Wow! This line continues to impress! Hopefully we will get that Arcee!
Because Hasbro are cowards who don't have the strength to make the right choicesIt also begs the question: Why have we never got a modern Arcee toy redecoed in G1 prototype colors? We occasionally get Lifeline and Nightbird decos, but little else. Seems like a good opportunity for a future Selects release.
Yep, along with Mirage, Wheeljack, and the Dinobots
I quite like the SS '86 Arcee mould.And likely because, if they had, it would have been the janky Earthrise Arcee mold.
Makes me wonder if they're all on the "short list" of characters they're wanting to do; since honestly I'm surprised we're getting Sunstreaker next and not a more higher profile character; but if they us ML to make new "reissues" of the lost molds... they might have my attention.
It's because he was Takaras first Transforming car toy ever. So he gets pride of place in a line like this.
-ZacWilliam, I'm sure his mold being long lost didn't hurt either
Front Paged!I believe there is some convention or show going on in Japan, and some of the first reveals have been two new Missing Link projects:
Sunstreaker and Arcee (based on the original prototype). I believe the 86 crew is there to show how a ML Arcee could "fit in" with the original toys.
Still got my little candle over here for day...maybe...
1986: "Here's a concept of an Arcee toy, using two separate models that can't actually transform into each other."
2024: "Here's a concept of an Arcee toy, using two separate models that can't actually transform into each other."
Finally, Arcce has returned to her natural state.