At least you know a line form Star Trek V.![]()
TBF, I think most would know that line regardless of seeing the moive or not. Cultural Zeitgeist and all that.
At least you know a line form Star Trek V.![]()
And it isn't "My god, it's full of stars."At least you know a line form Star Trek V.![]()
Anyway, it's been a long time since I've actually watched any of the TOS movies, but they're an eclectic batch of movies with very different styles and ideas, and TMP is not the one that stands out for me. I think The Wrath of Khan and The Undiscovered Country are the ones everyone agrees are very important and on point, and The Voyage Home was the time Trek decided to make a family comedy about the whales instead of doing their space show thing and anyone who doesn't love it at least lets them have it. Honestly, Search for Spock is the memory hole for me - Doc Brown in blackface and the destruction of the Enterprise itself can't make anything stick for me of the nothing plot that just wraps up some loose ends from TWOK in time for TVH.
Okay, the pedant in me insists on saying that you probably do know a line from TMP, "What we got back, didn't live long. Fortunately." More to the point, you probably also have "V'Ger is that which seeks the Creator," which is the exact counterpart to "What does God need with a starship?": not only is it the premise of the movie in a sentence, it also encapsulates the tone, being deliberately obtuse and delivered in robot-speak voice. The Final Frontier line is similarly the premise of that movie, but it's also that time that Shatner saved the universe by beating God with a witty comeback, delivered with an intonation only Shatner could have devised. Same-same.
I am being completely straight with you when I say that I couldn't have remembered his first name at gunpoint. Again, a lot of years since I've actually watched any of them, but this is quite literally a moment in cinema that I have, myself, forgotten. I remember Kirk's son existed because of SNW and TUC, notably occurring when he was a fetus and a corpse respectively.David's death was just an unforgettable moment in cinema
If it wasn't a painfully drawn out joke about how everybody's so easily offended these days, I'd agree with you. The ending almost saves it from Minion meme land.
Jokes like that really have no place in Star Trek. I definitely won't be wasting my time on this one.
The universe is actively concern trolling him though, people are being summoned into existence to have been offended at whatever he said. Someone really is making up new minorities to be offended, like comedians think happens. This skit feels like the product of someone being told not to call staff meetings a "pow-wow" anymore and having a light bulb moment.
And ... why would a Caitian think of herself as a "cat'? We know they're cat people, but they're not an entire species of furries or something. If the captain said the line but tried to backpedal, and M'Ress realized he thought she'd be offended, and she wasn't before but is now, well now we're doing a completely different, much smarter joke from Lower Decks.