I'm not sure that panel implies anything one way or the other regarding the Matrix's morality.Furman (who ironically created the whole Machina ex Deo aspect to the Matrix) didn't seem to think so, if the original Matrix Quest was any indication.
Regardless, prior to Nova Prime's introduction Matrix bearers were universally depicted as good characters, implying a sort of "pure of heart" (or "pure of spark") requirement. That Optimus was a pretty swell guy and that the Matrix chose Hot Rod, the prototypical hero's journey protagonist added to that. Heck, fast forward today and the Matrix of TFO rejects the traitorous Sentinel only to be given to the noble Orion Pax after he sacrifices himself for the greater good.
It all gives the hint that there's some moral requirement to be made a Prime.
The issue that introduces Nova Prime even leans on that with Optimus saying that Primes embody a sort of standard that defines their era.
And when we learn that Nova broke bad, Optimus is angry and shocked that a Prime could be corrupt like that.
Let's ignore that this makes no sense since IDW1 Optimus is well aware that Nominus, Sentinel, and Zeta were corrupt... Furman can't be blamed if later writers messed with his plots.
Point is that at the moment Optimus learns the truth about Nova he's our viewpoint character. Like Optimus the franchise has trained us to believe that to be a Prime, to be chosen by the Matrix, is to be a good person. Optimus' shock is our own shock.
And that's what made IDW Nova Prime so interesting. He was someone chosen by the Matrix who was a genocidal expansionist.
What does that say about our preconceived notions about the Matrix's sense of morality, or our assumptions about it? Was Nova always a prick or did something happen to turn a noble Prime bad?
We get hints of this through the -iation series. When Nova-turned-Nemesis finally confronts Optimus he says the Matrix was "a leash of good intentions" which so tantalizing a lore drop about what the Matrix is, how it chooses Primes, and what it was that caused Nova to go rogue.
All of this made Nova potentially the most interesting villain in Transformers in a good while, but all of that was squandered when IDW1's later writers had every Prime between Nova and Optimus also be a prick.
Suddenly Nova wasn't this intriguing corrupt Prime whose existence beckoned all sorts of questions, he was just part of a larger chain of evil Primes that just served to make everything less interesting.
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