Star Trek General Discussion


Active member
Saw Star Trek Strange New Worlds Series II on DVD as well as the final episodes of Picard. I can't wait for next year for Strange New Worlds.


Heroes And Icons has this list for Star Trek

Sunday - Friday

Tar Trek - The Original Series
Star Trek - The Next Generation
Star Trek - Deep Space 9
Star Trek - Voyager
Star Trek - Enterprise

8:00 PM - 1:00 AM EST in the USA.

I watch TOS at 7:00.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Did I post this before? I might have.



Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Funny thing is if you look at the crew compliment of the Enterprise D and compare it to the size, good chunk of the corridors WOULD be empty. The thing is way bigger than a Nimitz class carrier yet has a smaller crew size. The thing could handle over 10,000 civilians in case of an emergency evacuation on top of its standard crew compliment.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Yeah, for peacetime operation: automation made the crew compliment smaller than for any other ship in history. The galaxy class wasn't just a new type of starship, it was a new KIND of starship.

Edit: but you also have to be aware: when they state the crew compliment, they usually omit dependants and family.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Yeah, for peacetime operation: automation made the crew compliment smaller than for any other ship in history. The galaxy class wasn't just a new type of starship, it was a new KIND of starship.

Edit: but you also have to be aware: when they state the crew compliment, they usually omit dependants and family.
Main crew complement was around 1k. Family along for the ride was likely around that much as well, still well under capacity. The Galaxy class ships still in service by the Dominican war probably had a major personnel increase. Gotta have ground assault troops ready and more pilots and flight deck crew available. Shuttle bay one was friggin huge, after all.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Oh yeah, and the demands of a ship in war time are significantly more strenuous than just wandering around exploring. So more engineering crews, more relief crew for active shifts, probably even switching to a four shift (damn you, jellico!) system to prevent loss of efficiency.

war changes you man, war changes you.


NOT a New Member.
Autocorrect and my phone typing skills strike again
I swear there used to be a "damnyouautocorrect" website but now it's been hijacked by some dodgy site and all the other related searches yield fake versions of it behind Fakebook/Instascam ad-paywalls.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Saw this on Facebook and had to share:


You’ve been on this tiny ship in the Delta Quadrant beyond any hope of recrew or resupply for over a year, but you keep seeing ensigns you don’t recognize. Everyone tells you that they’ve always been here.
You go down to Engineering looking for Lt. Carey. B'elanna tells you that he’s just stepped out. He’s been ‘just stepped out’ for days.
A shuttle crashes on a desert planet. You speak with Chakotay about the possibility of trading for some new shuttles, but he looks at you funny and says “but we already have a full compliment of shuttles”
You run to the shuttlebay and inspect them personally. There is a full compliment of shuttles. And none of them even have a scratch.
The next week, a shuttle is torn to pieces in a plasma storm. You’re not even surprised when you find intact it in the shuttlebay an hour later.
You stop mentioning shuttles.
The ship has an encounter with some Kazon, but manages to get away. Their ships are primitive and slow and you shouldn’t run into them again.
Two weeks later, you meet the same Kazon, now somehow in front of you. You begin to suspect that you’re driving in circles.
You go to Engineering looking for Lt. Carey. You haven’t seen him in two years. He’s ‘not there right now, but should be back in a minute’.
Janeway and Paris travel at warp 10 and turn into salamanders. You’re *sure* that it happened. You *remember* it happening! But no one brings it up. When you ask Tom about it, he doesn’t even register the question.
You scream “BUT YOU WERE A SALAMANDER!” into his ear. He doesn’t even hear you.
You see another Ensign you don’t recognize. You finally just ask the computer for the crew compliment of Voyager. You are told that the answer is: 121.
A month later, the Hirogen conquer the ship, spend weeks brainwashing and surgically altering the crew into believing that they are actually characters in holographic simulations, and then hunt them for sport. This culminates in a pitched battle between the crew and the Hirogen in which the ship is utterly wrecked and dozens of people are killed.
Afterwards, you ask the computer for the ship’s crew compliment. You are told that the answer is: 147
The next day, you wake up and find Voyager restored to its original state.
You make a discreet inquiry about Lt. Carey. Now everyone acts like he’s dead but can’t tell you precisely when or how.
The Captain takes you aside one day and specifically instructs you not to mention Ensign Jetal to the Doctor. She says that she knows that this will be difficult, given how close we all were to her (and you in particular), but that for the greater good of the crew, you need to act like Ensign Jetal never existed. You solemnly nod your head and consent, and she gives you a comradely pat on the shoulder and leaves the room.
You have absolutely no idea who Ensign Jetal is.
Voyager absorbs the remaining crew of the USS Equinox. Well at least you’ll finally have an explanation for the new crew you see around the ship! You never see any of them ever again.
You’ve now travelled almost 40,000 light years towards home. You check the star charts; somehow, you’re still in the Delta Quadrant. You begin to wonder if the Beta Quadrant even exists.
The Delta Flyer is destroyed by Borg torpedoes. You don’t even bother to check the shuttlebay for it, you just instinctively know that it will be back.
A few months later, the Captain gives you the sad news: Lt. Carey is dead.
You finally make it back to the Alpha Quadrant, say your tearful farewells, and receive a handshake and a promotion from Admiral Paris. As one last thought before leaving Voyager forever, you pay a visit to the shuttlebay. You find it utterly empty, except for one lowly crewman with a mop and pail, swabbing the deck. “I…guess that Starfleet must have already cleared out the remaining shuttles?” You say uncertainly, your voice echoing in the cavernous, empty room. The crewman breaks off his mopping and looks at you like you’ve lost your mind and says: “Voyager never had any shuttles.”

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
It's mostly a riff on the stuff like "the backrooms" and the design of the show functionally having no episode to episode continuity.


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
Clearly we need to get the 24th Century version of the SCP Foundation on this!

Deathy G1

Active member
Has anything else ever been said about "Star Trek: Legacy," or was it always just wishful thinking? I really want it.


Well-known member
Prodigy didn't sound like anything that would interest me when it was announced and I have paid little attention, but a Facebook post convinced me to give it a shot. It is a little off the beaten path for Star Trek, yes, but it is a pretty good casual Sci-Fi show and does have a lot of Star Trek to it. I'm a little past halfway through season 1, I guess.

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