Star Trek General Discussion

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Vulcans live longer, kinda well known by now, and utterly boring.

A long lived klingon? Yeah, that's the dude you want training your army. Smart enough to not only NOT get stabbed, but smart enough to know he doesn't WANT to get stabbed.

Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
Although it's a bit out of date (having been published a few years before Discovery launched), and like all fan speculation is subject to being discarded by new canon revelations, one fan did assemble the bits of lore surrounding the Orions and attempt to create a coherent cultural portrait (as had been lacking for one of the first (predating the Klingons, even!) introduced non-Terran cultures of the Star Trek saga) for a small-press sci-fi fandom magazine. The article begins on page 31, if anyone's interested.


Well-known member
Lots of great talk here, but I just wanted to stress that Section 31 works where THEY ARE THE BAD GUYS that bad admirals tolerate and your average starfleet officer who discovers them finds repulsive.

Any point where they are painted in a positive light or act openly (geez disco) is not good.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Counter point: secret police work in the open all the time because the presence alone is a deterrent among the affected population.

I'm not disagreeing with your statement: section 31 is the bad guys. They are anti-thetical to everything the federation stands for. But the fact is: those kinds of organizations exist because they not only work, they are highly effective.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Sidetrack but I'm finally catching The Dragon Prince again and Season 5 episode 6 Bait and Switch has a Deep Space 9 fan! I can't believe it!




...even Team Whirl.
I'm not much of a fan of Enterprise Season 3. They took a great concept, and allowed themselves the freedom to do serialized storytelling (such as DS9 positively mastered), but it stayed in that limbo for far too long. If the arc lasted maybe just half the season, I'd probably have better thoughts about it.

Season 4, leaving the final episode aside, is what the show should always have been, and it's a tragedy that the show was cancelled just as it was getting good.

And even that last episode, as bad as it was, I won't say it ruined the series for me. I leave that judgement for How I Met Your Mother. I still can't rewatch any of that after seeing their finale....

Bwa ha ha ha . . . . I still love How I Met Your Mother, because it's so fun to watch those actors play off each other. I teach with people who hate the show, though, so it's fun to bring up that finale every so often just to watch them blow up.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Oh I had a sudden DS9 thought that made me sad. There was that episode where Jadzia Dax fell in love with a guy whose planet does that bridgeadoom thing where they disappear for decades and she was all ready to join him but her body wasn't compatible or something.

The ep ends where she was going to wait for 60 years or something for him to return so they can be together... except she's dead. And was practically married to Worf.

I just feel sad for that guy, for when he reappears and learns of the news. Aw.

Also I finished season 1 of Strange New Worlds and it was pretty overwhelmingly awesome actually.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Oh I had a sudden DS9 thought that made me sad. There was that episode where Jadzia Dax fell in love with a guy whose planet does that bridgeadoom thing where they disappear for decades and she was all ready to join him but her body wasn't compatible or something.

The ep ends where she was going to wait for 60 years or something for him to return so they can be together... except she's dead. And was practically married to Worf.

I just feel sad for that guy, for when he reappears and learns of the news. Aw.

Also I finished season 1 of Strange New Worlds and it was pretty overwhelmingly awesome actually.

SNW is amazing! It, Lower Decks, and S3 of Picard are the best things that have come out of the Streaming Trek Era so far.


Well-known member
Oh I had a sudden DS9 thought that made me sad. There was that episode where Jadzia Dax fell in love with a guy whose planet does that bridgeadoom thing where they disappear for decades and she was all ready to join him but her body wasn't compatible or something.

The ep ends where she was going to wait for 60 years or something for him to return so they can be together... except she's dead. And was practically married to Worf.
Practically? It was the literal truth!


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Well Dax isn't dead and retains a good chunk of Jadzia's memories and thought patterns, so she's only mostly dead.

Copper Bezel

Revenge against God for the crime of Being.
And is now part of a person who's possibly in another different relationship with Bashir, though who knows how long that would have lasted.

The takehome lesson is that if you're going to be sci-fi'd away into a noncorporeal parallel reality for a few decades, you probably shouldn't expect romantic partners to wait around for you in the interim. Sisko's just going to have to deal if Kasidy's moved on by the time he gets back, too.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Oh wait, that's right. Trill are sorta long lived (?) so Ezri Dax can meet up with that guy after Bashir gets killed in a suspiciously tragic accident or something.

Edit - hey, yeah, what happened to Sisko and Kasidy's future baby? Is that why Dr Finn in Orville is a single mother? It's a reference to Sisko disappearing on her?

Copper Bezel

Revenge against God for the crime of Being.
Oh wait, that's right. Trill are sorta long lived (?) so Ezri Dax can meet up with that guy after Bashir gets killed in a suspiciously tragic accident or something.
The only symbionts we know had had something in the upper single digits of hosts. I want to believe that they live long enough on average for about a dozen hosts, but there's no solid evidence. I do kinda wish the symbionts had a species name, though, or that the name we used most commonly referred to joined Trill, considering that the vast majority of material in Trek about the Trill is always going to be about joined Trill because that's their species gimmick, but the vast majority of the Trill themselves aren't joined and are just sexy leopard-print humans.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
And is now part of a person who's possibly in another different relationship with Bashir, though who knows how long that would have lasted.
Until Bashir realizes his true love is Garak. That IS Siddig and Robinson's headcanon on what ends up happening anyway. Behr has also indicated that he DID want Garak to be attracted to Bashir, but the suits wouldn't let him explore the idea openly.

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