses were between Amy, Metal Sonic, and Silver, I believe she had clues pointing her way. Though, with the way the movie ended, there's a few different ways the next movie could go.

Sonic 3 is still the #1 movie of the weekend, all three days, and has recouped its production budget just with domestic returns.

How is it doing so far? The second movie was impressive in how it was holding onto first place or being bumped out of its rank back into its rank.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
It's currently sitting at #3, though I don't trust the numbers we're getting anymore. Last time I posted an update, Sonic 3 had taken the #1 spot all three days of its second weekend. I quadruple checked before I posted. Then Disney found some more ticket sales and Mufasa got revised to the #1 spot that Sunday, breaking Sonic 3's streak.

Maybe the revision was legit, but I have trust issues.


Wondering bot
And disney has lying issues.

That's because they are despreate for headline attention, like "Its the number 1 movie on X day!" and they are trying to distract investors from the reailty that the film is struggling to break even as they sunk far to much money into it, while Sonic was done for far less and had audience exictment and buzz but also good word of mouth, while Lion King prequel, doesn't have any of that!


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
That's the thing. Mufasa didn't get critical praise or good word of mouth. The only internet buzz it got was "Who asked for this?" and "Lol it's losing." Yet we're supposed to believe it got a burst of momentum that's been nothing short of miraculous.

I still could almost believe it, but not after watching a day's numbers get revised after the morning's tallies showed they'd lost again. Sometimes it can take a while for films to appear on the leader boards at all. But once a film is on the board, they don't go "Wait, we found some more" over the course of the day.


jumbled pile of person
So you think Disney has the power to make media outlets report fake attendance numbers?

Can they fake the money they're not making from the tickets they're not selling too?

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