The Allspark Pro Wrestling Thread

Fullstrength Motleypuss

Well-known member
My understanding is the Ricky Starks signing was very last minute and they had no room for him on the main roster as everything is set until Wrestlemania.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
So last night on RAW following the Cena turn in the elimination chamber, we had Punk vs Rollins in a steel cage match. Overall, it was a great match w both guys just staying in to beat each other to death. Unfortunately it had to end, and it ended with Roman showing up and pulling out Rollins to beat him up. He was stopped from crippling Rollins by the staff, but then jumped in and attacked a wounded Punk, as he seemed to be jealous of Punk getting Paul Heyman's attention.

So now we have the three of them in a match at WrestleMania. Not really looking forward to that, but we will see where it goes.

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