Getting my package of a bunch of lego kits I ordered from Lego themselves, what I got is:
Ideas, Nightmare before Christmas
Lego Sonic: Sonic and Knuckles and the Shrine of the Master Emerald
Lego Sonic: :Super Sonic vs. Egg Drillster
Creator Halloween (freebie)
And one of those brick headz (another freebie)
I care not for the Brick headz as I have no clue who the character is or what they are, thus that will remain sealed until some point, when I either decide to raid it for parts (highly unlikely) or sell it off, the Halloween one, I'm keeping as it looks nice! Of the kits, already built the Emerald shine, its the prefect compaion to Knuckles mecha kit, which I got a little while back, mainly for the Master Emerald, yet to start on the other kits
Also, what made me happy today was a video clip of a little boy, meeting his new baby sister for the first time, inspecting them, head to toe and saying "They got no arms!!" when they are just wrapped up in a blanket