Traitor Watch - The 45 & 47 Thread


Well-known member
I would expect him to "make good" on the promise to pardon the ones he can. His base is expecting it and it isn't that difficult work. There would be some negative talk for a few news cycles, but there isn't much accountability on the pardon power. I don't think he'd get impeached for it.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
The majority of the country is against it, and there would be less consequence and push back from not doing it and pissing off his loyalists than doing something that furthers his dislike amongst the majority.

And again: trump gets nothing either way. No money, no big signing ceremony with cameras to plaster his face on TV. Unless people can praise him for doing it (and there won't be praise for this. The j6ers demand and expect it, and everyone else will continue to hate him for it.) trump has zero incentive to do it. If there's nothing in the transaction for him, trump doesn't transact.


too old for this
If there is one thing Trump has faith in, it is in his "MAGA Nation". if the only downside to not pardoning people is the potential for them to get upset with him, he won't do it. Oh, he'll spin it that 'my lawyer says I can't' or some jive like that. He'll pass the buck as quickly as he passes the bill, but he knows his ride or dies are just that.


Well-known member
I'm gonna go with Wonko on this. Unless the J6ers can pony up some cash, they stay in jail for their sentences. Trump might talk about pardoning them but that's all it is. Talk. He might not be facing any more reelections but the rest of the GOP is.

Ironbite-but then again Trump's probably got early onset dementia and thinks he's king so anything goes.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
He only talked about pardons at all to score brownie points with his cult. Now that he doesn't need them anymore, he's extremely unlikely to bother to continue pretending to care about them. They have nothing to offer him.


Staff member
Council of Elders
A lotta of Trump's campaign promises are going to require the House and the Senate to go along. Since that isn't going to happen, it's very likely that Trump hits all of the promises that don't need them. Thus I view him pardoning the federally charged J6 rioters as a done deal.


jumbled pile of person
You say that like he's not just going to stage a military coup on day one.


jumbled pile of person
OK, then however long it takes for him to want to do something that he's not allowed to do.


Well-known member
He kept trying hard to get the wall built first time. There was not money in that for him. Trump doesn't want money or power for themselves. He wants them because they demonstrate to himself and the people around him that he matters. Trump 45 did and Trump 47 will try to thread a needle where his base adore and applaud him and his opponents don't call him a fraud or a monster or a traitor. He is also impulsive and lazy and stupid and those make threading the needle harder, but Trump had people in his ear that would have liked for him to be worse and he flinches because he cares SO MUCH more than he lets on when Democrats say he is dangerous or a fool or a traitor


Well-known member

so he truly gets away with everything.


jumbled pile of person
We already knew that. Hell, I thought the sentencing had already been canceled.


Well-known member

so he truly gets away with everything.
I don't know what to tell you, but I'll give it a shot. An actual majority of registered voters said he should be running the country. I don't think there were people who thought he should be running the country and in jail, so the number of people who thought he shouldn't be in jail was even higher. You and I are not what passes for normal.

But if you are thinking "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em", don't. The people who join him do get jail time.


Well-known member
Trump is in a horribly difficult situation today. He would love to crow about a terrorist driving his car into a crowd "under Biden's watch", but then he'd have to call driving a car into pedestrians on purpose a terrorist act and the Proud Boys wouldn't like that.
If you missed the end of this, he didn't say it was terrorism. He said it was an immigrant.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
don't know what to tell you, but I'll give it a shot. An actual majority of registered voters said he should be running the country. I don't think there were people who thought he should be running the country and in jail, so the number of people who thought he shouldn't be in jail was even higher. You and I are not what passes for normal.
While he got more votes that the other candidates, he only got 49.7% of the vote, not a majority, though close to it. The majority of the population voted for someone else.

If you missed the end of this, he didn't say it was terrorism. He said it was an immigrant.
And he was WRONG about that. The attacker was American born.


jumbled pile of person
In his mind, all immigrants are criminals and all criminals are immigrants. This has probably always been his belief, but we're going to see it become the official, regularly-repeated rhetoric of the Fourth Reich very soon, now that all the moderates have been purged and replaced with people who make up stories of cat-eating Hatians.


Now with hi-res avatar!

Cry some more, snowflake.

"They think it’s so great, and are so happy about it because, in actuality, they don’t love our Country, they only think about themselves."
I've seen thirty-screen movie theaters that do less projecting than Trump.

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