Ten toys you want @Hasbro to make in 2026


I’m not dead yet!
I'm going to cheat a bit since some of my suggestions have already been said.

1. BW Transmetals Show cast. We know a lot of us want them to continue what they started in Generations and quite a few Vintage ones need the upgrade
2. Commander Class Armada Jetfire and Overload. Honestly alone I don't think they warrant it but as a set I think it could work. But It does push the Commander pricepoint a bit.
3. Animated Maurader Megatron. Why stick to what already got made. I don't necessarily need the Animated styling, but the concept works for me.
4. RID X-Brawn and Prowl. With Omega Prime coming and Sideburn already done let's get the other two major Autobots.
5. Finish the Rescue Bots initial cast. We need Boulder and Blades.
6. A proper G2 Megatron/BW II Megastorm. None of this G2 deco on a clearly G1 inspired Megatron. Full tank upper torso and shoulder mounted cannon.
7. Beast Machines in general. Some that have never gotten anything like Botnica, and others that just desperately need a redo.
8 . MotU Collaboration. A Tigatron Battle Cat remolding or one of the classic vehicles like the Wind Raider
9. Thundercats Collab Thunder Tank
10. With Anime now open game for Collabs, I want a Cowboy Bebop set of the Bebop, the Swordfish and the Red Tail.


Two arms and one smile
Yeah, I would love to see the BW Transmetals show cast given the modern treatment. I honestly wouldn't be mad if they wanted to take another stab at Ravage, either. Especially if they could pretool him from a nice, modern TM Cheetor. I agree wholeheartedly that RID X-Brawn and Prowl should be close on the list (hopefully in the pipeline).


Well-known member
Optimal Optimus could certainly use a update, his POTP wasn't too bad, it scales well with TM2 MEgatron but a commander class figure could do the character justice. I don't know why they wanted to make a deluxe robot to surfboard when that was TM Primal's thing but the idea of having a TM Primal with a Optimal mech is sound.

Edit: I posted this off my phone and for some reason it changed wasn't to was.
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Staff member
Council of Elders
That seems like it could work at Leader class if there weren't a Primal that had to transform into a surfboard backpack (the Evolution gimmick). The altmodes on Optimal weren't really much -- the main thing missing seems to be the wheels (and the joints to help the arms line up for it).

But either way, I'd love a new Primal Prime out of that.
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LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
A Metroplex reissue.
Torn on this.

On the one hand, I'd rather have a new one. (We're talking G1 Metroplex, right?)

On the other, I'd probably never be able to get it, so... yeah, bring on that reissue.


Active member
I often think of this as a "What if Generations ended, what final 10 figures would make you content?". Some great responses so far, and a lot more support for Beast Era/G2 than I was expecting.

1-3: BM Tankor, Jetstorm, Thrust
4-8: BW Quickstrike, Rampage (make it a commander), Depthcharge, & TM2 Dinobot
9 & 10: Remade G2 Megatron & Optimus (sans trailer) as Leader class figures, big beefy figures with their signature weapons.

I could be content with that. But I REALLY also want some more Euro G1 love.
ALSO, I don't know who I'd drop from my list, but I'd really love a Commander sized Omega Supreme, around Seige Jetfire size.

Runners-up (characters that have molds already and are just waiting for deco)
-Euro G1 deco Skyquake
-SS86 Astrotrain (already rumoured)


Staff member
Council of Elders
1-3. Diaclone/Insecticlone redecos of the Legacy Insecticons. (The Bombshell equivalent, at least. I need it for an OC.)
4-9. Combiner Wars G2 Protectobots. Yes, specifically the Combiner Wars molds. I actually like them. And, yes, they'd have to make up a "G2" color scheme for Rook, I have (that much, at least 8^) faith in them.
10. Omnibot Overdrive. (If I were to spill over above 10, the rest of the Omnibots would be next.)
I'm definitely in board for 1-9, and wouldn't mind 10. I need Combiner Wars closure. I'd prefer Deluxe Groove to really be G2, but the opportunity to get a G2 Rook is great too. (whichever way they do it, I want that lovely box set style with the artwork and everything)

We could probably get a capsule for lingering Diaclone stuff and add other Pre-TF stuff to it. Those Insecticons, blue Hoist, Reboost, Loudpedal, Riggorus... Dinobots?


Two arms and one smile
Alright, I've got another thing to add. Weapons and Accessory Sets - plural! This was spurned on by a mini-discussion in the Studio Series thread, but the more sets, the merrier, I say! C'mon: lets have some weaponry, maybe even some Mini Cons, small versions of the G1 human cast, extra energon cubes, blast effects - the sky's the limit. Sorry, but I just love being able to accentuate the cool stuff I already own, and having some of these sets would be a great way to do that.
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The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Alright, I've got another thing to add. Weapons and Accessory Sets - plural! This was spurned on by a mini-discussion in the Studio Series thread, but the more sets, the merrier, I say! C'mon: lets have some weaponry, maybe even some Mini Cons, small versions of the G1 human cast, extra energon cubes, blast effects - the sky's the limit. Sorry, but I just love being able to accentuate the cool stuff I already own, and having some of these sets would be a great way to do that.
They did that twice so far and I think that fandom speaking, it was a great success. Not sure how well they went over financially speaking, though. Next time we get a chance to ask the Team over there, I will recommend asking them about them and if they will do anymore of them. I think that would be a great question.


Another babka?
Outside of my JG1 wishlist...

Cybertron was probably the last Transformers series I just uncritically enjoyed...

Give Cybertron Soundwave the Generations treatment. Cybertron Soundwave is an amazing concept and design that the toy just falls short of doing justice. Another go at it to soften the rougher edges and apply some modern engineering tricks to it would do wonders. Bonus if Ravage, Ratbat, Rumble, and Frenzy joined Laserbeak as bomb-cassettes.

Cobybot. The Cobybot is awesome, but the only way to get it was as a pack-in to an exclusive run of another toy in Japan, and that goes for crazy stupid money on the aftermarket. The Cobybot would also let them do a new version of Scrapmetal to repaint endlessly.

Thunderblast. She's a ridiculous design but that's kind of the charm. Hasbro has gotten quite good at female Cybertronian designs lately, managing to make designs that read as "female" without making them waify shell formers.
In that respect Thunderclash has some uniqueness to her. She's not that way because GIRL anymore. She's that way because that's just who she is. She's vain to the point of impracticality. It gives her more character. We have a great update of Override thanks to Legacy, so giving us her Decepticon counterpart would be awesome.
Also, again, her original figure is way more expensive than it should be on the aftermarket. So a modern version at retail would be appreciated.

Jetfire. I feel like we've been on a journey with G1 Jetfire. Classics was the first to try and marry the G1 Macross mould with the Sunbow design... and it worked! I think Classics Jetfire absolutely holds up.
They refined the concept with the T30 mould, and it's one of the only T30 designs I still like today. Then they went full Sunbow with Siege, but they also had a Valkyrie add-on that you know what? It works!
I think at this point there's a version of G1 Jetfire out there for everyone, regardless of style or aesthetic preference. So now it's the UT's turn. I know people want Armada Jetfire to combine with Legacy Armada Prime, and so do I.
But I'd also love a new Cybertronian Jetfire. Not compromised by having to be pants for Optimus... just a solid Autobot jetformer and heavy.


Well-known member
Cybertron toyline had it all: Beast bots, Mini-Cons, cybertronian modes, earth modes, it's show was the best of the UT with a comprehensible dub with accents and pop references. It was a massive upswing from rambling Armada and .... the otherrrrr onnnnne. It's not perfect but it was a blast.
I dusted off Primus and have him on my shelf again just a few months ago.
On that note, I'd like TWO weaponizers: Drill Bit and Omega Spreem for a certain pair of titans. Drill bit could be modified to be Leader One for Armada Megatron too.

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