Takara Missing Link G1 Series


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
I have asked before for a G1 "reissue" Arcee for a long while to complete the '86 movie/S3 Crew, so I'm watching the development of this figure hopefully!

That said, my '86 Bots are mostly the Targetmaster versions, so now I am kind of hoping for a Missing Link Headmaster Arcee, too? lol

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Considering Chromedome was a far bigger deal in Japan, being the “star” of Headmasters, I feel a ML Headmaster Arcee is a higher possibility than I would have placed getting the original prototype made into toy form.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
It also begs the question: Why have we never got a modern Arcee toy redecoed in G1 prototype colors? We occasionally get Lifeline and Nightbird decos, but little else. Seems like a good opportunity for a future Selects release.


Continuity Nutcase
And likely because, if they had, it would have been the janky Earthrise Arcee mold.


Well-known member
Yep, along with Mirage, Wheeljack, and the Dinobots

Makes me wonder if they're all on the "short list" of characters they're wanting to do; since honestly I'm surprised we're getting Sunstreaker next and not a more higher profile character; but if they us ML to make new "reissues" of the lost molds... they might have my attention.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Same, as iirc it's basically the T30 one, which was good. Earthrise Arcee is hilariously half done, and I'd like a Lifeline out of the SS86 mold please.


Well-known member
Makes me wonder if they're all on the "short list" of characters they're wanting to do; since honestly I'm surprised we're getting Sunstreaker next and not a more higher profile character; but if they us ML to make new "reissues" of the lost molds... they might have my attention.

It's because he was Takaras first Transforming car toy ever. So he gets pride of place in a line like this.

-ZacWilliam, I'm sure his mold being long lost didn't hurt either


Staff member
Council of Elders
I am very tempted by both of these. The G1 cars are neat-looking cars in general, and Sunstreaker's very specific look makes for a great toy car. It'll look sharp regardless.

But I'm still hoping for a Hot Rod, or ffs a Rodimus Prime -- the latter could REALLY use some damn leg articulation (the rest, too) after all these years.


Well-known member
Arcee is the must buy for me, so hope she gets made. Sunstreaker is a probably yes also.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I believe there is some convention or show going on in Japan, and some of the first reveals have been two new Missing Link projects:
Sunstreaker and Arcee (based on the original prototype). I believe the 86 crew is there to show how a ML Arcee could "fit in" with the original toys.

Still got my little candle over here for Transtech...one day...maybe...
Front Paged!



Well-known member
1986: "Here's a concept of an Arcee toy, using two separate models that can't actually transform into each other."
2024: "Here's a concept of an Arcee toy, using two separate models that can't actually transform into each other."

Finally, Arcce has returned to her natural state.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
1986: "Here's a concept of an Arcee toy, using two separate models that can't actually transform into each other."
2024: "Here's a concept of an Arcee toy, using two separate models that can't actually transform into each other."

Finally, Arcce has returned to her natural state.

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