Traitor Watch - The 45 & 47 Thread

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
No, I can totally appreciate how, like most of his problems, it was made up to dodge responsibility and preserve his own privilege while he whines about it like a baby-handed bitch.


jumbled pile of person
Not to mention two other women who are gunning for the job have a pretty big head start on kissing up to him, and are doing it with a lot more enthusiasm than just mentioning they're planning to vote for him. Yeah, you and half the country, back of the line, lady.

Incidentally, given the likelihood that his running mate will be a woman, someone should probably tell Trump that having a female vice president does not entitle him to sex with her.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Trump has said repeatedly that she's not in the running for VP. Yeah I know, but since the whole idea of her becoming VP was FOX fanfiction to begin with, I believe him on this one. She just wants to remain in the party's good graces, and right now Trump is the party.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Then she's not as a smart as she painted herself out to be. Trump is going to lose in november, and staying as a moderate that refused to endorse him or vote for him would have served her better when the cult collapses.


Now with hi-res avatar!
Incidentally, given the likelihood that his running mate will be a woman, someone should probably tell Trump that having a female vice president does not entitle him to sex with her.
We'll see if his female VP agrees with that statement. This is a cult, remember.


i cant take it anymore im at my limit
I'm not suicidal anymore; I'm cis, they don't really care about me. No, I'm too angry to die, because if these MAGA fuckers dare to lay their hands on any of my trans friends, I am going to go berserk.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
I'm not suicidal anymore; I'm cis, they don't really care about me. No, I'm too angry to die, because if these MAGA fuckers dare to lay their hands on any of my trans friends, I am going to go berserk.
Man, being that angry (without wearing a wolf pelt and swinging a battle axe bigger than you are.) is unhealthy. Don't get angry: get even. Vote blue down ticket, get your friends and family out to the polls so they can do it too.

The worst of it ends in november if enough people vote democrat.


Now with hi-res avatar!
What's this unfamiliar sensation I'm feeling right now? It's hard to tell because it's so faint that it's barely noticeable, but is it possible that it's... respect for Libertarians? Is that even a thing?
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wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Ahhh, that I could be lulled to sleep each night by the sound of trump being booed and heckled.

And it happened because normally at these kinds of events: the GOP packs the crowd with cultists who cheer and fawn. The libertarians fought back HARD against the maga plants, and documented it. Which raises an interesting question: does trump even know that's happening? I mean, there was real social momentum there once but that was almost 8 years ago. Now we know he's by and large hated, except for his cult that literally idolizes him. The GOP is obviously going to some great lengths to appease trump, and we know he's a relentless narcissist and sociopath: but is he even aware of the effort going into making his events pleasant for him? I mean, he can't be ignorant of the fact that even in the actual pro-trump events people are leaving.

Is trump deluded and demented, or deliberately isolated from reality so he can be the puppet the GOP wants?

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