Star Trek General Discussion


Well-known member
I saw 5 in the theater when I was a kid and liked it fine. Later I felt like it was weak, but I have forgiven it a lot since then. Like TMP, and not like 2-4, it does make a strong case for how we would do TOS if we had 2 hours and a large budget. Those good character moments are actually great. It explores an idea.

Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
If nothing else, Bill's beat-up baby of a film (as Shatner himself has referred to it) proves both what one can accomplish with a deck stacked against you (initially suspicious cast members, one of Gene's assistants running around telling anyone who would listen that Shatner stole the premise from the Great Bird, ILM being triple-booked), and that Star Trek feature film making cannot rest on its laurels (something Berman should have remembered when making Insurrection).

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Ok, I watched Voyage Home and I loved it! It was a lot of fun and a good ending, whew. Since it was light hearted, I guess the humor would bypass logic in plot.

This s a lot of people favorite Star trek film for the light heartedness of it. Personally, I liked Wrath of Khan the best of all the TOS films.

Loved the exchange of transparent aluminum tech cuz it reminded me of that Enterprise ep with T'Pol's ancestor and her crew's stay and Velcro.

I just loved Scotty's practicality in his situation. Giving up future technology to get what they need. Not even worrying at all about the timeline.

Poor Klingon Bird of Prey crash landed ship. Hope they fix her up, maybe use her again in the future. Hey, what happened to the remaining Klingons onboard from Search for Spock? They were left on Vulcan planet?

You will see the ship again eventually, but not for a while. They renamed the ship the Bounty. As for the Klingons, I assume that the Vulcan took them home in shame or killed them.

So... the whales talked to the cigar ship and it left? Why wasn't that explained? I figured the ship was going to take the whales or... some sort of time loop where the whales are the aliens and getting their ship back (like Futurama Game of Tones kinda). Is this Voyager Vygr movie 1 deal that the cigar is an earth made ship but created by... super smart whales? Because whales are actually an advanced species living in hiding on earth? I'll look it up but it was a little frustrating to not get answers. I wanted to see the cigar land and see... something talk to the whales in person, I dunno. Maybe the whale being pregnant was important, like they needed whale babies or something. I dunno. Also, who knows what visiting alien life is swimming on Earth? The out of time whales might not be able to adapt, with new food to eat or temperature or whatever. There really must be something going on with the whales!

From my understanding, these aliens had been communicating with the whales on Earth for centuries but when the whales stopped responding, the aliens came to Earth to find out why. Once they re-established contact with the whales at the end of the film, they turned around and left.

Cool ending with the crew getting a new Enterprise.

Oh yeah. This is a Constitution class ship that was made as the refit version not an original that was upgraded like their last ship.

Khan, Search and Voyage are actually a neat trilogy together, Search being the weakest.

Oh yeah, it really is a great trilogy too. Even Search for Spock is better than any of the other Odd ST TOS films.

It's contrived that a world destroying threat would appear all of a sudden and Kirk and crew were able to get pardons cuz they stopped it but, well, light hearted stuff bypassed plot logic.

Well, you have to remember that Kirk and crew have saved the Federation/Galaxy dozens of times by this point. They are arguably the most famous crew at that point(Maybe Archer's crew slightly edging them out) so Star Fleet can't really do much to them due to public opinion, especially after they just saved Earth again. Demoting Kirk was a slap on the wrist and put him exactly where he wanted to be.


Well-known member
In 1989, I had only seen a few episodes of TOS, a few episodes of TNG, and Star Trek 3 once in the theater. When they found God, I thought it was God, and then found out with them that it wasn't.

Much more informed now, there were a handful of TOS episodes where they met godlike beings, even once meeting the actual Greek god Apollo. Star Trek 5 was doing that on a grander scale with a better budget and I think they did it pretty well. You do have to handwave how many decks the ship has and how quickly they got to the center of the galaxy, but I think even there you have to forgive a little. Trek that came later would flesh out the geography of the galaxy a lot better and a market for technical manuals would develop a lot more information about the dimensions and layout of starships. I believe they were still legitimately in the wild west on those things.

The character moments in Star Trek 5 are among the very best ones in the 1-6 movie series and if they are not the best there are so many that they skew the movie itself to being the biggest trove for that.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Also has one of the most memorable lines in the franchise, but yeah, probably the low point of the TOS movies.


Well-known member
Though it is not clear to me what the intention was at the time. For a long time I assumed that Spock was just doing a hail mary. Possibly his body could be revived or something could be figured out.
I really don't think so. Sarek came to Kirk expecting that Spock gave Kirk Spock's katra. Sarek certainly had no expectation that Spock could be revived.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Ok, I watched Final Frontier. Hmm.

Kirk climbing and Spock on jet boots was referenced in Lower Decks. Have to check where. Boimler was on the jets but he was the one who fell.

Sybok as Spock's brother, I recall the name being mentioned in Strange New Worlds, during the Spock fiancé mind switch ep. So he was an emotion based Vulcan, ok.

Didn't Next Gen find the center of the universe galaxy whatever and Data had to wipe the minds of everybody on the ship so the entity wouldn't kill them? But I guess this movie came first soooo ... same God like entity? Or similar?

How was the Uhura dancing in the Dune treated at the time?

Could have had a bigger final confrontation with the entity. The klingon, Vulcan, human group at the start didn't really go anywhere, except for the klingon teleporting Kirk away. This actually felt like they tried to put more emphasis on action but didn't get a big enough action finale.

Seems like this was a regular episode, just made into a movie. It did follow up from Voyage Home, with the new Enterprise being messed up but, well, Voyage Home was much more enjoyable.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Literally anyone who said that V is the low point of the movies... by definition.
I don't know which I like better, TMP or Final Frontier. One is trying to hard to be hardcore SCI FI and the other is trying to replicate the jovial tone of the fourth film while dealing with production issues. They both have their pros and cons, but if I were to sit down and watch one of them, I would rather watch V over TMP, mainly for the rock climbing scene and the ending.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Ok, I watched Final Frontier. Hmm.

Sybok as Spock's brother, I recall the name being mentioned in Strange New Worlds, during the Spock fiancé mind switch ep. So he was an emotion based Vulcan, ok.

Yup. He finally gets out here and you see what his fate ends up being.

Didn't Next Gen find the center of the universe galaxy whatever and Data had to wipe the minds of everybody on the ship so the entity wouldn't kill them? But I guess this movie came first soooo ... same God like entity? Or similar?

I don't think that was the center of the galaxy, I believe that was just that particular part of unexplored space.

How was the Uhura dancing in the Dune treated at the time?

Could have had a bigger final confrontation with the entity. The klingon, Vulcan, human group at the start didn't really go anywhere, except for the klingon teleporting Kirk away. This actually felt like they tried to put more emphasis on action but didn't get a big enough action finale.

So this movie had some major issues going against it. Shattner wrote and directed the film himself, and his original script had to be revised repeatedly to appease his cast mates and then the studio. Then they had a writers strike, which massively affected the films production. After that, they had to not use ILM for special effects due to cost, so they went cheaper, and then had to change the ending after the test audiences didn't like it.

Seems like this was a regular episode, just made into a movie. It did follow up from Voyage Home, with the new Enterprise being messed up but, well, Voyage Home was much more enjoyable.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
So this movie had some major issues going against it. Shattner wrote and directed the film himself, and his original script had to be revised repeatedly to appease his cast mates and then the studio. Then they had a writers strike, which massively affected the films production. After that, they had to not use ILM for special effects due to cost, so they went cheaper, and then had to change the ending after the test audiences didn't like it.
Ok, I checked wiki and saw that Shatner's first idea was 'god' was going to turn into the devil and he would rescue the other from hell. Wow. I really wouldn't have wanted to watch it.

And Sybok was suppose to be played by Sean Connery? I thought I was going crazy but I totally picked up on the Sean Connery style of acting from the Sybok actor. Amazing.

Anyway, I'm procrastinating so went and watched Undiscovered Country. I was pretty ok with it.

Sulu had his own ship! I thought the Kelvin Sulu commanding the Enterprise (and making threats) was a small thing but I didn't know he was an actual captain! Wow!

There was a mystery so when the murders happened, it got my attention. The CGI was very, very bad with the blood but, y'know, march of progress.

Soooo the trial had Worf actor in it. As a lawyer. I don't recall his name but was it Worf? First appearance ever? And that trial place was... same as the trial place in the Lower Decks ep Veritas when the lower Deckers were on trial and it was a party?

I thought Kim Catrall Sex and the City was the bad guy because when she fired the disintegrator to test the alarms, her cohort fired his own gun to destroy the evidence, masking the sounds.

Kirk and Bones on the ice planet was just an extra but the shapeshifter made me think anything could happen, if a shapeshifter was one of the assassins.

I'm assuming that the 'he's the real one!' Shoots the shapeshifter tropes started from this movie? Maybe?

Sulu to the rescue, woo!

Practically done. It was more political intrigue than Sci Fi but it was ok. Not really uplifting but didn't feel like an extended episode like how Final Frontier felt like.

Guess I'm done with TOS! Gosh dang! Next Gen movies next then... Discovery or Picard? After those two, I'd've watched every series, right? (I've seen Lower Decks, Strange New Worlds and Prodigy)


Active member
Worf in VI was supposed to be an ancestor, but I think he was there just as a wink to the audience and to connect it with TNG, which would’ve been the current show at the time.

I’m curious if you caught any of the TNG sets that were reused for this movie. (Eg. the presidents office is clearly ten forward).

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Oh, I didn't catch the set re use.

Oh and I forgot to mention that, yeah, Kirk had a picture of David and the fact that Klingons killed him and that he said he would never trust Klingons again was a plot point. That was a good to acknowledge.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Ok, I checked wiki and saw that Shatner's first idea was 'god' was going to turn into the devil and he would rescue the other from hell. Wow. I really wouldn't have wanted to watch it.

I think that it could have been interesting. I like what it ended up being but Shatners original idea could have been great too.

And Sybok was suppose to be played by Sean Connery? I thought I was going crazy but I totally picked up on the Sean Connery style of acting from the Sybok actor. Amazing.

I thought that Sybok's actor did an amazing job in this role.

Anyway, I'm procrastinating so went and watched Undiscovered Country. I was pretty ok with it.

Sulu had his own ship! I thought the Kelvin Sulu commanding the Enterprise (and making threats) was a small thing but I didn't know he was an actual captain! Wow!

It's the Excelsior too! Remember in the Voyager flashback with Tuvok? That was during this film.

There was a mystery so when the murders happened, it got my attention. The CGI was very, very bad with the blood but, y'know, march of progress.

Well, it is meant to be Klingon blood which looks weird already.

Soooo the trial had Worf actor in it. As a lawyer. I don't recall his name but was it Worf? First appearance ever? And that trial place was... same as the trial place in the Lower Decks ep Veritas when the lower Deckers were on trial and it was a party?

From my understanding that is Worf's grandfather.

I thought Kim Catrall Sex and the City was the bad guy because when she fired the disintegrator to test the alarms, her cohort fired his own gun to destroy the evidence, masking the sounds.

That would have been hard to do. But no she was the one that killed the two assassins, but she used her phaser on stun and point blank or even contact range to not set off the alarms.

Sulu to the rescue, woo!

Did you catch who his first officer was?

Practically done. It was more political intrigue than Sci Fi but it was ok. Not really uplifting but didn't feel like an extended episode like how Final Frontier felt like.

This was made to be the final farewell to the TOS crew. Literally one of the bosses at Paramount was told that the Final Frontier movie was going to be the last film, and he is like" End them on that film? No way." So he pushed to get this film made, which is honestly a great way to end the TOS crew. You get the end of the cold war film with the Klingons and Federation actually at a peace and even allies with each other for the next 75 years or so. Sulu is a captain now, Spock is retired, and the ship is getting decomissioned and turned into a museum with the crew going their own way once more.

Guess I'm done with TOS! Gosh dang! Next Gen movies next then... Discovery or Picard? After those two, I'd've watched every series, right? (I've seen Lower Decks, Strange New Worlds and Prodigy)

Next gen movies and then go directly into Picard, as the films sort of lead into it. I would say to save Discovery for last. Picard season 1 and 2 have a bit of a letdown in them, but are still worth watching, but season 3 is the greatest thing that they have made since DS9.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Oh and I forgot to mention that, yeah, Kirk had a picture of David and the fact that Klingons killed him and that he said he would never trust Klingons again was a plot point. That was a good to acknowledge.

Yup. Kirk was all for letting the Klingon race just die out. You see how much arguing it took from Spock to get him to go on this mission that he was assigned. Kirk still hated them for David's death, it wasn't until this whole thing played out that he could forgive the Klingons as a species. I should note that he had already personally killed the two Klingons that are responsible for David's death.


...even Team Whirl.
There was a mystery so when the murders happened, it got my attention. The CGI was very, very bad with the blood but, y'know, march of progress.

I remember reading this was a game with ratings, too - make the blood look a little less real. This was in Starlog or one of the old newsstand magazines my mom used to buy, so I couldn't find the source at this point.


Well-known member
Soooo the trial had Worf actor in it. As a lawyer. I don't recall his name but was it Worf? First appearance ever? And that trial place was... same as the trial place in the Lower Decks ep Veritas when the lower Deckers were on trial and it was a party?

Colonel Worf. Never addressed onscreen, but presumably an ancestor. Our Worf isn't that old. You know, in movies people generally look just like their grandfather or great-grandfather.

It is kind of trippy to watch you watch the stuff backwards where it feels like Trek has always been referencing Lower Decks.

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