Isn't Skybound doing something like this?
And before that, there was Dreamwave.
Yeah, as hinted at above, Sarracini and Ciencin were doing G2-styled "We is Hardcore Now!" mechanical and organic carnage (though I did have a soft spot for Megatron just
laughing, broken and leaking as he was, when General Creepy McSinister decided to just launch a nuke at San Francisco to stop the climatic battle -- "I may lose the fight, but I won the argument" being the subtext Sunbow didn't always have time for).
But some rough beginnings (and Sarracini would find his ruminations on free will having a better if temporary home in
Fate of the Blade), the main writing team gave us a very Sunbow-reverent storyline, what with Cliffjumper distrusting Mirage and Omega Supreme speaking in two-word declarative sentences and using a grayscale font for Shrapnel's speech quirk and Bruticus starting his dialogue with "UUUURRRRRRH!"
I honestly think that if the company hadn't folded we might have seen a "World War Bruticus" comic arc, possibly leading to Combiner Wars a decade early.
But there were other things going on besides cartoon homages. The Fallen originated in this era, there were attempts to synthesize Beast Machines Vector Sigma with what we had seen in the actual historical datatrax, Sunbow-Shockwave was swapped with Marvel Shockwave ("Logic dictates that I am badass") some time before the main story, and of course Furman pops in to invoke Primus, add depth to Grimlock, and give the Wreckers all the dirty jobs.
...they really were trying to be Aligned before Aligned was a thing.
Damnit, Pat Lee, you had a license to print money but you had to use it pimping your ride instead of paying your talent!