Tony Dow did stuff for Doctor Who? Wow. The things you learn...
Well, it's been reported that Bernard Cribbins has passed away. He had a damn good run, however, and we'll see Wilfred Mott one more time on the show.
Finally getting around to watching the finale season of Gotham, and it just reminds me of how much I want Doctor Who to cast Sean Pertwee as the 3rd Doctor for some future Multi-Doctor adventure. He's like a mirror image of his dad. Just give him a white wig and he'd look just like the 3rd Doctor.
Tell that to Troughton.Watched the regeneration clip earlier and they made a serious error on purpose, they changed the clothes during the regeneration process, someone should of pointed that out as its always been a thing that when a Timelord generates, they keep the clothes they were wearing on!
It perhaps is worth stating that, whatever else is happening, the choice to have the clothes change during regeneration was made by RTD, not Chibnall.I wouldn't be surprised if the clothes thing wasn't an error, but related to the why of... that... happening.