The Nintendo Thread of Jumping, Slashing, and Home Decorating


Sack of monkeys in my pocket
Witchcraft I was just talk about how I wish GTA was on the switch and this drops
View attachment 1757

i hadnt had my switch on for months. i (finally) got the baldurs gate games earlier this week, and when i turned it on to play i nearly died when i saw this was on there now. vice city is the only gta i managed a 100% on. i loved that game. do the same for liberty city stories and vice city stories and ill be a happy camper

now just gotta have the extra money to get it...


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Apparently this "remaster" is hilariously broken. I'd wait for a sale.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Saw it. Made me laugh. No misc game pics thread so posting here.



Well-known member
So, the Game Awards gave us a few new trailers.

We get our first look at the new Sonic game, Frontiers:
We're going to be fighting Colossi it seems. That's kind of neat. Making the boss the entire "zone" in a way.

...REALLY not sure how well open-world exploration is going to pair with blazing-fast speed, though. If there's stuff to find then you're going to be walking everywhere which doesn't sound very "Sonic" to me. But, if there's NOTHING to find then the open world is going to feel pretty barren and lifeless. Not sure if these two flavors are going to mesh well with each other. likely is this to be a buggy mess? Will we be finding "potholes" that send us to below the level infrastructure? I can't claim it doesn't look okay, though. It's like...they just plopped Sonic right down into Hyrule...

The Monster Hunter Rise DLC, Sunbreak...
Not much to say on this one. Looks solid. Probably going to be fairly meaty. The Sonic the Hedgehog DLC surprised me more, though.

And Cuphead...The Delicious Last Course (...I see what you did there...)
The game looks like more Cuphead, so it's great to look at. But, I just love this trailer's use of practical effects. It's just neat.
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Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
New Direct today!
Lots of remasters and ports, as usual. But Nintendo has some solid mid-tier stuff on deck.

There weren't many "HUGE" announcements, but Nintendo did reveal a great deal of stuff for the first half of the year. Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes is a surprise. RPG fans continue getting spoiled with remasters for Chrono Cross, Front Mission, and newer titles like Triangle Strategy. And Xenoblade Chronicles 3 confirmed for this year! And Kingdom Hearts, for those that will tolerate that Cloud garbage.
Interestingly, No Man's Sky is coming to Switch...without any mention of it being a Cloud title. As is MLB The Show 22, though it is looking about as rough as Mortal Kombat 11 did on the platform.
Normally, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed wouldn't necessarily raise my attention. Platform has gotten a TON of ports from that era. What we haven't been upgraded WII games?! Instead of the PS3/XB360, the Switch is getting an upgraded version of the Wii version with motion controls.

On motion controls, a new Sports title is coming. Mario Kart 8, after 5 years on the market, is getting a pretty significant run of DLC. $25 for a season pass of remastered tracks from the prior games of the franchise. 48 tracks in total. The DLC will also be available with Switch Online Expansion Pass (along with the SNES and NES Earthbound games!).

One of the surprises to me was the Klonoa pack featuring the first two games of the franchise. It's a definite cult favorite, which makes it a solid choice for the Switch.

Again, a LOT of solid stuff, all considered. Kingdom Hearts still irks me given games like Doom, Doom Eternal, Mortal Combat 11, The Witcher and other major titles were able to see release as native titles


Well-known member
Fire Emblem Three Hopes: I'm a little surprised that Three Houses is getting a Dynasty Warriors-style sequel, like with Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity. Mighty be worth checking out.

Mario Strikers Battle League: Oh, I know some people who might be happy about this.

Mario Kart 8 DLC: Not surprising, really. 6 waves of 8 courses each, for a total of 48, though? That's a lotta courses! And it being free with the Online Expansion Pass? The Expansion Pass is looking...better.

Disney Speedstorm: This looks like a pretty solid cart racer. The Switch is getting a few different second-tier racers, like Chocobo GP and Cruisin' Blast.

Star Wars the Force Unleashed: Huh, it's a Wii version remaster? Odd choice.

SD Gundam Battle Alliance: This is right up my alley. Looks to be more action-oriented than some of the strategy games (maybe)

Front Mission 1st and 2, Chrono Cross: These are classic games I've never played. Interesting that Radical Dreamers, the Chrono Trigger text adventure for the SNES, is getting a translation. I'll admit, I'm lukewarm on both of these, though.

Kirby and the Forgotten Land: Mouthful mode is going to be turned into nightmare fuel. The afraid.

Klonoa Fantasy Reverie Collection: This looks like they're using the Wii version of Klonoa 1. I've never played Klonoa 2, either. I did enjoy the first game on Wii, though.

Portal 1-2: Glad these classic games are getting some more love.

Live A Live: Wow. Okay. So, this game is kind of famous in fan-translation circles. It's a really good game. Feels like a odd choice for a remake in the style of Octopath Traveller, but I like the looks of this one. This might be a classic in the making.

Triangle Strategy and Cuphead DLC: Still looking good.

Metroid Dread Update: Rookie and Dread (One hit kill) modes. I...will NOT be using Dread mode. A Boss Rush sounds fun, though.

Earthbound and EB Beginnings on Switch Online: ...Cool.

GetsuFumaDen Undying Moon: This is looking pretty good. I'm liking what I'm seeing here.

Lego Brawls: Okay, this is a cute little Smash clone. I see Ninjago and Monkie Kid and Knights and...I'm not enough of a Lego expert to identify the other series.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3: I'm surprised we're getting this before a port of X. Instant buy for me, though. This entire series is beautiful.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 wins best of the Direct, for me. But, Live a Live is a close second. And SD Gundam Battle Alliance, Kirby, FE Three Hopes, Triangle Strategy, and GetsuFumaDen are all games I'll keep a eye on.
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Well-known member
Normally, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed wouldn't necessarily raise my attention. Platform has gotten a TON of ports from that era. What we haven't been upgraded WII games?! Instead of the PS3/XB360, the Switch is getting an upgraded version of the Wii version with motion controls.

Star Wars the Force Unleashed: Huh, it's a Wii version remaster? Odd choice.

I noticed that right off but the Krome version seems more popular with fans for the content.


Eorzean Idiot
I think I just found a reason to keep the expansion pass. I don't often play Mario Kart, but I do have it. So this will definitely be worth checking out.

I know Portal 2 was on PS3 and I was always curious to play it. But I don't recall the first one ever being available outside of x-box. So I never played them. So being able to get both on Switch will be an definite get (assuming it isn't cloud based).


I’m not dead yet!
The Mario Kart tracks were the Only real hyped moment after realizing the TFU was the Wii version over the the PS3/X360 version. Once they release all the tracks it's pretty much doubling the Game. well worth the 25 bucks to get it if you don't have the NSO expansion pass. The Disney racer also looks interesting but wary about the free to play model.

No Mans Sky may have to looked into. It's been on my radar but after the release bombed I put it off, and now it's looking pretty good to get into.

Chrono Cross.... I love that they are making it available, but I've never liked it as much as Chrono Trigger. Honestly I'd rather have another remaster of it or perhaps a remake that gives it a modern 3D mode to play as well as giving you the 2D version like they did with Dragon Quest XI. Getting Trigger 3D animated with voiceovers gives me goosebumps thinking about it.

The Metroid Dread update.... Two Modes either don't need or never plan to attempt.

Kirby is looking more fun as they reveal more and more.

Switch Sports.... I'm surprised it took this long, although disappointed it's a very trimmed down list yet.

Xenoblade 3. Cool, have yet to really dive deep into the two Xenoblad games I already have

Salmon Run 2 is making me look more at Splatoon 3

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes..... interesting to have Nintendo let the Warriors group expand the lore of a previous game again.


Well-known member
Today's Top Headline: Bowser Sentenced to 40 Months in Jail!
Yeah, yeah, this isn't the fictional character. Or Doug Boswer, the guy who replaced Reggie. This is a guy who was selling romhacking hardware and software. Still, that's quite a coincidence.

Can #FreeBowser be far behind?
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Well-known member
I wonder if Apsyr Media are going to port Rogue Squadron games to the Switch, so far they've done Episode 1 Racer, Knights of the Old Republic, Jedi Knight 2 and 3, Republic Commando and are porting Force Unleashed.
Or better yet, get that unreleased Wii game Rogue Leaders done, it was finished, I don't know if the lawsuits are still a problem.


I’m not dead yet!
Heck just give me the original Rouge Squadron and I'd be happy. I never did like the Gamecube ones as much as that first game. Give the original a fresh coat of HD paint and that would make me happy.


Well-known member
I think I understand why they chose the Krome version of The Force Unleashed, every other console has access to the Lucasarts version of the game, Xbox gets it in 4K and with HDR due to update a few years ago.
The Krome version didn't have much executive meddling from Lucasarts so it features things from what is now legacy canon like Starkiller visits Nar Shadaa instead of Cloud City which comes later when you retrieve another senator being hunted by a Mandalorian gang, he also visits the Jedi temple on Coruscant three times fighting force ghosts of two Sith Lords and his father. Some prefer that versions story and going by the opening cutscenes it does seem more cinematic, for starters the prologue with Vader takes place at night and features the 501st clone troopers instead of the Imperial stormtroopers, it alludes to the Wookie home world scenes from the third movie, hinting they helped the Jedi stationed there and were enslaved for it.
I dusted the Wii game off and figure it might work on Switch though I'm hoping it doesn't have the problem Skyward Sword did where I had to keep recalibrating (pressing Y).
Going by the info it seems it'll feature both conventional controller controls, as the PS2 and PSP ports had, but allow you to use the joy cons for motion controls, the left one for movement and force powers, the right one for lightsaber functions.

Personally I'd like to see a proper lightsaber game for Switch.


Well-known member
Well, they're shutting down the Wii U and 3DS eshops next year.

May 23, 2022-No more credit cards can be added.
August 29, 2022-No more eShop cards can be added.
Late March 2023-The eShops shut down so you can't make any new purchases at all. You will still be able to download updates and re-download things you've already purchased, though.

So, if theres some game you've put off getting, or some DLC you haven't gotten for either system, you have about a year to do it.

*Sigh* I guess I should move from Pokemon Bank to Pokemon Home, huh? I've been trying to put it off, since it's three times the cost per year for storage, but I guess I've dragged my feet long enough.


Nonstop Baaka
They recent made Home free, though with a Premium paid plan that has more features, of course. The free plan only lets you deposit 30 Pokemon at a time, apparently.
Premium details here


Well-known member
Yeah, but I have a complete living Pokedex in Bank. (Plus some others). Too many pokemon to use the free plan for storage long-term, anyway.

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