The Twit destroying Twitter is a Twaitor


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
This explains a lot:
But what came next in the conversation may shine more of a light on what motivates Musk to cut down the size of government, and it melds with his takeover, purchase and founding of companies in the private sector. It’s the belief that empathy for individuals is costly to the collective.

Musk pointed to California’s move to provide medical insurance even to undocumented people who qualify for its low-income Medi-Cal program.

“We’ve got civilizational suicidal empathy going on,” Musk said, borrowing the term from Gad Saad, a Canadian scholar who is also a frequent Rogan host.

While Musk said he believes in empathy and that “you should care about other people,” he also thinks it’s destroying society.

“The fundamental weakness of Western civilization is empathy, the empathy exploit,” Musk said. “There it’s they’re exploiting a bug in Western civilization, which is the empathy response.”
Frankly, I think that he doesn't actually understand empathy, based on what he's saying here. That or he doesn't consider sympathy a part of it.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
It sounds like he's a borderline sociopath who's been told that his lack of basic human empathy is bad and he's trying to talk around it without actually admitting that he just doesn't care about other people.


Well-known member


Now with hi-res avatar!
Since Christians are not only ignoring Christ's teachings but actively doing the opposite, it might be time for them to consider rebranding.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
FB friend:
Elon Musk is the personality of a medieval monarch, trapped in the body of a modern techbro who's shaped like a Chinese food takeout box.

He wants to have dozens of children. He uses gender-selective IVF to make sure those children are all boys. He considers himself above the law. He thinks peasants are expendable. He wants to return to the social and administrative structures of the Gilded Age. The only thing missing is the monocle and top hat.


too old for this
Borderline nothing; Affluenza induced sociopathy.
Yeah, we're well past borderline here. He is openly admitting to a lack of empathy, the primary characteristic of a sociopath.
Nothing in any of his actions have demonstrated anything different. Elon Musk is absolutely a sociopath who is also absolutely convinced of his own superiority and determined to make others acknowledge this as well.

I do hope the rumors of a botched penis enhancing surgery are true. It would just be so on brand.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Ah yes, private equity, the industry that acts like a vampire sucking the wealth out of profitable corporations to feed its shareholders and then dumps them as debt ridden corpses to die in the streets.

On that note, Musk can't really do anything TO social security without Congress actually passing something. This is bad, but it's not 'end of social security' bad, yet.


Active member
He technically isn't able to do most of the stuff he's done as part of DOGE. Wouldn't count on that protecting Social Security, either.

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