What he said. It was a reasonable source for breaking news back in the before, when you could actually link articles and such in full without needing the log in.
It stopped being that the moment the rodent announced his intentions to buy it... if not then, then once the purchase was finalized, which was still a long time ago, now.What he said. It was a reasonable source for breaking news back in the before, when you could actually link articles and such in full without needing the log in.
Not ominous at all, no.Addressing a rally of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party in Halle, billionaire tech mogul Elon Musk says, “There is too much focus on past guilt (in Germany), and we need to move beyond that.”
“Children should not feel guilty for the sins of their parents – their great-grandparents even,” Musk adds.