The Twit destroying Twitter is a Twaitor


Well-known member

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Given his track record with basically everything else he's ever touched, I for one don't want him anywhere near trying to solve world hunger. Unless it's to sign a check and walk away, but we all know that ain't gonna happen.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon

You know, that's a pretty good deal and the smartest thing he's done as far as downsizing - all the people who don't want to deal with his BS can bail, and get a good chunk of severance rather than be fired in a public petty tantrum. I do seriously wonder how many will be left after though. And this may still run afoul of employment laws for anyone overseas, I've seen pointed out.

Though I suppose that can pile on to how they've basically lost their GDPR "safe harbor" in Ireland by not replacing the compliance officer and not keeping the Ireland branch pre-appraised of changes. If they are considered to have violated that, then just about every country can individually fine them up to 4% of their operating costs, if I remember what I read right. And that's independent of anything the FTC does.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
He's determined to run the company into the ground. You don't KEEP programmers and engineers by forcing them into the white-collar version of a sweatshop. Most of the actual talent has probably already resigned or were fired in his initial batch of layoffs anyway.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
He also had a bunch of his people comb through the company Slack for anything criticizing him or the direction of the company and then fired those people back on Tuesday morning. He's really got the makings of being a younger Trump.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Born into wealth.
Stylized himself a self-made billionaire.
Claims to have created tons of stuff he simply purchased.
Treats his employees as consumable goods.
Can't take any criticism without melting down and threatening people.

It checks out.


jumbled pile of person
He's so bad at this, it makes you wonder how Teslas can even make it out of the driveway without spontaneously exploding.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Yup, remember Telsa was founded by a bunch of techies who knew that they had to get some actual automotive engineers involved before Musk ever entered the picture. In fact, outside of the marketing arena, Musk probably HURT Tesla more than he's helped them.


Active member
Musk is why I went from “hey look, there’s a Tesla pulling up next to us. Some day hon…” to “Tesl-wha? Oh right. Elon’s company. Can I buy an F150 instead?”

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