The anti-canuckitism on display here is offensive.
The anti-canuckitism on display here is offensive.
That looks pretty messy to me. They quote a local leader that wanted the deal, but USW top leadership don't want it. Biden doesn't want it. Selling the iconic US Steel to a Japanese company is not something that bothers me. The money moves how it moves, but they still operate here, still pay taxes here, still hire workers and buy supplies here, can still probably be invested in by Americans. Biden says it is a national security risk, but I don't fear Japan very much. To me it is a nothing sandwich, but it has all kinds of buzzwords attached on both sides.
"When the Leopards Eating Peoples' Faces Party repeatedly said that they were going to eat our faces, we didn't think they meant our faces!"
I feel your analogy is flawed. Let me see if I can clarify my point.That doesn't mean we have to rewrite our entire moral system to redefine every awful thing that's about to happen to us as Good, Actually just because the people who voted for him might be among those who will suffer.
I'm not so far gone that I'll welcome someone's plan to blow up my house with me in it just because someone I don't like is also in there.
Uh, I don't think you understood me. He was definitely married. And if you're pointing out that you knew it was an isolated incident... what was the point?I already knew it was a single person when you said he could import a European car every few years.
Come on, man. Look how many people got it.Uh, I don't think you understood me. He was definitely married. And if you're pointing out that you knew it was an isolated incident... what was the point?
So we are just going to fully ignore the Constitution, then.
People who don't click the link may assume a broader scope than what he said. While I believe he is going the wrong direction, it is a Constitutional puzzle what to do in the situation he is talking about. He's not talking about deporting adults for their parent's crime. He is talking about not letting undocumented grownups stay just because they have a dependent child that was born here, the so-called anchor babies. Families in that situation have generally been treated with leniency either because of principles or because it is such a bad look to go after them, but Trump's public position now is zero tolerance.Aaron Rupar (
Trump confirms that he plans to deport US citizens who have undocumented
While he is not very articulate in the full version, the clip seems intentionally cut to paint it in the worst possible way.People who don't click the link may assume a broader scope than what he said. While I believe he is going the wrong direction, it is a Constitutional puzzle what to do in the situation he is talking about. He's not talking about deporting adults for their parent's crime. He is talking about not letting undocumented grownups stay just because they have a dependent child that was born here, the so-called anchor babies. Families in that situation have generally been treated with leniency either because of principles or because it is such a bad look to go after them, but Trump's public position now is zero tolerance.
There is a Constitutional gap because the 14th Amendment was written in 1866 with the direct purpose of clarifying that all of the slaves born in the United States were citizens. There was no immigration process then. There were no visas. Anyone who could arrange the journey could move to the United States. It wasn't until 1924 that you need a visa and quotes were established. If Trump does what he is talking about here, it will certainly get to the Supreme Court. The ACLU will be itching to represent a deported legal citizen and the Supreme Court will have to rule. I'm not gonna bet on what they will decide, not simply because there are so many Trump appointees but because if they decided to be strict constructionist the 14th Amendment really wasn't written to address the children of people who came into the country illegally. I won't be shocked if they said that doesn't count.
I don't know if 47 will be different. There are signals that he is taking things more seriously. But people do forget how lazy 45 was. He did damage, but he promised a LOT more damage than he delivered because he is lazy and cares a lot more than he pretends to about what his detractors say about him. It is HIGHLY likely that he will report that he has deported 98% of undocumented immigrants, but the job is immensely more difficult than he presents it. We have estimates how many there are, but obviously they didn't get counted. Trumpism talks like the main issue is people sneaking across the border or showing up at the checkpoints and Biden letting them in, but the former are uncounted and more likely smugglers than immigrants and the latter are usually staying in contact and cooperating with legal processes. The bigger picture is people who get a temporary visa and then disappear and don't renew. Those people are very hard to find and we don't know how many there are because any of them may have not renewed because they left again. It is a reasonable supposition that the Trump administration will make some high profile showy moves and find that the bulk of the work is too difficult, which is one of the reasons his predecessors haven't done it, and then declare victory.
I think you put a nicer face on it than is real. He didn't sound like he was trying to figure out if there was another place the put the kids before sending them away. He straight out says in the interview that just being born inside the border is going to have to go. The hopes are that he will be too lazy to work on it or that he won't be able to get it done, not that he will try not to have it come to that.While he is not very articulate in the full version, the clip seems intentionally cut to paint it in the worst possible way.
While it's not crystal clear, due to how broken his speech and trains of thought often are, he is not talking about directly deporting children that have birthright citizenship, but that if there parents are being deported, and there is not a safe, legal caretaker that the parent can entrust the child to, then obviously the child would go with the parent.
This has been there response to "you can't deport parents here illegally because you will split up the family" there argument is that they are not "forcing" a separation. The parents have the right to take there children with them, or to leave them here with an appropriate guardian if one is available.