Traitor Watch - The 45 & 47 Thread


i cant take it anymore im at my limit
This is why he's going to win.
the article literally says it's republicans saying that, you colossal nitwit. there's less of them then there are of us.

also; i'm genuinely starting to believe you're a troll.


jumbled pile of person
Oh, come on, that would never happen. PewDiePie is Swedish. President MrBeast, on the other hand....
Mr. Beast would probably legit be a better president than any Republican who's held that office in my lifetime, and certainly any that would run in the foreseeable future.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
I know of him, but not much about him, outside that he's currently the most followed YouTube personality and that one of his main collaborators came out as trans last year.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
All I know is I have many hundreds of channels blocked, and maybe half of them are his.


Well-known member
Whats' worse here; the photo or the tagline?


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jumbled pile of person
I'm just about to the point where I'd rather get my news from randos on social media than any official "journalism" organization if this is the kind of bullshit they're going to let go to print.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Funny, NOTHING in that guys description of "Right Wing Jesus" seems to actually fit Trump. Marine? Nope. Dodged military service, actually. Built like a Greek god in his youth, not from the images I've seen, unless said god is Hephaestus. Level headed scholar in mid life?I don't even think he wrote Art of the Deal, much less an actual scholarly paper. Wisened elder, has he actually HEARD Trump speak?

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
I often wonder why the writings of the religious people who lived 2000 years ago are given the benefit of the doubt by so many, rather than dismissed as being as delusional and hyperbolic as their modern-day counterparts who write books like that.


jumbled pile of person
There's so much to unpack here. Let's start with the Trump part. Not only is that description the exact polar opposite of everything Trump is and has ever been, most of it seems to have stemmed entirely from the author's own head. In all Trump's years of lying about his accomplishments, I don't recall him ever claiming to be a Marine major, a "fit Apollonian warrior", a scientist, a doctor, or someone who had already "solved all worldly woe" before age 70 which is the age he was when he ran for office. There is a limit to the level of bullshit even he would expect people to buy.

But then there's the Jesus stuff. The first—well, I was going to say "sentence" but then I looked at the punctuation and realized this whole thing is one massive sentence. And a solid contender for the Edward Bulwer-Lytton contest if ever I saw one.

OK, got sidetracked for a moment. The first clause of this grammatical snarl suggests that the public perception of Jesus has been watered down by modern liberal society. A complaint at least as old as The Screwtape Letters, and one I won't even bother to argue with. But instead of seeking to confront that idea with the truth, apparently the author takes issue with the canonical accounts or even maybe thinks that Jesus was genuinely a loser baby who accomplished nothing and died like a bitch, which is at least in line with what like 90% of modern-day Republicans would think of him if they had been alive in his day, let's be real.

So instead this is... alternate history, maybe? "What if Jesus had been a cool dude like (my utterly delusional idea of) Trump and not a wimpy loser?" Except even that doesn't make sense because there was no such thing as the Marines in Ancient Rome.

Seriously, I actually want to find this book and find out what it's actually about, except if the level of basic literacy on display is on the same level as the description, I might not come out the other side any more enlightened.


too old for this
Cult is gonna cult.
I wonder what they'll do after the election if/when things don't go their way. Make silverware? Tea, perhaps? There's so many different paths for the truly devoted (deluded) to take.

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